Cops don't save lives. Firefighters and paramedics do

Cops don't save lives. Firefighters and paramedics do.

Cops don't stop crime they simply react to it.

What do cops do?
>Fill quotas.

Other urls found in this thread:

They lower the crimerate by shooting black people, to ensure safety.


Cops deter crimes.

Op is kinda right. A pig stopped me on my bike at around 1am (15 btw) to call my mom. He asked her these questions: do you know how old ur son is? Do you know what time it is? Do you know he is out this late? And my mom was sleeping so then she was pissed at me (btw my mom doesnt care if im out late) this happened a week or 2 ago

They are revenue generators for the States


They investigate crimes and intervene on crimes in progress.

Granted, most crimes in progress don't last long enough to be caught by cops, but some do.

Sadly a majority of their time is spent patrolling for tickets/funds that target the lower income brackets regressively, hurting not only their image but the economy as a whole.

>(15 btw)
18+ board

sounds like someone was given a speeding ticket

Whatever I know the secy stuff like missionary


Why are American cops so fat? Don't you have any fitness qualifications? It's a physically demanding job FFS


>obvious jogaboo theiving nogger detected. /thread.

Sage sage sage FUCKING sage.


Eat donuts

>shooting black people
>physically demanding job


>dat haircut

OP, parts of America use VOLUNTEER firefighters and paramedics, who have little or no training and no fitness standards.

It's a fucking disgusting situation for a developed country.

Pay your lifesavers and make them professional, you cheap faggots.

15... go away

Why don't you go cash your welfare check and still some more shit worthless shitskin...


Someone was bullied in highschool and wants to be a cop.


>What do cops do?

The older ones roll over like the man-sized twinkies they are and between huffs and puffs from the weight they gained sucking down polish sausage and cheap scotch, they finally manage to tell the person who has had their shit stolen/been tagged/defaced/etc "well...there's not much we can do. We'll fill out the paperwork"

The younger rookies take their wrap around oaklies off, put them atop their buzz cuts and get an accusatory tone going "well, i don't know what the fuck you're expecting us to do" and then they proceed to bitch about the lack of support, the lack of hours, their watch commanders, the "fuckin' lives matters thugs", before putting their thumbs into their kevlar at the chest, trying to stare you down while chomping on gum, raising their eyebrows at you while shrugging.

Then both types fuck off to underneath a viaduct somewhere to halfassed fill out paperwork and fuck around on their phone until another call comes in.

I forgot:
>his fucking face
>his wigger outfit
Fucking american children.


Saving lives & eating pies.



No, was a dispatcher. Unbelievable the amount of babysitting goddamn grown ass adults being a cop is. We should worship the mutherfuckers. And yeah, i was bullied. Hit the gym. Bully of 13 years picking on me. We same size now niggra! Calmly tell him to please never talk to me again and we will just only talk to each other if we have to for class. Him and 3 others laugh at me. He double back for his natoriously slow faggot round the would haymaker punch. I "this is Sparta" him off a bridge. 10 feet to the rocks below. Casually walk down there to tell him and his faggot friends if they tell anyone or ever fuck with me again i would burn their house down while they sleep. Never bullied again... 100% not arsonist. But tell me u dont believe the quiet nice kid when he kicks u off a fucking bridge after a histry of being nonviolent. 10/10 should have killed tho. Woulda done the world a favor. Some years later he almost decapitated a good friend withba beer bottle.

>I wasn't alive when this photo was taken

I dare you to make less sense.

