I'm a Muslim ask me anything

I'm a Muslim ask me anything.

Don't forget we don't need to be praying 24/7 to be Muslim the same way Christians don't need to be in church all day every day to be Christian.

I'll answer to trolls within reason.

Let's try to have a discussion about something meaningful. Let's avoid buzzwords.

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timestamp or gtfo

Why do you believe in a religion whose prophet beat his wives, had sex slaves, and was a complete pedophile who fucked a 9 year old girl?

He also called for the death of "the people of the book" (aka Christians and Jews)

Sharpie in the pooper

This is not me it's Vanessa Hudgens.

You should read more history. The Arabic people are the same ethnically as the Hebrews. We are the children of the second son of Abraham. Islam believes in the teachings of all the prophets Mohammed, Jesus, Abraham, and all others. God's message does not change, it is eternal. In the Q'ran the chosen people are all those which abide by the holy texts and believe in God, this includes Jews and Christians. Jews and Christians have lived in Muslim countries since the start of Islam, most Muslim today used to be Jewish in ancestry especially in North Africa.

If you read the history of the Q'ran you would understand that the majority of the Q'ran is exactly the same as the Torah and then the stories of Jesus in the New Testament. The rest is the stories of Mohammed.

Islam does not worship any prophet, we worship God, and his word which was spoken through the prophets. All the prophets. All the prophets had the same message.

Can you actually reconcile your religion with 21st century egalitarianism, or do you just pick and choose which parts of Islam to follow to conform to the modern day? Not trying to be antagonistic, I really want to know.

Phew looks like I get to remain a Christian and I'm good with "Allah"


Do you think the EU cucked themselves by being so indiscriminate with welcoming refugees? Will Europe turn into middle-east 2, electric haramaboo?

Not me.

There are many interpretations of Islam. All of them as long as they are consistent with the Q'ran are valid. There is a 1000 year old philosopher that started a new brand named Nizari Islam. This branch of Islam is now followed by 25 million people. This is the closest strand of Islam to Jainism, it promotes absolute equality of all people, things and non-things. It's way too extreme in it's egalitarian and pacifist views.

There is another sect that is disappearing now named Sufism. My ancestors were Sufi. This sect believes that humans should not own anything. They should concentrate all their energy on being well with themselves and their community. They are martyrs that think they should give their lives to helping all others. They have no homes, no food, no nothing. They work all day to get what they need to live and then they give the rest to people who can't work, the sick, the mentally ill or handicapped, etc.

On the opposite end of the spectrum there is ISIS who is willing to kill senseless amounts. And commit all kinds of atrocities.

My point is that there is many interpretations and they are all valid. Ideologies are just ideas. The interpreter can then shape them as they see fit. As long as they fall within the lines of Islam, they are by definition Islamic. This includes all parts of the spectrum. It is for us now to understand that neither part of the spectrum is mutually exclusively Islamic, they are all Islamic.

Pretty much. This is written. Muslims just think that Christians are a bit misguided.

kek when we are all so equal and the same why do islamic countries hate israel.

why does not one islamic state have a stable democracy.

Why are not all muslims terrorists, but every terrorist is one.

If the religions don't really differ between each other, why is yours so violent.

If your god is all powerful, why does it need any kind of help defending him by sandniggers with dull knifes, shitting in the streets.

If you worship only gods work, why does the word of a mufti correlate to gods word, even though he is mortal.

Not religious reasons
>maybe the fact they bullied their way into forcing people off their land
>fucking Ashkenazis

Do you believe that muslims did 9/11 or Bush?

I don't think so. The whole refugee idea is just making a lot of noise because of the media. There is barely a change in demographics in any of the country. The only country that was severely changed by the refugee crisis is Lebanon, where 25% of the population is now Syrian. In France it's only 0.413% of the population which are refugees. These are small numbers. They will never be able to influence the culture enough to make it seem any different. People just like to over-exaggerate things. The silliest thing is assuming that Sharia will ever possibly exist in the West. This is soooooo ridiculous to even think.

so your argument is now cherrypicking.

right... thats why correcting that error is only fixable by killing them.

