What fun things has Sup Forums done today...

What fun things has Sup Forums done today? Today I salvaged old parts from some really shit computers and built my own mini PC in a cardboard box. It runs CBPP because Windows XP is fucking terrible. AMA.

>512 MB of memory
>80 GB HDD
>Intel Atom
>200% shit display
>1 hour of battery life
>Bluetooth mouse/keyboard
>WiFi works

Congrats. I'd turn it into a media server. Jus a suggestion.

Revolver Ocelot

Spent over 200 euros to get a visa, and just waited 3 hours for a 5 minute interview to get rejected

Why were you rejected?

Because he's a sand nigger

Wut is CBPP?

So far ive gotten yelled at by some shitskin cunt trying to sound like a nigger on the phone at work. Thats my day so far op

Crunchbang plus plus. It's a GNU/Linux distro.

Why were you trying to sound like a nigger over the phone?

I bough pot noodles :)

That's a thing now? What the fuck is wrong with you kids?

Sorry i wrote that wrong, the lady sounded like a mexican that was trying to put on a nigger accent

??? wtf is wrong with pot noodle you depressed fuck.

I don't work today so I've just masturbated and ate cookies so far today.

Oh. Good reason.

Kek. I used to work in tech support. Even worked at an Apple call center for a while. Mostly retards and angry retards who are angry because they don't know why something doesn't work. Once had a guy who smashed a 1500 dollar mac and demanded a new one. I asked how it was damaged. "Well I got a little flustered and threw it at a wall". I feel your pain.

For real that sounds dope as fuck. You in the states?

I need to get cookies
that's a smart idea

Story thread?
Tell us your stories, user!

England :)
Im guessing pot noodles are different in US?

nothing beats cookies and milk

Your sodium levels are over 9000.

It was a good day.

OP here. I second this.

Had another woman who ruined her phone because she put it in her vagina while it was vibrating. Unfortunately I had to put that under water damage and she didn't have Apple care.

No idea, never heard of them but i'm assuming you just mix cannabutter in it like you would most foods. Unless you make the noodles from scratch and mix in the butter? I want to try that now.


As a brit' looking at this, I guess he's foreign.
Also, UK faggot, put gravy granules in your pot noodle.

While working at the genius bar I had a guy bring in an 5. Said it wouldn't turn on but insisted it was functional the night before. I tried to plug it in and it wasn't recognized by iTunes or Purple Sniff (an internal tool used to give a detailed summary of the device and everything on it). I decided to open it to look at the water damage indicator. Sure enough it was red. The only odd thing was the distinctive smell of old urine that hit me. I assumed that he had passed out and pissed himself with the device in his pocket. I told him it was water damaged and he bought a new one.



yes bby

Bamperino /broseph.

It rained at work so ive been here all day planing my new mini excacator. Pretty much just bolting a hydraulic pump and hoe arm and maybe a small blad on a 60's model Volkswagon. Pick related. Also clicking various store fronts

Whats cbpp?

The Apple user stereotypes are absolutely true. Most Apple users are either totally tech illiterate or are extremely flamboyant homosexuals. Once had a guy come in and ask me what kind of mac he should buy. I wanted to scream at him to get a $400 PC for best buy across the way but I calmly asked what he'd be using it for. He said light web browsing. I suggested a 13 inch MacBook Air because of the exceptional battery life and decent display size. He insisted on a 17 inch pro for $2100. I didn't argue. I just got the laptop from the back and sat for the rest of the day picturing that guy watching cat videos with an i7 and 16 GB of RAM. I wanted to laugh but could only cringe.


Crunchbang plus plus. It's a Linux distribution.

any more, babe?

which flavour coz i mainly eat beef and tomato

pot noodles are literally dry noodles that you add boiling water too and add flavouring sachet.

May have to check that out. How does it compare to ubuntu in useability? I dont wanna put in 45 li es of code to watch cat videos on my i7 with 16 gb of ram.

Pic related to mini excavator. Same framework as mine. Possibly run an ac compressor and build a cab if the 40hp motor can handle it while i dig.

>Which flavour
All flavours, dumbass.
If you mean for the gravy granules, kill yourself.

Yeah, sure. Had a guy return an iPhone 4s because he had a deep distrust of Siri. He explained that Siri would not show her face when asked. I tried explaining that she was a virtual assistant and that she didn't have a face. He mumbled something about skynet (I think he was referring to the terminator movies).

Another time a guy complained that when he opened his new iPad that there was nothing inside. I didn't know what to do so I got the manager. Took all of my will power not to make a joke about it being an iPad air.

There was also an autistic girl who broke down in the middle of the store crying her eyes out and screaming about Steve jobs. I guess she just wanted an iPhone. Reminds me of Sup Forums and Sup Forums.

It's not too bad but don't expect much out of it. It's pretty lightweight and basic. I use Xubuntu on my thinkpad. It is based on Debian so you'll still have all the functionality and stability you'd expect from other Debian based OSs.