Underaged bampersand


I dare u to suck the fat end of my dick. Niggerfaggot.


kek go back to BLM

Here's what they did in my town a few weeks back -

>Set up DUI check point on westside
>pull 900 people over
>bust 2 for DUI, 8 others for other things
>eastside has 2 convenience stores armed robbed
>robbers get away
>police chief makes statement in paper about DUI check point
>"If we catch one driver it's worth it"

900 people questioned for driving down the street without evidence of breaking any laws.
10 bs arrests.
2 armed robberies at the same time.
>check point "worth it"


[Citation Needed]

a cop saved my life once.
Some nigger was breaking into my house one night. I heard him from upstairs and called the cops. In the mean time I barricaded my door to stop him from getting to me if he came upstairs. Nigger must have heard me and went full on monkey and started throwing his body into my door saying he was gonna kill me. Cops showed up just in time and tazed his ass. Found both a gun and a knife on him.

I have no love for cops, but every asshole shot & killed by the police either a: resisted arrest b: had a gun on them c: tried to grab their gun or d: was doing some cracky nigger bullshit like walking down the middle of the street aping out, selling single cigarettes like a nigger outside stores, trying to hawk CD's or some other ghetto bullshit

The world is better off with them dead.

What an autistic nerd rant.

I appreciate the job cops have to do.
If they didn't lock up scumbags society would be all fucked up 24/7
However in a majority of my dealings with cops they have been stupid unprofessional shit tier fucktwats.
they should not have their job,

I'll give you that one. It's hard to find accurate info of how much criminals (not cops) steal every year.

Yes, but at least the money they steal is going to more gear to kill niggers.

It's like taxes. They suck but they're not so bad if they're going towards good things.

So basically you're admitting that facebook tier pic you posted is a load of horseshit.
Good for you, welcome to the world of the semi-educated.


[Citation Needed]

>What do cops do?
>Fill quotas.

If those quotas are bootlips killed and incarcerated I'm fine with that. The thin blue line is all the keeps Jamal and LaQueefa from rampaging through muh comfy whitebread suburb!

Well, that and we are all well armed.

Or, yanno, instead of running the light when you see yellow, do what the color instructs you to do.

Slow down. And stop driving like an asshole.

I'm admitting that a citation is needed buddy. It's easy to find the numbers of dead by mass shootings, and compare it to the number killed by police. That's obvious

It's the second part that it's difficult to prove being correct.





You can find auto theft rates. Extrapolating that to KBB values and theft insurance premiums would require an actuary though.


So if I don't like cops i'm a nigger lover?

Cops save white lives from niggers.

Soooo....don't have illegal plants?

Lol. I'm a veteran, still in great shape. You are an overweight internet warrior who thinks of doing something, but have no guts. I highly doubt you have even hit anybody in your life. I have over 5 years of various martial arts behind me , as well as some moderate success in mma fights. Your honour doesn't mean shit as you have none.

"look guys, robbing banks can ruin your lives. So if we catch you doing it, we're going to put you in jail and ruin your lives"

Fuck off with that shit.

America police has many good function. Having not to be prevent crime and to stop happening. Must having of obeying law and not to upset other. Many camera watch so to be always in good behavior.


Cops is the last line of defence until you morons in the states starts killing each other.

Muh rights to smoke pot and wield a gun in public.

> reads OPs bullshit post....

Nigger or Bernout?

Why should a plant, that is harming nobody except """"maybe""""" yourself, be illegal in the first place?

Assuming protection is used, prostitution is a victim less crime. Robbing banks is not.

So what's your solution to that? That's the most retarded picture I've seen in a long time.

The presence is cops can be some deterrent to crime.
Cops do react to crime, not often actively stop it, this is true. But they react to crime by arresting criminals (if they are doing their job well). Having criminals in jail, rather than out on the streets, goes some way to keeping crime low.

If we had no cops, the only places that would be safe were small towns where everyone is armed and has a good sense of community. Without cops, it'd be easy to hop on a bus, ride it to another part of a big liberal city where nobody knows you and nobody is armed, and take a dozen people's money and rape a few girls at knife point, and still make it home for dinner. All that without a huge risk to yourself.

There's some real problems with the way that the police force operates in much of the world. And I don't feel the same about cops as I do about the heroism of firefighters and paramedics. And there are some legitimately corrupt asshole cops that think they should be the petty dictators of the streets rather than public servants. But most communities are still better on the whole for having police.