Why is it that muslims tend to radicalize?

Why do you think anyone wants to have a conversation with you? You act like you speak for Muslims or know anything about Muslims, all you know is some retarded watered down Islam that your faggot parents probably raised you in. You bring up more retarded off shoot Islam branches as if they somehow mean anything about mainstream Islam. You are giving such a poor misrepresentation of this religion that I think even the underageist of underage fags can see through your bullshit.

where do you life?. I live in Germany, you are talking out of your fucking arse. I have neighbors in a small suburban town who are muslim, I have never heard one word of german from them. There children are loud, stay up late and have no respect. And their parents and their friends sometimes bash their heads in at 4am at night. Frequently they catcall women and follow them. I have lived here a long time. And over the years the muslim population increased dramatically. One mosque is even under surveillance by the Verfassungsschutz. Now prisons here are overcrowded and the police force has a dedicated task force just for north africans because they commit so many crimes. In every crime statistic especially violent ones, muslims exceed the known limits.

The user that responded to you was correct. Israel is hated not because they are Jewish. Morocco used to have a 30% Jewish population, currently the right hand man of the King is Jewish. But he is an Arab Jew.

Israel is hated because it was created illegally and unjustly. They displaced people to build their country. They keep funding wars in the Middle-East and then they act like huge hypocrites about what they are doing.

Muslims and Jews have lived together since the start of Islam, look it up. Palestine before the creation of Islam was inhabited by Muslims, Jews and Christians, but they were all Arab (Semitic in origin). Now Israel is filled with Ashkenazim and Russian Jews, they do not belong in the Middle-East.

Pakistan and Turkey are democratic. Not a very healthy one but it is still a democracy. Moreover, Iran had a very good democracy until it was overturned by the USA to institute the Shah which led to the situation in Iran today.

Some terrorists are Irish, Chinese, American Christian, .... Anyone who commits an act of violence in the name of any ideology is a terrorist.

An ideology is neither violent nor peaceful. It is an idea. For example, Darwin presented a scientific theory for evolution, this is neither violent or peaceful. Yet, it led to social-Darwinism by those who interpreted it violently. This then led to many genocides around the world.

God does not need to be protected, he is as he is. He will be regardless of who believed in him.

Mufti's are respected and listened to, they are simply scholars. Just use the english word if you don't understand the arab word. They are not prophets. They are not God.


I believe Muslims did 9/11. But, I also believe that it was the actions of foreign diplomats in Afghanistan during the Cold War that led Al-Qaeda to be powerful enough to commit this terrorist act.

why the fuck are you muslim

why do you start this threads with the same picture?

have you read the quran?

Is fapping haram?
Thoughts on Mia Khalifa?

Why are you different from ISIS/ISIL/IS/whateverthefuck, when you read from the same book?

Am I to trust you because you say 'I ignore those parts'? Ive read the Quran, and its horrific, granted so is the bible. But I can't recall the last time I saw someone other than a Muslim holding a severed head.... I digress.

I'll give you that most Muslims aren't bad people. I'll go even further to say most IS fighters aren't bad people (hence why IS torturers are usually children, no defined moral compass, no 'this is wrong', blah blah blah...

BUT IS follows the book YOU worship as FACT, by the letter. How can I trust any Muslim when their/your book tells them to kill me?

Do muslims girls send porn photos or do nasty things in public like not wear undies or something like that?

Dont know if you are the same person, but literally posting the same shit ever day?!, get the fuck out of here kunt.

What is a prophet then? What is a god? Of you do not worship a prophet but you worship a god? What is a god to you? A spiritual entity, a force, a something? You can't describe it for it is not a man woman or anything. It does not exist that which you can't describe emotionally or by any means.

>All the prophets had the same message.
>There are many interpretations of Islam.

And therein lies the fallibility of human language. No one can eff the ineffable.

