Love music

>love music
>Sup Forums is the worst board on Sup Forums
>can't have a decent conversation without hipster trashtalk

>love music

there's your problem user, everyone of Sup Forums despises music. It's board culture.

>loves music
>complains about people being 'hipsters'
Sounds like you only like popular music user

Post your favourite album fag

Here's mine, judge away.

>Sup Forums is the worst board on Sup Forums
That honor goes to either Sup Forums or Sup Forums

>says he loves music
>likes meal



Don't know about the one you posted. Why is it your favorite?

No wonder you get shit

This is exactly what I'm talking about. Constant trashtalk, zero arguments.

nice cover, not OP but am checking this out. thnx user.

>>Sup Forums is the worst board on Sup Forums
It's literally not.

This is Sup Forums.

Its a board full of kids with no clue about music who just call everything shit they don't like.

Try a proper discussion board.

I'm afraid to ask but what's your aoty?

Regardless of whether or not you like the topic in question (ie mlp), no other board is this shit at talking about what they supposedly love. Its on par with Sup Forums easily.

do what I do and stick mostly to chart and collage threads

Wtf is mlp

/generals/ for music

front page for b8, trolling and shitposting



>Its on par with Sup Forums easily.
Come on, at least Sup Forums doesn't get hundreds of porn, gore, pedo threads being spammed every day. Also Sup Forums has the worst fucking taste in all the media boards, you can get better film recommendations on Sup Forums.

>generals for music
>grimes general
>marina general
>Kpop general
>various other waifu generals

What does that even mean

Sup Forums?

I meant genres, I pay no attention to waifu shit

No one on this board likes good music either.

Sup Forums is more on topic than Sup Forums or Sup Forums

It actually is.
Sup Forums and /r9k/ doesn't count because they're tumblr boards while Sup Forums is just additional porn board.
That means the only one left is Sup Forums which in my opinion is far better shitposting environment than Sup Forums

There's a much more diverse taste on Sup Forums. Ask Sup Forums for a recommendation and they barely know anything beyond blockbusters and IMDb lists.

And you can judge the that based on your excellent music taste?

>There's a much more diverse taste on Sup Forums

rock, rap AND pop! Oh wait, there is a /brit/ shitposting general and 8 posters make up /classical/ and /jazz/, lmao

>8 posters make up /classical/ and /jazz/, lmao
At least they're there. Call me when Sup Forums gets a daily arthouse general.

Haven't heard much of anything new. Bowie's Blackstar was surprisingly good though, never liked his albums only a few songs, so that's my AOTY.

Also the Weeknd did the best pop song again with Starboy. I hope he does a whole album with Daft Punk producing, it could be the new Thriller.

Also I saw a performance of The 1974 on Youtube and almost vomited at the nu-maleness.

Well, I mean. People get sick of talking about bands/artists like NIN because everything to say about them has already been said.

>metal general
>punk general
>dark general
>noise general
>jazz general
>classical general
>endless individual hiphop, IDM and indie threads
>emo general
>bandcamp/soundcloud generals


Maybe if you deliberately go into shitty threads.

Listen to the new Leonard Cohen and Nick Cave when you have the time, man.

Disregarding waifu spammers, frog shitposters, metatheads, b8/trolls and crap, these are the music threads right now...

>EDM general
>specific artist threads
I cba to do anymore but this board is about 50% music discussion and mostly the same thing daily

You're the problem

Don't like Cohen, too monotonous.
Nick Cave is also hit and miss, though I love Up Jumped The Devil.

I like Tom Waits best.

I'm surprised you've survived this long.

>People get sick of talking about bands/artists like NIN because everything to say about them has already been said.

explain kanye, death grips, beatles, beach boys, dylan and daft punk threads then

this baka desu

Popularity doesn't matter to me. I like Zeni Geva, 7 H Target and Mr Bungle as much as I like My Chemical Romance, Tom Waits and Depeche Mode.

>consider starting a thread about music/genre you like thats not discussed much
>decide not to bother because Moot made it impossible to bump your own threads
>shitposters keep making the same threads and bumping the same arguments, artists and waifu spam
>the circlejerk hivemind wins again

Except there are twice as many music related threads you missed.

Literally every board talks about the same dumb shit anyway.

Pretty good taste.

I hide those threads. I think most people do. Unfortunately, stupid people bump them. You have a point, though.

I agree with this. Fucking sucks.



very true

How bad is it for you guys?


Sup Forums in a nutshell:

>KPOP thread
>Soundcloud thread
>pointless rankings and opinions about some "mucore" entry level garbage that has been already discussed for 5+ years every day
>"post your favorite album and the colour of your shit today and we try to guess your personality" (200 replies and 130 images omitted)
>virgins obsessing over some overhyped bimbo like Lauren or Grimes
>lastfm, rateyourmusic and 3x3 hugboxes full of shitposting

Doesn't really help that most of the music discussed is aforementioned entry level mucore trash, aside from couple of threads

Yeah, this is definitelyone of the worse boards on Sup Forums. I only come here for /bleep/ personally

I'm filtering "love music" and "board" as we speak

All of that can be filtered, autist.


yeah, we should make porn threads
they would succeed

>muh hipsters
Fuck off.

All the generals are awful containment threads though

Sup Forums becomes a pretty slow board when you filter out all the shitposts