OP deleted the thread after we figured out his wife channel name

OP deleted the thread after we figured out his wife channel name
lets do this /bros/

Other urls found in this thread:


Bump, can i have summary of what's going on plzz

what's the name of his wife channel again?


what board even is that?

also you forgot to actually post the channel faggot

>what board even is that?
Sup Forums

Here we go!


Back story
>on Sup Forums OP posted a question if he is a cuck .
>then some dude that he pointed out that he didnt hide the channel name .
guys channel name is Relentless Jake.
lets find his wife

I hope you know your gonna get banned for this.

you realize we can get somebody divorced over this shit

fuck off Relentless



his last name is Kozenz i think. was surfing around their facebook trying to find shit out

lel previous Op's mad

FOUND here
Elizabeth Panos
how do we proceed ?

send the thread to her and destroy Op's relationship

His wife is a QT

Post her pics and we decide

nice face and yoga body OP lucked out, lets fuck his marriage up royally

because OP didnt



Twitter: @Elizabeth_Panos
Instagram: @Elizabeth_Panos
Snapchat: World-8

I'm not the previous OP.

Mods consider this to be doxxing. I got banned for like a month for doing the same shit.

I don't care if you go through with this or not, its just a given that this thread is gonna be deleted out of the blue and OP is gonna be b8.

haha are you for real? A Sup Forums ban is like a mosquito bite its annoying for 5 minutes then you forget about it.

How would it do that?

I fail to see what yhe guy did wrong other then doubt his wife on a very questionable thing she does

This is retarded. Just niggers scrounging other boards for fun stuff to do, because everyone is too much of a lazy cunt to make some good OC.

lets send her dicks pictures on snapchat

you are gods

this is a site where child porn, gore and hentai are rampant (or at least that's what we tell her) and boom! Op's life falls apart and he become an hero

Dont tempt them! They have fragile egos!

This is actually the right thing to do. After all, he's married and she's hot and I'm stuck engaged to a fat ugly because I'm a Sup Forumstard.

But yes. For fun and science, he ruin his marriage!

I just got off a ban, it was pretty alright I guess. Still not sure what it was for, but whatever

I dare any mod that sees this post to ban me and watch me come back in 5 minutes and shitpost madly

The adding begins


Maybe. she Would have to be one cruel bitch. Would be doing the guy a favor at that point


Nice try squidward, but there no santa Claus here

do we comment in her vĂ­deo?

what do we say?

"hey, your husband is posting nudes of you in an Internet board?"

"hey, your husband is saying cuck shit about you?"

Thou doth not wanteth to play with fire, kiddo

Seriously faggot. Have you not seen all my sweet screenshot worthy trap threads? My FB fap threads? How about my atheist bait threads?? Everyone has seen my feminine penis threads, surely...

jewbook .com/elizabeth.panos.1

dem trips doe
>MFW mods are too PUSSY and AFRAID to ban me.


> thinking normal people, with lives, know what "cuck shit" means, let alone a well adjusted, attractive woman

how's your mom's basement?


So be it

>Yeah honey I was feeling a little insecure about the attention you're getting from your workout videos, so I asked some guys anonymously on this message board if I'm overreacting. I fucked up and they figured out who I was. Sorry.

>She sucks his dick to reassure him that she's just doing what she enjoys and the guys in her comments mean nothing.

>/b thinks they "life ruined" him.

Grow up.

>"hey, your husband is saying cuck shit about you?"

bikini pics

theres google you know
its literally the first result


rise of cucks wife

OH MY GOD that fucking body man OP just fucked up

>I'm a Jesus loving - God fearing - weightlifting - yoga practicing woman of God, Phl 4:13 Prov 31:17

> "I've heard about that place, people just randomly pick people out and try and fuck with them because they want to watch the world burn"

Lying is always the answer.

>jesus loving
>god fearing
>posts videos of her ass on the internet and uses "yoga" as an excuse
just like 50% of white girls

R u ded?

And what does that have to do with my comment regarding your idiocy?

I can never remember are we supposed to love God or fear him?

mods wouldn't fucking dare touch me of course I'm not a ded.

>incorrect pistols laura used
>desert eagles ruined by autistic paintjob
>lack of trigger discipline


I like this guy, he's got gusto

>post girls Youtube account on Sup Forums
>call mods gussies
>look how edgy and cool i am111!!!1!1!

Kill yourself.

>trigger discipline
she's actively aiming, even though she's doing it with a retarded stance, so her fingers should be on the trigger you retard.

I'm not the one you replied to previously
I see now that you where as stupid as you seemed

how come nobody done it so far ?


where exactly?

I love fresh gussy

>post girls youtube account on Sup Forums
didn't post shit son
>call mods gussies
no idea what the fuck a gussie is
>look how edgy and cool i am111!!!1!1!
Nice meme :^) friend
>kill yourself
Calm down summerchild.

loli gussy

GUYS I"M her husband I regret posting it on the first place.



oh lord you are retarded arent you
op had this comming. if he married a total slut as we can all agree from the seeking atention and body showing in the videos, he should have either confronted her or accept the fact that he is a cuck.
we are doing this for your own good op, worst case scenario you actually grow balls and stop taking your whore of a wife's bullshit

Bitch i dont give a fuck about you! *dabs*

No one believes you


And more

all wet

any reply from her?

If anyone cares


Your so reddit, you dont have to analzyize his entire post.

Forgot pic


here address anyone ?

Follow my lead boys.

>Board porn

On a board porn?

Why arent we shit posting on her youtube channel?

Don't mind me. Just keeping thread alive

>OP is gonna be b8
you mean b&, right? What the fuck was going on in your head when you typed that out?
>kek can't even bypass Sup Forums ban


>boku no suck-a-cuck
kill yourself plz

A board of porn.