>every muslim is in favor if the jihad

I know that great care has been taken to preserve the Quran in its original form (wording). However, it seems to me that the subjective selection and rejection of different Hadith undoes the stability this ought to confer.

Do you think it would be better if there was a global accord across all Muslim groups to choose a final set of "accepted" Hadith?

Or would it be better if all Hadith were fully rejected, with only the Quran itself remaining?

The violent parts in the Q'ran are equally as present in the Bible. Have you read the bible?

Muslims tend to radicalize because of the situations in their countries. Consider this, imagine you are a poor individual with a small family. Struggling to make ends meet, barely able to put food on the table. You don't have any opportunities. One night a bomb hits your home. Your family is now dead, you are alone, angry. You want revenge, but don't know where to look. The next day a few terrorist group members come and promise to give you money and the opportunity to get revenge. You are uneducated, don;t have anything to lose, in your anger you agree. This is how radicalization happens.

Now imagine that 27,000 bombs have fallen on the Middle-East in the past 4 years. Each one has some collateral damage.

I have made it very clear, I speak for myself. I was born in a Muslim country. I have studied religion across the world, I know religion quite well. My parents were not religious.

You assume I am not Islamic because I do not fit into the mold that you see as being Islam. Because, I show you the positive aspects of Islam, which are real and present are irrelevant because they don't fit your mold. You should open your mind to the view points of others and hold judgments before you hear them out.

I live in Canada now. Born and raised in Morocco. So you base the life of every Muslim based on the life of one family. Interesting. Do you also assume that every Muslim does the exact same job as that one family?

You should look up some stats it's not that hard. The prison population of Germany has went down from 70,000 in 2000 to 61,000 in 2015. Therefore, it went down. This means that it is empirically impossible for the jails to be over-crowded unless they were severely over-crowded before.

Please do research before judging people. What good does it do to throw false statements at people?

Can you admit Muhammed feces be upon him was a pedophile

Why do so many muslims hate gay people and want to either kill them or imprison them?

>An ideology is neither violent nor peaceful. It is an idea. For example, Darwin presented a scientific theory for evolution, this is neither violent or peaceful. Yet, it led to social-Darwinism by those who interpreted it violently. This then led to many genocides around the world.

are you fucking dense??
evolution and survival of the fittest is based on evidence, faith is not. Social darwinism is also not based in evidence. Darwinism states that environmental pressures shape the development of a species. Adapting to their environment. Social Darwinism is based on a idea, that inherent genetic qualities need to be protected. Basically limiting the possible geen pool, exactly the opposite what evolution does.

Whby do you limit and define your self as a group that belongs to a certain belief system, don't be dumb. Think for yourself, that's why i hate you, idiot.

So, its not an Islamic problem, but an Arab problem?

This makes sense due to the vast amounts of truly peaceful muslims that live happily outside of the middle east, Asia, mainly.

So, by this logic, the Terror threat is not the religion, or idology, it is truly a racist one. By your logic, if the Arabs were Buddhists, they would still be beheading, attempting to conquer, attacking literally everyone else.

It is a race thing after all, masquerading as an ideologue.

Jews on your land = Bad
Muslims in US, UK = Good



Literally the opposite of your last point. I'm not even a Muslim, I just know how to fucking read and comprehend information not spoonfed to me by drudge report

Answer this cunt, hes the only faggot with real questions

not OP, and not a muslim, but I live in a muslim majority country and I can assure you that they are not like what you think

stop copy pasting the same shitty format you cuck sage

>I can't recall the last time I saw someone other than a Muslim holding a severed head

My Sides

Your argument is invalid

sage doesn't go in the comment field you fucking retard

>Anyone who commits an act of violence in the name of any ideology is a terrorist.
You're overreaching here. You've described warfare in general. Terrorism is the use of apparently random violence against a civilian population for the purpose of discrediting that population's government.

