
you would love phantom: requiem for a phantom.


>phantom: requiem for a phantom.
does it show lots of cute anime girls with assault rifles





just one lots of times. the ending will make you throw you tv/comp/whatever out the fucking window though. have fun.





Look for /ak/
You will know it when you see it


fuck you, fuck you.
It was great, but damn I know what it most fee like in those orgasm denial gifs b/c of this anime.



>not posting girls who ARE guns

you faggots are so disappoint


Haha. The fact that it pissed you off that much means it was good.

Code Geass is pretty much known for having the best antihero story in anime. If you like crazy endings this one is worth the 50+ episodes for it.



>phantom: requiem for a phantom
You'd like Gunslinger girl more, basically a show about a bunch of cyborg lolis with big ass guns rekking terrorists




Can this thread help me figure out an anime I saw the beginning of a long time ago? The first episode I believe features a girl in a yellow full body spandex suit with two pistols