This is not something I would have had to explain to anyone 20 years ago. The world has gotten weird.

Not of Canada living. Have being bored in great America nation and capitalist idea. Proud of having born in America nation, but why saying Canada.

that doesn't even compare properly, idiot.


>tfw you are so retarded that you actually get illegally dark tinted windows.

Why is a certain degree of window tint illegal?

Why are police exempt from that law?

>Why should a plant, that is harming nobody except """"maybe""""" yourself, be illegal in the first place?
Why is so hard for stoners to understand? I don't give a hit if you smoke or not, but if it's illegal where you live, than expect to face the consequences. Who cares what you think about the law, you will always lose.
I personally believe alcohol should be the schedule 1 drug and weed should be legal but I wont whine and cry if I got busted for it.

>(most) cops have no intent you harm you
>most robbers/criminals do

The only people who buy into this sort of freshman level logic are people whos mindsets are so far outside the norm that no electable majority could ever represent their views and therefor feel put upon by the system and persecuted by law enforcement because they enforce laws written by the representative we elect to carry out the will of the electorate.

Our best cop on the force.

Holy shit guy, you need to seriously grow the fuck up


I remember what it's like to only have a permit.


Both are breaking the law

You don't wanna ruin your life with jail? Don't break the law, retard.

You don't like the law? Work to change it. They're paid to enforce the law. They can only arrest people. They can hold them until trial or bail is set. Bitch to the prosecutor and the judge and (occasionally) a jury.

You have more of a problem with due process than you do cops.

get a grip and quit your fucking whining

I understand, but there is no legitimate reason that weed should be illegal when you compare it to alcohol. The law needs to be changed, and in the meantime, it's immoral in many peoples eyes to enforce unjust laws.

Somebody kicks in my door in the middle of the night, my first instinct is to grab my gun and defend myself. If the police see me armed they will immediately make swiss cheese of me, for defending myself from what I believed to be criminal(s).

Well we all know why it is illegal but I didn't say I believe it should be illegal. The fact that it is illegal is not a cops problem. Still, if something as simple as that is illegal, don't try to push your limits and you will have no problems, its that simple.

Cops serve a very important function in America. They redistribute wealth from the criminal underground back out into the community. They accept bribes, expropriate cash and material goods from busts, etc. and put that wealth back into the noncriminal world. They form the economic middleman between criminals and the middle class.

They also provide jobs to people who otherwise would join a real gang, or be in prison for date rape or assault.

It's also a retarded statistic. Of course cops in the US kill more people a year. Have you ever seen how retards deal with the police? Don't wanna get shot by the cops, follow instructions and don't fight. It really isn't that hard.

he's trying to get away!

No, lmao nice try. First they will tell you to drop your weapon. If you aren't a brain dead retard, you drop it, and no problems.

Don’t fight back don’t get the shit kicked out of you, it’s really not that hard.

This webm made my day.

Since when is shooting an unarmed man on the ground with his hands in the air due process?

It shouldn't, but it is. You know it is. Don't bitch if you face the consequences that come with smoking it.

Quit being a faggot.
If you stopped breaking the law and did what the police told you, when they stopped you.
you'd be fine.

Holy shit what a nice webm dude. Thanks. Fuck the police and fuck all police apologists. I hope a cop shoots you through your fucking brain

Until laws that are, arguably, unjust are revoked, it is still immoral to enforce them. Police saying that they "just follow orders" isn't an acceptable answer for enforcing such laws against people that have caused no harm to others.

Not when invading your house. In most instances police will start firing as soon as they see a weapon. I'm sure you can find articles on your own to back that up.

If the police do a no knock raid on your house there is a good chance you are a criminal doing something super ilegal.

Police are literally TRAINED to believe everyone is out to get them. They are TRAINED to beleive every civilian wants to kill them. Fuck the police.

about to cum to this

is there a link for that video?