>when you read from the same book

You completely forget, that the overall amount of prisoners decreased. The proportion of muslim and foreign prisoners increased. Just as well as the amount of people per 100.000m^2 increased. In Badenwürtenberg it is estimated to be over 500. The average is 76. These problems are concentrated in immigration centers.
Do your research you cunt.

Islam provides a lot of tools to better oneself. It also provides tools for overcoming the hardships of the mind. The main purpose of Islam is to free the mind from the daily struggles, this is the essence of Jihad, which literally translates to struggle.

It's the order of the pictures in my file. That one is the first pic.

Of course, I have also read the books for most other major religions. Including Buddhism, Christianity, Torah, Hinduism, Jainism, Taoism, ...

Masturbating is sin. Mia Khalifa chooses to live her life in the way she does. I do not think it is an ideal way to live life, she does commit a lot of sins which may affect her negatively in the long run.

Refer to: An ideology is neither violent nor peaceful. It is an idea. For example, Darwin presented a scientific theory for evolution, this is neither violent or peaceful. Yet, it led to social-Darwinism by those who interpreted it violently. This then led to many genocides around the world.

What you interpret from a book is simply based on how your perception is shaped. It is important to consider the uncertainty of your understanding.

Why is ISIS interpretation any more valid than Sufism or Nizari? They're equally valid. Now I get to choose which is more beneficial to my life and the life of those around me. In this respect we can all agree that both ISIS and Sufism is nonsense. Both are too extreme. ISIS is too extremely violent and Sufi/Nizari is too pacifist. Moderate Islam is the way it was during the Golden Age and how it should be.

No one wants to kill you. Most of my friends here in Canada aren't Muslims. We don't care.

Some do.

Procrastinating on writing my thesis.

I base it upon the general development of the town. And the new problems we face here. They nearly served as a exemplary for the general behavior of muslims in germany. I also experienced these kinds of behaviors in Berlin, Frankfurt, and Cologne, where i also lived

how do you think israel palestine should be divided up

are you well informed on the history of the region, do you have an opinion about it

Why are all Muslim countries far less free than secular democracies, and if Islamic societies are superior why immigrate to the West instead?

Good question. A prophet is just a man who has been enlightened and speaks truths. As Mohammed said, he did not live his whole life enlightened, he committed sins, many, he even stated that he most likely will not have a place in heaven.

In Islam God has no image, he is not an entity. He simply is as he is. As was told to Moses from the burning bush. God is everything that is, has been and will be. He is also what is not. This is what is written in Q'ran. A classical Jewish philosopher once stated that once you start to define God you have already placed too many constraints on all that God is.

True. This is also written in Q'ran. Most of philosophers struggle with finding words to express their ideas. This is equally true with religious ideologies. Therefore, metaphorical stories are used to transmit these messages.

Jihad translates to struggle. In the Q'ran the greatest struggle is with the inner self. The second with the world.

Hadith is just an explanation of the Q'ran. It changes constantly as interpretations change. Only the Q'ran is eternal. I think it is good to have opposing view points and for their to be active debate based on ethics and philosophy to define hadith. That's how it was during the Golden Age of Islam. This changed and look where we are now.



CJ Miles.

>Why is ISIS interpretation any more valid than Sufism or Nizari?

Because they kill people like me.

I'm This disproves nothing. So there are different translations, SO WHAT. There is an original, right? IDGAF if one says:

>'striketh offeth the headeth of kuffar',

or if a different translation

>Thhe headeth of kuffar shallth be strucketh offeth.



Fuck islam, mohammads a pedo, probs wouldve browsed Sup Forums if he could. but he couldnt, because hes a faggot.

>what kind of god makes a prophet of a faggot who fucks kids, then kills him off before Sup Forums. your logic is flawed.


isn't Mia Khalifa from a catholic family?

u forgot algeria, a bit of pakistan and lybia. but not bad

>>what kind of god makes a prophet of a faggot who fucks kids, then kills him off before Sup Forums. your logic is flawed.


The last Muslim said that they do not have any holy days where they have sex with dolphins.

Does that include Ramadan and Kwanzaa or is sex with dolphins still required during those holidays?

