Join our discord group for talks and other meaningless stuff

Join our discord group for talks and other meaningless stuff.

Other urls found in this thread:

































do NOT join this faggot piece of shit server! join this one
^ this is the official one


you're so salty lmfao, idek why i never advertised on your server once. I invited a few of the people I enjoyed talking to and that was it but you have to throw a tantrum like a little baby over it jfc



Fox, ya fucking idiot. Even going as far as to copying my channels and even the order they were placed in. Kys faggot

Where's the rest?


implying im salty, you're a sad, sad bastard. again, kys faggot


out of all the flavors, you choose salty... kek

you are salty, i can taste the salt from here. It's not like me making my own hinders you in any way, just go advertise your own server in your own threads? I already got you 3k+ people in your server so you should just be happy about that


Is this the end?


still p annoying that you're trying to branch off. how the fuck did you get 100+ people anyway?

making threads like I always do on here, im sorry its annoying and sorry you don't like it but it's just what I decided to do and I tried to be nice about it and not take all your people from you or hinder your server in anyway so you could continue without me




slempige bump

make threads for me too faggot


you demodded me and shit


















meaningless stuff?
lets talk about my trainwreck life!

you can if you want, theres plenty of anons there that would probably listen












yeah idk some of the lines are corny






succubus user here. dont listen to that faggot. continue doing gods work you beautiful bastard


yeah its fine, it doesnt really bother me. any requests today? I can try for more succubi

forgot my image


yeah that'd be good. never really realized my succubus fetish until these threads