Music Bank Edition

Other urls found in this thread:

I hate niggers

cutest girl in the galaxy~

reminder that the demo version of wolf is our favourite EXO track





>Janitor acceptance emails will be sent out over the coming weeks
we braced for impact?

And which site do I own?

god I wish irene would beat the shit out of me and spit in my mouth

can't decide if I like red roulette more than tt though

there's absolutely nothing wrong with boys who have petite girl group legs

we're ready

>No one has yet to post the Arin cheerleader picture


Based our guys tirelessly promoting song of the year

sea monkeys are mad again

if a bpshitter or a gaypopper becomes a janitor I'm never coming back

>age gangster

why did you respond you baka ass bitch


whos this qt3.14 infinite?


Just a reminder that this video exists and has 21 million views.

because he wants to me to advertise his blog for him

this isn't cute, this is just creepy.

please delete this.

i guarantee at least one gaypopper applied with receipts for their time spent modding gaypop forums and will soon be running things here

word, i've always preferred thinner legs on males and females, bulky thighs look gross to me


wtf now i hate zhai

It's Luda's clone.


think lisafag can handle the responsibility desu, he's a rock free of outside influences as long as you don't shittalk his waifu


nothing wrong with it sure, but that doesn't mean thicker thighs aren't still better.

its a matter of degrees

it's going to be that one thai burger



thoughts on these triplets?

looks like taeyeon and binnie combined

why is she nervously holding her skirt down. it looks creepy bc she drawn in a cutesy fashion but then the pose and angle is weird.

Healthy thighs >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> skeleton girl legs

i think because she always does it when she spins during russian roulette choreo

for real though did anyone here actually apply?

i wanna beat up all the skinny gaypops

Any thigh size is good as long as it's proportionate to the rest of the body

guys I'm gonna ask out a chinese girl tomorrow any advice on how to not get blown the fuck out

should I sing her a kpop song to express myself


probably not but there's always mu autists that apply just to fuck up kpg threads

disgusting cambodian rice farmer

thought this was gonna be the kranky buck, but its just a busted stoner...

don't do it


sounds like you've got it down

just try it let's see what happens

they grow up so fast

don't date a chinese girl.. why would you ever do that to yourself

wew, that's gay and I've witnessed autist jannies fucking with kpg

nah m8 booty is bettah


show started

right is what april should have been desu

always metal

mujik bang

heize vs seventeen
place bets now

dope dance practice video is best dance practice video thanks entirely to yoongi's milky white legs

i wish someone would just put badkiz out of their misery

that's spiderman though

Seventeen, it isn't going to be close

you won this time.

thx for the faith senpai
recent events have made me realize I'm not good enough for a chinese girl and need to work my way up

Remember that time when NB used her website to beg her BF to call her? She wrote something like "I can explain everything. Just please call me." on the front page.

Trust me. NB is a ticking time bomb. She's a sociopath. She runs her site more for the attention than anything else. She's the type who plays games with people because it gives her pleasure and makes her feel important. Why do you think even a scummy guy like Johnny Nih couldn't stand her? I 100% absolutely guarantee that she's going to be a miserable wretched woman as an adult, especially once she gets married. Also she looks like Choi Soon sil's daughter. Eww.


you have any pics of her

>tfw you love her and metal
we're obviously meant for each other

Don't do it, don't racemix it's not fair to the offspring

Mental disorders are doubled, higher suicide rates, and racial psychological dissociation.

the instrumentals in this song is so good, I could listen to it forever just for the beat. not too much of a fan of the lyrics or chorus tho but the flow is alright.

remember that time someone not only thought Gangkiz was a good group name, but somehow got it approved

she's done livestreams I believe

That is my favourite solo on 'Wings'.


Yeah up until salty Crayon Pop fans doxxed her then pritned out facebook pics of her, jizzed on them, then took pics of that and sent them to her email.

I've heard some really sketch stuff about her and what she'd do to minors on kpg who played league of legends or cs go with her but I'm not sure if she deserved that desu

>Remember that time
i must have missed that day.

desu, i never paid attention to her personal life, or cared.

i like the chorus and even though the lyrics are nothing special the meaning is pretty cute. every once in a while i get flashbacks to the creepy short film which kind of ruins the cuteness for a second but still.

Wings is definitely AOTY


>Yeah up until salty Crayon Pop fans doxxed her then pritned out facebook pics of her, jizzed on them, then took pics of that and sent them to her email.

NB bitch is cute! Cute! (and a little crazy)

witch hyebin casting a spell that turns my dick into a gargoyle during the day

looks like babysoul

this momoland remix

this was like 2 years ago, she probably looks like an ahjumma now

i can't look at her without remembering that one guy who said he wanted to make out with her feet

It's yuri o'clocl

>tfw she'll never gargle on your gargoyle




DRᴾᴾY SHIT NAPPIES IN MY F***************KIN


E :)


RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what about it

Twice? Not a fan.

someone have the picture of chaeyeon with the sauce all over her face and the one with cathy too?

wtf why does netizenbuzz do the seulgi tongue thing