Go blow your self up sand nigger

Whats your opinion on the mass migration of syrian refugees to europe? would you have allowed this even though its caused all these inhumane acts of war? what are your views on sharia law? should this be imposed on western countries?

>I'm a Muslim ask me anything.
Sweet. I actually have a number of questions that aren't really appropriate to ask the Muslims I know in real life.

1) Were you born a Muslim, or did you convert?
2) If you were born to it, have you ever had a crisis of faith where you've examined it and wondered if you might be wrong?
3) Why do you think Muslim communities all over the world seem to produce domestic terrorists at such a high rate?
4) Do you think it's okay that Muhammed married a 6 year old and then fucked her when she was 9?
5) If so, do you think that Muhammed lived a perfect life?
6) What do you think about Islamic concepts like taqqiya toward non-Muslims and jizya on Christians and Jews?
7) How do you reconcile the parts of the Koran that are very peaceful and loving with the parts that are extremely war-like and xenophobic?
8) Do you feel insulted or think that it's sinful and punishable when people draw a picture of Muhammed?

Sorry for so many questions, I'm just really interested.

Regarding Hadith, it's been some time since I closely studied Islam, so my memory is a bit foggy. The way Hadith were explained to us is that they represented reports of the prophet's words and actions passed on by tradition.

Is this an improper definition?

you are retarded and only retards could care about a retard's answers

Most Muslims are just scared of what they can't understand. The same way as Christians in conservative parts of the USA are so opposed to homosexuality. It's silly that we care so much about other peoples business.

I as well as all educated Muslims believe in darwinism. We don't believe in creationism.

You seem to not know the history of social-Darwinism. Very much like survival of the fittest, they claimed that on earth some races were more "fit" than others. Some races were at a higher social ranking than others. This was the justification for slavery, human zoos and genocide. It was all based on the works of Darwin way after Darwin died. This is just an example as to how ideologies can be used for good or bad.

I have studied many religions and philosophies in many different countries. I kind of know what I am talking about. Islam has a lot to offer. I sincerely believe that most religions are all equal in attaining the same goals, they are all synonymous, they simply brush their traditions in different strokes.

How did you interpret that from my response? This is a good example that a peaceful person and a violent person will interpret the same message differently.

Arabs are no more violent than any other population group. I stated very clearly that 30% of Morocco used to be Jewish, Lebanon is hugely Christian even today. There is no problem with Jewish people on Arab land. There is a problem with European Jews taking the land of other people and causing them to become displaced. There is a problem with bombing indiscriminately and causing 1000 civilian deaths.

How did you understand that from what I said?

Answered him.

How is your definition not what war is as well. Terrorism is war.

> “Fight those who believe not in God nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by God and His Apostle, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth , (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.”

I'm not the guy you're replying to, but if "People of the Book" refuse to kneel and pay tax to their Muslim overlords, fighting them is still encouraged.

>metaphorical stories are used to transmit these messages
Now we're getting to the motivation of those folks who kill people for violating their idea of sharia.

It seems to me that the proscriptions of many religions against depicting the godhead (graven images) or saying "His" name (Yahweh, or "G-d" as US Jews like to write) were really intended to prevent people with poor critical-thinking skills from reifying such an ineffable concept.

But it's a huge step to go from such a gentle discouragement to the butchery being carried out anytime an infidel dares to besmirch the memory of the godhead's Prophet by drawing a satirical cartoon.

How can one explain to these bloody idiots that the way they practice their religion brings shame upon their Prophet? (And please don't call their motivations 'political', as you have in previous threads.)

How many surahs do you know?

OP said he would respond to 'trolls within reason', which I took for a pleonasm. Now I see that I was wrong.

holy fuck are you dense. That was not my point.
I made it clear that even though you or "they" claim that social darwinism is based on scientific evidence, it is not. Therefor you can't claim it was based on darwins discoveries or that evolution or darwinism is a ideology. Only thing that people did was to use darwin as an excuse to try to justify their actions, without any scientific evidence.

