Why are religious people so stupid?

Why are religious people so stupid?

I don't know man. Why am I? I've been this way all my life. Can you give me a diagnosis or something?

"why are stupid people so stupid"

Delusional I would imagine

To be fair, Islam is far worse than Christianity.

I don't know man. I never saw any. Where do you find them, and how can I be sure I'm not one?

JESUS wants your semen for breakfast in heaven

They're both evil bullshit

Why do people think broad, sweeping generalizations of large people groups are smart ideas?

were stupid..? let me know your plan on how to escape the law of death my God has set as law upon you.. you cant escape His clutches...

Islam isn't a religion, it's a Political ideology, that's why they have the specific goal to install sharia law worldwide, and why 'conquering' is mentioned so much in their texts.

It's 'we're' not were, stupid

he died to give you a way out of this shit life.. and break the chains of death..and you spit in his face...smh

>never said i was an english teacher.. better to be bad at spelling and live..than to miss Gods love and die

cringey bait. fucking faggots everywhere

Not bait...truth

Yo a lot of people are stupid. Most people are stupid, that includes you and me. Some of the dumb assholes also happens to be religious.

if this isn't bait then you need to start actually questioning things my friend. the bible is full is bullshit hypocritical nonsense. fuckin greek mythology had more weight to it than christianity.

You think your smart..? you dont even know how your awsome body works.. or how oxygen made.. how plants are made and thrive.. your just a human with a black heart..your pride in yourself is a trap.. wake up

but humans do know the answers to all of those questions. none of the answers are god. fuckin dipshit

Why are you a fucking virgin?

Simple: God wants you to die for this blasphemy he knew you'd commit

I could ask you the same thing.

>Why are religious people so stupid?

Shit, try atheists. motherfuckers are so stupid they can't even prove that god doesn't exist

>tfw predominantly atheist countries in Europe are sjw cesspools

Why be the fedora Lord OP? How old are you?

I'm 73. now put the vape pen down and go outside for once this week.

>Tfw predominantly christian america is redneck fat dipshits who dont know basic math or history. (and yes, im from america, its fucking horrible). Religion is the reason the world is as bad as it is. Not just one religion, all religions.

Because religion is based on faith, faith is believing, and believing (as opposed to rationally considering likelyhoods) is a fundamentally illogical way of thinking.

Because they think they aren't.

best argument i've heard yet

can you make oxygen... ? human dont know all the mysteries of the body.. humans dont know shit.. just a tiny piece...and we think were Gods.. like i said.. ill bow to you when you escape death

>tfw Sweden is 84% atheist and shitting itself
>tfw not American
Try again, brisby, lord of fedora

yes, i can. we did it as an experiment in sixth grade. no, im not immortal. just because we all die doesnt mean theres a god in the sky. youre a god damn dipshit.

>can you make oxygen... ?


could you signal any louder that you're homeschooled? that you have access to the internet but have no interest in googling the answers to science based questions?

You are willfully ignorant, and it is because you're a religious fuckwit.

Oxygen is actually relativly easy to make. Take water and apply a direct current. That's making oxygen. Otherwise you need heavy duty fusion, which is possible, but not ecomically feasible.

>yfw Einstein, Newton, and Feynman were all believers

Actually, a fair bit of the US is non denominational and atheist. Why even mention Christianity?

we can make oxygen. All you have to do is split for example an H2O molecule into hydrogen and oxygen

>yfw the smartest people hundreds of years ago believed the earth was flat. Being smart in a science field doesnt mean you cant be religious. Being religious doesnt make you stupid, it just makes you wrong.

We're not. You ignorant atheists just refuse to listen to anything except the lies that neckbeards write on personal blogs in their moms' basements.

>yfw modern genetics and the theory of the Big Bang were developed by Catholic monks

Humans are inherently illogical beings.

Do you think they based their scientific theories on belief, OR on math, research, and consideration of probabilities?

yet most religious people (at least where im from) still believe the big bang is a lie and evolution is bullshit. What I hate about religion is how unaccepting of scientific proof a lot of religious people are

That you can blame on people taking holy texts too literally.

yep, that's why there are way more theist scientists than atheist scientists

But they are also capable of logical thinking.

