

Other urls found in this thread:

He's back

Taste good?

black shirt fag keeps going off the camera

Who cares?
Black shirt fag on the right

OP start hitting Bodyzone, you need tack on some muscle mass



>Pick up girls
>take numbers
>marry one of them
>blame Sup Forums

The bars number is (305) 294-5717


Blackshirt, just talk to as many sluts as you can. Bring up the cam in conversation. Maybe refer to it as the Girls Gone Wild cam.

Send this to her and we'll see what she says. Dubs get.

Start a huge fight user

Hello darkness my old friend.

I'm here

>Black user here.

If this fag(s) isn't going to do shit then I'm going putbmynshoes on and fuck shit up.

I can get there in 15 mins and I will fuckig pants you.

Someone call the bar and tell them that black shirt guy is lurking and pickpocketing patrons.

how old are you user? you look too young to have 2 kids

Do it. Our former champion has grown weak

I'm on Stock Rock I'll meet up with you on Greene St. If you want to go get this faggot

Pls pants that fag. Hurry up. You have 7 minutes

28, I take that as a compliment.

Don't be a fag like Black Shirt

do a peace sign right in front of the camera

Which one is he?

do it and you wont be considered a nigger anymore

Ok. I'm calling. Gonna turn this into a big deal.

"That guy in the black shirt! He's been trying to prostitute himself out to men!

Come down, let's stage an epic mortal combat fight on cam.


Just got here. What's the story?

I think it's time for you to leave now blackshirtfag. Anons here gettin autistic.

Is that an Oceanwalk apartment I see?

>Full white party
>black user shows up to beat black shirt fag
Do it but you will be beaten and its not by black shirt

hes the guy with black shirt skinny and has a white circle shit on his shirt,

He's wearing this. Go now. Hurry.

Blackshitfag and or with shorts delivered and showed up to bar on cam

Probably so

the only one who is looking at his phone

How so?

the last time fucking OP was there this happened.

I see you on the can Blackshirt fag. Stay your ass right there.

We tried to start a BLM protest, then tried to call in a bomb threat, now some fag is on camera sometimes doing what we say

slap blue shorts' ass for me

So much hate for me when I actually showed up...

please dont be a faggot and please deliver. make it a thread for the ages

I hear 679 fetty wap lol

Black shirt guy do a peace sign in front of the cam you Jewish swine

scream allahu akbar

dude if you do anything at fucking all this will be considered dope come on OP! ANYTHING

this. He is a hero.

Blackshirt fag where the hell are you???

Don't pussy out nigga. Get back to that building


Fuckin fag went all the way there for you autists and this is how you treat him. Talked to fucking homeless Eddie too.

The dude who fucked black shirt guy made the video of him calling the manager.

he just ran off like a little bitch

BSF, you need to start dancing or something.

we're not hating, just wanna see something before we get back to rolling for dumb shit


Black Shirt Fag is gone, it's over.

Getting a drink.

wtf were you expecting brah

Think black user showed and bsf ran

Be back soon

Did this nigga just leave?

Glad I'm not even close yet. Fucj you man. Could've made a good show

try to get everyone's attention outside and have them all yell "fuck Sup Forums" at the camera

uhm expected him to not show so you right user

please sing in front of a bunch of people:

"Somebody once told me the kikes were gonna own me, i aint the brightest goy in the shed. The jews were looking strong with the world between their thumbs, they mustve let the gas get to their head"

I'll just play soke poke go while I'm out.

If he brought some friends with him this could've been better.

Try to get people to dance in front of camera.

aye, or fucking SOMETHING

writte on a paper "Sup Forums was here" and show it to the camera

I'm still here, black user has not showed.

wtf just happened

Where you at? I don't see you.

For the love of god, please fucking go full autismo StreetAnon

I'm wearing green

dunno but wife beater fag didn't look too happy

Better now? This sidewalk smells like someone shit on it.


black shirt fag

Attention seeking male.

Get on your knees with hands on floor. Gonna run up to you and so some funny shit

LIES really thought shit was going down

flip us off so we know it's real

Just chimp out man...start yelling a bunch of crazy shit, run around in a few circles and take harm, no foul


Toast to the camera.

It's real you dumb cunt. He's just not doing anything.

Yell "Bumble faggot!"

"accidentally" spill your drink or whatever that is on the security.

aight simmer down boy

The story so far:
>A thread was created to fuck people over
>Many suggestions
>One user ended sending a tweet to the police
>Everyone laughs of how is he going to jail
>Black shirt fag decides to go check how much time till the cops arrive
>Nothing happens
>Black shirt fag decides to entertain to save for the waste of time this was
>So the legend conspiracy theorist Homeless Eddie saves the night.

Do it and I will reveal myself.

fuck you too buddy :)

Pic not related