1) What is your income level.
2) How are you happy with your life from 1 to 10
3) shii or sunni?
4) Do you find any modern life features deeply offensive, if so, how strong is the urge to go full Allahu Akbar?
5) Opinion on jihad in general.

Serious question, why do all the "I'm muslim ama" OPs have a pic of hudgens?

Since when are prisoner numbers measured in per 100,000m^2. I think you mean per 100,000 habitants. Moreover, how can this increase if the overall number decreases and the total population increased. Do the math.

Small sample size mate. Maybe you should move to better neighborhoods. The only thing you can change is yourself. Elevate yourself above your current situation if you are unhappy.

I am very well informed on this situation. i have worked on this problem. It's way too deep for this thread. I think it is way too late for israel to be moved. It needs to stay now. They should give a bit more land to Gaza so that they can at least be self-sustaining in terms of food and energy.

Because of economics. The problem is not Islam or secularism. It's the economic syste, of the countries. Most Muslim countries are dictatorships where the leader wants to horde all the resources and money for themselves and their families. This makes the rest of the people poor, they also make sure to keep people down. I was unable to finish my studies due to my last name, I have a peasants last name, so i moved away. There is also more money and opportunity in Western countries because of the free market which encourages growth.

What makes them killers an argument for the validity of their interpretation?

The Q'ran was never translated. And yes people are dying over semantics. But to be more clear, they are dying so that a group of people can keep control over the resources. ISIS would exist regardless of the existence of Islam. They are a criminal organisation, they sell drugs, weapons, people, extortion and do so using guerilla warfare to keep control on their territory.

Use some logic. Do you think that war would not exist if Islam did not exist?

What should the punishment be for apostates


>How is your definition not what war is as well. Terrorism is war.
All Shi'ites are Moslem, but not all Moslems are Shi'ite. Similarly, terrorism is a subset of warfare. The Battle of the Light Brigade, for example, could not be construed as terrorism, while the carpet-bombing of Dresden might be and the bombardment of London certainly was.

So, it is a race war you're after?

Whats the difference between an arab jew, and a European Jew?

All this whilst Europe is flooded, literally with arab muslims?

or is it ok when you're on someone elses land, and bad when someone else in on your land?

As for bombing. (To clarify, Im UK) Al Quieda flew a plane into 3,000 people. Here, your 'brothers' blew up a bus. Your 'brothers' shot up a night club. Your 'brothers' beheaded an 84 year old priest. your 'brothers' have murdered thousands. We, as the West are bending over backwards to not 'offend' you. yet, a burqa is welcome in a bank, whilst my balaclava isn't, nor my sword (being Sikh).

Christianity has evil in it. as every religion has. Christianity has gone through reformation. The Vatican (A walled city, whos walls were to keep out the invading muslims) is OK with a number of modern issues, gay marriage, peace for all, etc etc.

Jesus Christ was a carpenter

mohammad was a warlord.

and an austistic warlord at that. Correct me muslim, did the 'profet mo' one day discard all his gold jewelry and decree that no man should wear gold?

>yet Ky Lo Ren is a faggot for slicing up a console when he gets mad.


Why would ISIS, without Islam, have any problems with the west though? I don't see mexican gangs fuck shit op except when it suits their interests, and none of them will just blow themselves up. But ISIS does both: attack targets without any real gain, blow themselves up. Unless you're religious a rational person would think blowing youself up is the dumbest thing you can do.

There are no Jews. God exterminated them all for a porn.


This is literally fucking Sup Forums, how did you get such a comparatively civil conversation?

you mean roots 2, electric jigaboo?


Vanessa Hudgens is magical.

ISIS = Criminals
Criminals who are protecting their own territory
Who are exploiting resources
>you say, drugs, weapons, people, who are they selling to, in the ISIS reach? Sheikhs? Muslim people? I fail to see the market ISIS can reach beyond that

Agreed, I do not see a war without the Arabs. As I said, there are more Muslim people outside of the ME that are literally peaceful. so, you agree, Islam is not the problem, the Arabs & the middle east is?