Religion is a deliberate pursuit of avoiding logic.


i know. that's why scientists like newton, gauss, galileo, ramanujan are all idiots.

Logical thinking is something people need to be taught, though. As is critical thinking..

people believe in god because they are afraid of hell. church's exist only for money and power. god is a lie. god isnt dead, but im gonna get that bastard some day.

Being wrong or stupid in one thing doesn't mean the same person is wrong or stupid in everything else too.

Such bait.

Why do atheist assume they are smart?
>Cause i don't belive in imaginary people, HURR DURR

Insecurity. For some reason even though they proclaim "cause I don't believe in imaginary people, HURR DURR" they feel the need to justify themselves.

All of those scientists' faith were a product of the world they lived in. You won't see many atheists when disbelief is punishable by death. How about making a real argument instead of a weak appeal to authority?

im a nihilist, i dont believe im smart. i just truly dont believe anything else is out there. we're here now, this is it. why is that so crazy?

we are not the ones that have to prove god exists because you faggot-niggers are the ones caught in the non-neutral position.

Matthew 7:5

this doesn't contradict my argument. religion has always been anti-science. it's the people that think that they can disprove god with logic are who are stupid.

Grow up

What a gay

Why do people think generalizing groups of people, who are put into a group for the sole sake of a generalization, ought to not be generalized?

You're an idiot not to generalize.

the burden of proof falls on anybody who makes a claim. If you were to claim that god exists, then you need to provide your reason for that. if you claim that god doesn't exist, then you have to provide proof as well.

although, to be fair, neither side should be able to do this. religion isn't science in as much as math isn't literature

I will agree that they are both equally incorrect, but Islam is far more dangerous because they've never had a reformation, or at least they've never had one that introduced any Enlightenment-like values.
Christianity already went through it's angsty teenager phase, and is more or less harmless now.

Good one. Fucking told that guy. Bam.

His love makes the Marquis de Sade's most sadistic,perverted, fetish fantasy look tame by comparison. "Let's engineer a universe in which entropy forces all matter towards an inevitable heat death! And let's tie the self aware bits of this universe to entropy in such a way that they cannot even exist without increasing entropy as a function of their biology! Oh Me that would be hilarious!"

The problem is that you can't prove the negative. You can't prove something isn't there. You can only prove when something is.

>You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.
Nigga, you just got schooled by the Bible.

the only scientist that I listed that didn't have the luxury of freedom of religion was galileo. everyone else was born after the age of enlightenment

you didn't put much thought into your response. did you?

>expecting insight from people
Nigga pls, it is wrong now, and it's been wrong since 12.000 bc

Proof that Jesus and his apostles were the original NWA. Niggas dropped some sick lines.

You can prove a negative, retard, it's just much more difficult.

The notion that a claim must be proved true rather than proved false is a gentleman's agreement. It's not logically mandated that you can only prove things true and not false.

yes that's true what you've said but if both sides are able to make a claim then the default or neutral option would be the one without the burden of proof, and thanks for clarifying to me what it was called again, it's been a while since, I've been familiarized with the term.

but youre trying to prove something isnt there where the rules of the thing you are trying to disprove mandate that it cant be disproven. its impossible to disprove. it doesnt make it real.

> it's the people that think that they can disprove god with logic are who are stupid.
>disprove god with logic

Of course you can't disprove "god" with logic, but that's only because the concept of "god" is fundamentally illogical and lacking definition to begin with.

That's why discussions about the existence of "god" eventually always fall apart into arguments about semantics and definitions.

>Attributes natural processes to his god
>Insults you for not being able to escape nature (yet), and praises his god for it

1/10 for making me reply

exactly. the irony is that for as much as both sides feverently claim that the other are zealots. neither side can actually provide proof of their claims. and its completely anti-scientific because it just becomes an autistic circle jerk

Freedom of religion doesn't mean much when the majority of the population follows a unified faith that persecutes minorities. And until the 1800's it was unthinkable to openly declare yourself an atheist without instantly losing your job, your friends, and your entire community. It was worse than being a practising homosexual.

