Welcome to the Salty Spitoon how tough are ya

Welcome to the Salty Spitoon how tough are ya

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How tough am I? I only died twice today.



what do trips give you? :^)


i had tough


I'm so tuff I watched my parent's sex tape 2 times

I'm no weenie!


Which Lantern

only eliminated 6 million rats


Let me in niggers

I'm so tuff I became my parent's sex tape!


I guess I'll be dining with Hitler


How tuff am I? How tuff am I? I I was using Sup Forums in 2003 at 7 yearsold!

Tough enough to floss my teeth even though I know my gums will bleed




Easy peezy


I ate a nice bowl of kidney stones this morning...


Im pretty tough. I skinned my knee once


I'm so tuff I'm a wizard

Broke my hand, went to the hospital, sat there without painkillers for 8 hours without screaming or complaining. Grunted when the nurse ground the shattered metacarpals trying to take an x-ray, then when I was finally splinted and sent home because they couldn't operate until morning spent the night without painkillers because all the pharmacies were closed. After surgery they gave me a prescription for T3's which I never filled. You learn to deal with pain when you are allergic to opiates. Gotta love Canadian healthcare.

New fag

I'm so tuff I'm ethan

you're in

stfu doo doo dunderhead


Rollin to be a weenie.

"Hey, says on your chart you break into a full body rash when you have codiene, let's prescribe you codiene for the pain because, fuck it, I'm not paid enough to give a fuck about allergies!"

I ate nails for breakfast, with reaper chilli sauce to wash them down.

fight me in smash bros for wii u add me on miiverse Nanjo1

I'm so tough that I want to be tougher

I krumped this giant

nice try puny human.

I'm tough as nails.

move aside, kiddos






How tough am I? I posted in a get thread

Without any dubs

One time, I used a condom when I masturbated. I was worried I might make someone pregnant.

Cya later fggtz


>having empathy for the jews


check em

I'm so tuff I phucked your mom



>Samefag detected

p-p-please nice mister..?

whats a dub

I didn't cry at the end of the Iron Giant.

>Nice 6969 dubs New fag

I fap, without lotion


I'm so tough I drive an hour to work everyday to do a job I hate because I was too retarded to get a proper education before having a kid. I do a physical job with makeshift equipment and dangerous work conditions. I injure myself daily either because of work related injury or because something pissed me off enough to either punch or headbutt a wall. I have a knuckle on my right hand that is permanently swollen from punching shit.

did i win



I'm white


Outta my way

No you're not you Dindu

I'm the police

I'm pretty fucking tough you fucking faggot.

u guys seem fun i guess do yall want to join the steam christian gaming community @ steamcommunity.com/groups/ChristianGamingCommunity

>personal army request


Check these out

The losers always get in

what does personal army quest mean

Singles say otherwise

I am

Theres going to be a lot of dead mums tonight.

Dubs proves im not a faggot!

plz dont kill my mom shes like 50

I own this bar. Get me a drink.




plz dont post pictures of hitler

Check em


I'm tough


Want burnt Jews instead, Dubs?

can I enter too ?