Well you literally only killed off 10% of Muslims. Education is a good thing. Also missed my country. What makes you better than terrorists with posts like this.


Sex with dolphins is not required on Ramadan. Kwanza is not a holy day for Muslims.


Refer to:
1. I was born in a non-religious family. I became Muslim during studies in philosophy I did China.
3. Refer to the first reply: 4. I think historically it was fine. By todays standards of course not. We live in different times where puberty is no longer the point where girls and boys marry.
5. No, Mohammed said himself that he was imperfect and life and probably will not be going to heaven. You are making the mistake many Christians make. Muslims do not worship the prophet. We worship God. Prophets simply speak the word of God, we have many prophets all equally as important.
6. Taaqiya does not include lying for spreading the religion. Misrepresenting the word of God is always a sin. Moreover, if I misrepresent the word of God and you adhere by it then you are not truly Muslim are you? So what good does that do. Taaqiya is a means to protect Muslims when they are faced with death and imprisonment. For example, if I am imprisoned and the only available food is pork then I am permitted to eat it, God will forgive me. It is sin to kill myself by not eating it through Taqiya.
7. Refer to second reply: 8. I do not feel any type of way. The reason we are not to draw any prophet, including Jesus and all others, is to avoid idolatry. We want to remember the message of the prophets, which is word of God and not the prophets themselves, this extends how Muslims don't worship the prophet.

fucker didnt even answer the fucking question. its the same run-around bullshit that all religious people pull.

Does God exist?

If you answer yes, please provide evidence.

hey baby, wanna allahu my akbar

no more energy left to explode after the recent weeks here.

Answer this, I am curious aswell.

>Well you literally only killed off 10% of Muslims. Education is a good thing. Also missed my country. What makes you better than terrorists with posts like this.
Because we have a sense of humor and do not actually blow people up like islam.
So 10% of islam causes the most amount of problems. kek

What make me better than terrorist?
That i probably kill most terrorists than anyone


did you get FGM? does your pussy look like this?

Okay muslim. Here's a question for you. What branch of Islam do you follow?

Also how do you feel about people who switch faiths from islam?

It's accurate. It's a huge collection of texts from many generations and eras. They describe the life of Mohammed, and ancient traditions from many different cultures. They also interpret all the passages in many different ways and view points. There is sooooo much to read it's endless. usually people just read "Hadith" which is the most widely accepted compilation of understanding the Q'ran.

Firstly consider this. In Paris when Charlie Hebdo drew the prophet 225,000 Muslims who live in Paris did nothing, 2 people did. What happened here, is that most people saw it got insulted then moved on. These are normal people with rational reactions to insults. However, two people who are not wrapped so tight decided that they would go crazy. These are people who are ill. Now why do we stretch the reaction of these 2 individuals to the 225,000 other Muslims in Paris.

If you are in a classroom with a bunch of normal people and one that gets his ass kicked all night by his dad at home. If you rip every single person's homework. 20% will do nothing, 60% will yell, 20% will get physical and maybe 0.1% will do something absolutely extreme like try to kill you.

The same is true in a larger scales. For example with the depictions of the prophet. 20% did not even care, like me, 60% cared but looked passed it, 20% were very pissed, and 0.00089% decided to go shoot up the magazine office.

It's inexcusable and sick. But that's the world we live in, not everyone is wrapped the same. We can however help these people react in these ways, but it's very hard to catch every single individual out there.

To be clear, their actions were based on their interpretation of the religion. But, it is a mental health issue. There is no healthy justification for killing 10 people based on a picture. No matter how offensive.

I however, could not care less. a picture of my prophets will not taint their message in the least. But, I do not represent everyone.

Why do you guys bring up the Crusades as some horrible thing the Christians did when it was a sanctioned response to the muslim invasions and raids that had gone on for centuries

Would you try to kill me for defacing that pussy Allah?