How does this image make you feel Sup Forums?

How does this image make you feel Sup Forums?

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Lewis and Clark girls aren't as bad as Reed girls though

Like I'm happy I left college

tfw no gf

why couldn't I have gone to a school with more than like two power electronics qt3.14s

what is the point of putting yourself on a dating app if you aren't even going to show your fucking face

why a shirt of a shirt?

yea fuck learning how to live with different people

How do you know the 5 other photos don't show her face?

what would you do if you saw someone wearing pic related

sad for her

Did we start the meme with the shirt or just stole it, can't remember

Anyway fuck her, only I can dwell in post-irony.

Do you not know the joy division shirt meme bro

because the shirt is a meme so a shirt of the shirt is a double meme

I would ask these people if they go on Sup Forums and then if they're attractive in person I'll use this as an opportunity to launch into merry memeing and musical bants but if they're not attractive I'd just say "me too. We'd probably hate each other" and end the convo

like this with this one, I'd probably smile
maybe giggle a bit

>living with different people

We make up for our student body with our physics program

We have shitty people but L&C wishes they were Reed DESU

what would you do if you saw someone wearing pic related

>living with different people
>implying dorm life is anything but privileged millennials

man, for real now
if I were a girl I'd be such an indie whore
I'd suck mad chad dick

Obviously open up with something about the shirt, but she's hiding her face and that's kind of a red flag

good news user, you still can!

I went to one of the Reed SU balls and the freshman were unbearable.

kek, i know this grill insta

>implying an attractive person wouldn't cross the street at the sight of you

>Those hands
>Those hips
>That shirt


And I mean that in any sense of the word you can think of.

That girl is like 12, what's wrong with you?

Not aware in the slightest

legal both where I live and where she lives :)

where can I cop that

>tfw love joy divison and funk post punk
>ppl make fun of my band
fucking hipsters ruin everything

Instant super like. I need a post-ironic qt3.14 in my life

She's cute but probably kind of annoying. Is definitely a feminist, probably a socialist, and probably has a tumblr account with >500 followers.

>iphone 5

DAE feminazis XD

Stay far away because I'm only on two layers of irony

>Lewis & Clark College is a private liberal arts college located in Portland, Oregon.

You can't make this up

Is that Mark E. Smith?


I don't get it.

lil cheetus

who is this qt?


>special unique snowflake diversity

w2c shirt?

Then stop posting

>college has more variety of people than the real world


I was scared at first to live with other people because I thought my accent and personality would permanently change and I'd end up being posh but luckily I was wrong. Can't say the same for everyone else here though, they all talk dress and act the same but they all think they're special and unique, and the north london accents doesn't help

I'm thinking of using "Bohemian nightmare, dust bowl chic" from the father John misty song Holy Shit in my tinder bio. Is this a good line?

Hey that's my college

what would you do if you saw someone wearing pic related