Name my band

Name my band

6 Fags Great Adventure. I know there's 3 of you but you look like obese virgins that are twice the normal weight of a human being.


kinda good at csgo

That pig on the left looks like JW (real niggers know)

the nigger on the left is JW

krimz in the middle and the cheating nigger flusha on the right

Fakes on a Plane.

The elusive cockgoblin 3

Jw seriously needs to brush his fuckin teeth


Fnatic you fucking cunt

>Fnatic cheating

Either hltv/plebbit aidetic memer or just retard

Shox and SK are the real cheaters

"Hill" Billy Buttfuck and The Shitfucks

The never gonna be famouses....

Fuck off with this bullshit already shox is not cheating on the other hand brazilians i can't tell

The Gonna work at McDonalds the rest of our lives band

Johnny Faggot and the Taint Lickers

The Hats and Teeth

Man Without Hat

They already are famous and made millions.


That's why they're sitting in coach...

Yeah, event thoorin and other big community members admits SK is fairly suspicious and flusha/shox as well.

Can't wait til they make players play with brand new gear at tourneys and watch the quality of play drop =^)

Its not like pros haven't been caught cheating many other times as well. Especially the french fucks.

>Shox not cheating

kek, the toxic cunt was playing like a bot, kicks IGL, keeps playing bad, from one night to a day he drops 30 bombs and destroys everybody in the server, totally legit

stay mad french cuckfag, envyus is a joke and your scene is shit

Baby Hands

Sord of Satan (spelt wrong on purpose, eeew, sooo kvlt)

Chicken Sandwich AK-47

The Fatso Domination


>Especially the french fucks.

This. Historically the french have been caught red handed cheating more than any other region in counter strike history, if you don't just count csgo.

White As Fuck

FAG GOD 3000

The Virgin Experience

How long did you follow cs pro scene?
It seems like not a lot, you say shox played like bot did you ever saw him even play he always played like that but more controlled because of igl. And you will see french suffle soon kenny and nbk to G2 and we will be great again

Fuck off!! That's the name of my real band and we're awesome! Well, right now we're getting good at our Police covers done in the style of Swans/Iggy Pop but all synth but looking for a drummer...

Gapes on a Plane

Is that a blackhole?

Malfoy and the cringelords

the guy with the beard looks like a chechen warlord

Hamster Crammer, font like any metal cringecore ass band

>FilthyFrank pic
Clearly underage

Kevin what did you do to my room band

no. a Menno peacelord. high as fuck too.

Neckbeard and the goon platoon

I follow since 2014

But still, nobody goes from bot to god in night to a day

>IGL is telling me what to do! so I should play bad!

This is the problem with NA and French CS, Shox is a toxic cunt he ruined a lot of teams just because his own ego of a rockstar to do whatever the fuck he wants, he is far away from his prime

Shox is cheating, funny seeing how he couldn't get out the groups in a major, maybe was afraid to end up like KQLY

filthy frank is life, famalam


Dude you clearly don't understand how pro cs works IGL has control over a lot of things if he doesn't let the player make risky plays player can't do it.
And only 2 years and you think you know everything and we don't even know if kukli cheated on major. Frech cs has a little problem that will be solved screen cap this
G2: Shox, KennyS, Scream, Rape King(RPK), NBK
Envyus: Apex,Ex6tenz,bodyy,happy,smitzz

i bet the guy in the back is the bassist

The Puckering Strings Trio

A$$Hoe$ 4 LyF