Who are you voting for Sup Forums?

Who are you voting for Sup Forums?

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check em

The only winning move is not to play

I am voting for Not Trump

Either I vote Trump or not vote at all if I'm feeling lazy in November

>implying there is any other choice

wew lad

I'm not voting in November but I will still complain about how bad the president is for the next four years.

If anyone tells me I can't complain because I didn't vote, I'll call them a giant faggot.

I never got that "You can't complain because you didn't vote!" crap.

Maybe all the candidates were fucking trash and none of them were good.

Lesser of the evils then

You're gonna be waiting a long time if you want a perfect candidate

Its not that simple. It's not exactly easy to pick who is going to be better or worse. You can just identify they are both in the pit of terrible, and 9 times out of 10 there is no meaningful way you can determine ones better than the other.

Wanting a candidate that even remotely falls within my political spectrum isn't waiting for a perfect candidate. I considered Garry Johnson, but he is probably the worst Libertarian candidate they could have possibly chosen.

Voting for Trump and making my impressionable mom vote for Trump in the crucial swing state of Florida, so if Trump wins florida by 1 vote thank me

This is America, we don't have to vote...


Well, I'm thinking about voting on third-parties and such, I also want a clean planet; I'm going to vote for Jill Stein.

you have to vote,

Trump would make a hilarious prez.

Trump obviously because I don't like the thought of having a corrupt, ultraliberal, lying, piece of shit bimbo in control of the nuclear launch codes or 1/3 of the power of the greatest nation on Earth.


Check what nigger

i wonder how many people will vote for hillary just because shes a woman

Gary Johnson

these trips

Leaning towards Hillary. I hate her and everything she stands for and she's still preferable to Cheetoh Jesus.

>He still thinks Gary Johnson is libertarian

Gary Johnson

>TFW living in a state that always votes the opposite way you do


If you dont know who this guy is. Look up Gary Johnson

f both the parties. going third party this time

Eurofag here, when is the election?


I was interested in him till I heard him say how terrific Obama is, and how much he likes and admires Hillary.

how? shes literally the most corrupt we've ever seen. she promised the VP slot to Kaine so he would resign as head of the DNC and schultz could take over, that way she could manipulate the primaries and fuck bernei out of a shot, guaranteeing hillary the nomination.

never mind the email scandals, Benghazi, and the recent death of her staffer that was the suspected email leaker, found dead with 2 bullets in him, with nothing stolen off his person. she hasnt had a public speaking appearance in 235 days, that "surprise" screen shit at the dnc was recorded, she cant speak and think on her feet, i promise you she will find an excuse to not debate trump, because shes physically incapable.

shes going to die soon

shes fucking satan

>greatest nation on earth

nearly fell out of my chair. UKfag here

check em

Not voting.

Leni is a giant faggot

SeeGary Johnson was probably the shittiest candidate Libertarians could have.

How is any of that bad? She seems like what Trump pretends to be.

Mohammed plz

1st Tuesday in November; but 2nd Tuesday if Nov. 1 is on a Tuesday.


its all bad you twat. trump hasnt so much as even hinted at wanting to be like that. pull yourself away from CNN for 2 seconds

Thank God, singles

He literally asked Russia to attack the US. He's a fucking traitor. He is the ultimate joke who has shown just how dumb conservatives are.

>the only reason i wouldn't love america is if I was muslim.

The whole world is laughing at the US right now. Of the 300 million citizens, Donald Trump is the best you could find.


Nobody because I'm a nihilist.


anybody but hillary.
i'm serious. I would vote for a sentient pile of dog shit before I'd vote for her.
so I guess trump.

that's not what that means

I don't really know much about the Libertarian party in the US could you elaborate?

trump since he is wild card. could be as good as he thinks he is, just be ok or be terrible which is better than hillary who will be terrible no matter what

I don't even disagree with you, and I think she's still less awful than the hapless retard Trump. She may be a Machiavellian sociopath. He's definitely a pure shit-for-brains.

I'm voting for shillary in florida just to counter your vote nerd.

