You are offered $15,000 if you are able to continuously pound her, balls deep for 15 minutes. Do you get paid fam?

You are offered $15,000 if you are able to continuously pound her, balls deep for 15 minutes. Do you get paid fam?

Easy money.

What are y'all some kinda fags OFC

Yeah. There's really nothing wrong with that. It's a pretty average lookin muff.

oh hell yes
I probably could make her cum a few times too.

yup easy money alright, probably so loose its like a glass of water and sound like chitty chitty bang bang while fucking

only way id cum in 15 minutes is if she had removable teeth and gave me a no denture adventure

Able? As in can I last?
Yes, my dick is not that big and she is probably kind of loose

Hours easy. I go for hours on any chick. Not sure why. Just can. Probably jerk to much. Lol

any negative comments to this guy just means this fucker knows


I don't think I could get it up with those nasty feet. Fucking gross

you totally missed the point faggot

looks like I'd get 15 grand

could, and have, lasted over 2 hours

is fapping before allowed?

15k would be handy but at least you got to fuck this gem.


somehow i imagine a 300lobs 23 year old

Jokes on them. I'm into CBT and can barely feel anything around my cock if it isn't bareback anal.

Fuck no. I can last maybe five minutes, and that's if I get to masturbate beforehand.
>tfw premature ejaculation ;_;

I'll fuck her for free

i would need a paper bag over her head, and one for mine in case hers falls off.

Do I get to choose a hole in which to fuck balls deep?
Shotgun anal!

Its like you guys think its about lasting long from cumming lol. Its about seeing if you fat fucks have the stomach strength to actually pound for 15 minutes straight.

easy, 15k for an hour np either

Of course OP...we would pound your wife... I would choose anal because ai am courios... post moar btw...

Holy shit I ran that race too.


No. She's a flabby mess that won't quit breathing through her mouth. You make me sick. Keep your money.

Nice nice...moar!

My allah. Look at her asshole,looks like shes been playing prison sex! Id bet my 15k that her farts dont make another sound.


I get paid, Fam.

Depends on how much I've had to drink


damn, would fuck that pussy good..moar!


>no denture adventure
if that's not a porno title I don't know what is.

i have small balls and dick so i think so

$15k would be nice but I think I'll have to pass. She's not a looker, and she looks like she wants to be a man.

Fucken hell mate, if I had to look at her fucked up mug I could last for hours!

Name Pleeeese


anal or nah




i cant cum at all see user we all got problems, quit being a fag