I'm not religious, asshate, religious people aren't capable of making logical posts. I was correcting your shitpost which was a logical fallacy. I'm honestly not in favor of retards being allowed to claim the title of 'atheist' for themselves.

fucking, this man.

the question is, given that, why do people still argue on these threads if its all for shit?

Also keep in mind that Einstein was a total beta and absolutely did not have the balls to take any controversial stance. He did however certainly consider religion as culture rather than epistemology/telling of existence.

It's kind of what we do here. An endless rhetorical hamsterwheel of bullshit that doesn't fucking matter.

I don't think they are.
They're just like regular people, except for the cancerous ideas placed so deep inside their psyche that, for most, there's no hope of excising them. And it'll probably be only pain for the rest.

The law of your god?

where is this god and why isnt he enforcing these laws?

cause theyr total bullshit

natural law is the only real one that exists for real.

the res tare just man made to control the masses.

masses like you who belive becasue they have the "fear of god in them"

fucking sheep

>why do people still argue on these threads if its all for shit?

Because trolling is a art.

And because religions still 1) piss people off and 2) cause people to get pissed off, worldwide every day. It's a topic that incites emotions.

You can't disprove god because god has no scientific or logical definition. You can however disprove the existence of anything relative to this universe that is capable of committing a contradiction, which I assume religious people would argue their god is capable of.

this true, but if any of those scientists actually had atheistic tendencies there would've been historical evidence such as letter or accounts from close friends. it's more than likely that these men genuinely believed their faiths.

Feynman was an atheist ya dingus.

I'd say it isn't so much about stupidity as it is about disagreement about basic fundamental acceptances. I, as a Christian, have the fundamental belief in a triune god, who brought existence into being through his sheer will. That being said, my views on what is possible and what happened in history will no doubt be different then someone who doesn't share these fundamental values.

Many of these men believed something common to many intellectuals back then, 'Deism'. It means that they believe some power, whether it be a god or a natural process, had the powers attributed to god/gods and created the universe, but has since disappeared or is otherwise apathetic about the goings on of the universe.

yeah, but why perpetuate it? it's like we're going backwards with this shit, and people are just reveling in it

Please do not judge all non-religious people based on this one ass that is calling you stupid.
Some of us just do not fully understand religion, and I apologize for these assholes.
>we don't hate you.
>but we don't understand your reasoning to believe In a god.

Human nature? The simpler parts of our brains enjoy repetetion.

Also, take example of the fact that Christians have absolutely zero understand of what existence even means in context of logical thinking (the poster quoted). A Christian saying that something exists could not be translated to a logical or mathematical equation, it's literally nonsensical, emotional gibberish.

Generally, I come to these threads as an agnostic to police logical fallacies and argue against scriptures. I don't argue against the possible existence of a god or gods or something similar to that idea, but I heavily disagree with people who believe what is taught in their religion. God exists? Okay, I'm fine with that. God made or directed men to make the bible? Massive bullshit.

to get to the OTHER SIDE!!!..oh wait

>God made or directed men to make the bible? Massive bullshit.

there's no way you can know that for a fact, though. it's not outside the realms of possibility that God mingles in today's world

Because Allah is better than Adonai

Well people tend to get into this argument IRL too, and "shadow boxing" about it over the internet might inspire people to think of new angles and new arguments on the subject, which may be of good use in an IRL setting. In political discussions, for example.

These days usually if I get into a religious debate about the existence of "god", I just tell people that

>1) I don't believe that I have such a thing as a soul, and
>2) I don't even believe in the concept of true free will,
>so why would I be concerned about the existence of a "god"?

Because religion not only encourages blind faith, it actively punishes scepticism and rational thinking.

If you question their deity, you're a non-believer, a heretic, a sinner.

So really, it encourages stupidity and drives away intelligence.