This year has seriously been ripped off from transmetropolitan. If only we could swap the whole gender issues for the much more interesting species gene swap.

I agree. The libertarians, had they put up someone like Rand Paul or anyone else who doesn't just come across as a doped up liberal, could have done something this year.

motherfucking this.

fuck bitchary.

thanks for proving yourself retarded. he never used the word attacked, nor did he imply he wanted them to attack us.

'Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing, I think you'll be rewarded mightily by our press!'

is exactly what he said. he was making a fucking joke.


Only old ladies will do that. Young people don't see having a first women president as that much of an accomplishment.

Then I'll vote for Trump in FL to counter your counter fag


>ukfag here
The feeling is reciprocated

My nigga

>I would vote for a sentient pile of dog shit before I'd vote for her.
>so then definitely trump.

I'm all for open borders.

This. I would've preferred Bernie over hillary hands down but I'll never be able to bring myself to vote for trump. It's the better of two evils at this point

>slaves of the Jews

vote for Trump. let not handle for a few foreign immigrants.
your country, your rules!

mensaje desde Argentina

>people thinking their votes count when the system uses the electoral college

Just write in Oreo Cookies or something and watch as the senators and reps vote for whoever the fuck they want.

You think young women will vote for the 70 year old billionaire sexist who spews racism then? Because Jesus Christ, do you know how young women have voted in recent elections?

goddamn some people can twist up shit beyond belief sometimes. wow. Lmao.

except your wrong. how in the world is trump evil? esp. when compared to hillary???

all hes done is said things that pussies think are insensitive.


>implying the citizens decide who runs for president


Libertarianism is all about getting the government out of the parts of your life it doesn't need to be in. Libertarians see government as a necessary evil (This is what makes us different from anarcho people) and believes in regulating it strictly to things like border control, military defense, and other basic outlines of a governmental system.

I'm not voting. It could not make less a difference who gets elected president or which party controls congress. Lobbyists will always get what they want. Your vote doesn't make a difference. Your vote isn't money.

Not directly.
We basically tell others too.

Squirmy Sandlers

and ill vote for trump in WA to stack trumps vote fag

You're right, elected officials do.

Do you not know how a Republic works?

well they do don't they?

I'll vote for Hillary in Seattle, then, and I'll bring all my busboys to the poll too

its not about research, its about being politically correct. This guy is a fucking idiot. Don't fall for his awful bait. Its obvious it was a joke, since its obvious russia did hack the dnc...

its okay. more emails are coming. Goodbye Shillary, theres no way in hell you will win, unless of course, more voter fraud.

Fuck these choices.
Voting Johnson.

Hillary is 8 more years of this shit, no thanks. Trump will at least make something happen and anything, good or horrible, is better than 8 more years of this shit.


Do you want to hear her voice for 8 fukking years, or the lolz that The Donald will bring us?

Easy choice

dubs of truth and reason

So you're basipally going to let Hillary win then eh m8

B8 or not, i cant fucking stand this shit anymore. This election consists of THE EMBODIMENT OF EVERYTHING WRONG WITH CURRENT POLITICAL USA, and an outsider who can truly change the gameplan for the first time in decades, and people are absolutely brainwashed

coming at our presidential candidates when most of Europe is slowly but surely turning into a wasteland by nothing but their political correctness and neglect. And if you are going to come at our candidates go after the corrupt Hilary.

trump is probably smarter than clinton

Hillary Clinton. I just cannot picture Trump with the Nuclear codes. My God all Dems have to do is resurrect the Daisy Spot ad from 1968 Substitute Trump for Goldwater and its land slide Clinton However I will hold my nose when I pull the lever

But that's just wrong, you retard. Something happening is not better than nothing happening, except in very rare instances. Most of the time, something happening is something shitty happening. Did you learn fucking nothing from Obamanigger's 'change for the sake of change'? That idea is for pure imbeciles.

electing trump is the pinnacle in trolling. how is this even open for discussion?

trump fam.

this thread

8 more years of shitty art?

So you're basipally (sp) going to let Trump win then eh m8

>he actually believes this

you should visit sometime.

Anyone who is for Trump is braindead.