ITT: Bulletproof logic

ITT: Bulletproof logic

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But what if the girl you're dating is 14 and identifies as a 25 year old

Rawr x3 *nuzzles* how are you *pounces on you* you're so warm o3o *notices you have a bulge* o: someone's happy ;) *nuzzles your necky wecky~* murr~ hehehe *rubbies your bulgy wolgy* you're so big :oooo *rubbies more on your bulgy wolgy* it doesn't stop growing ·///· *kisses you and lickies your necky* daddy likies (; *nuzzles wuzzles* I hope daddy really likes $: *wiggles butt and squirms* I want to see your big daddy meat~ *wiggles butt* I have a little itch o3o *wags tail* can you please get my itch~ *puts paws on your chest* nyea~ its a seven inch itch *rubs your chest* can you help me pwease *squirms* pwetty pwease *sad face* I need to be punished *runs paws down your chest and bites lip* like I need to be punished really good~ *paws on your bulge as I lick my lips* I'm getting thirsty. I can go for some milk *unbuttons your pants as my eyes glow* you smell so musky :v *licks shaft* mmmm~ so musky *drools all over your cock* your daddy meat I like *fondles* Mr. Fuzzy Balls hehe *puts snout on balls and inhales deeply* oh god im so hard~ *licks balls* punish me daddy~ nyea~ *squirms more and wiggles butt* I love your musky goodness *bites lip* please punish me *licks lips* nyea~ *suckles on your tip* so good *licks pre of your cock* salty goodness~ *eyes role back and goes balls deep* mmmm~ *moans and suckles* yess daddy, cum in my mouth *suckles more on daddy's cock*

Bingo. "Identifies as a" =/= "is a"

Children grow up and stop being children.

Men do not stop being men because they've had surgery and injections to approximate the appearance of another biological sex, any more than a horse stops being a horse if you give it plastic surgery to look more human.

If you fuck a human-looking horse, it's still beastiality. If you stick your dick in a female-looking dude, it's still gay.

A three some is when there's three people fucking, a foursome is when there's four.

Now you know why your mom calls you handsome

>25 year old
has she been surgically converted to 25 year old?

As long as nobody knows or finds out I'm fucking someone or something stigmatized, I don't see why not. If it's hot, go for it, just make sure no one else finds out.

bruh wtf tha thot doin xD

>Now you know why your mom calls you handsome

What if she doesn't?

Bailey Jay said it's gay to fap to traps and she started on Sup Forums

It doesn't make any sense why a mother will call her son handsome when he's married.

Has the trans woman been "surgically converted" so you're not gay for taking her cock down your throat?

Sure. I've got no real problem with fags of any particular persuasion of faggotry.
If a dude likes dick and feminine-looking features, cool, be that kind of gay.
But nobody is fooling me when they claim, "It's straight! I suck my girl's dick and it's completely heterosexual and a normal biological urge."

I don't have a problem with homosexuals. I have a problem with insults to my intelligence.

Tranny here. I always wondered do pedophiles lose their attraction to the child once they become legal? Doesn't seem like a fair relationship for the kid if you're gonna chuck her.

if he has a cock, he is a trap, not a trans woman you silly billy


Depending on how far into their transitioning process they are, a trans woman can still have a functional cock.
But we all seem to draw the line between "trap" and "trans" if they've taken hormone therapy.

I don't speak for those morons, but I have an idea that they think by convincing people they consider to be rational minds, it validates their defensive thoughts to help them convince themselves. The best thing you can do is exploit what they said and think to everyone around them and be the laughing stock of group or workplace, so it both shames them and gives them the wake up call to stop trying to convince others of bullshit.

tranny's that don't realise they are suffering from gender dysphoria

>not liking feminine penis



Lol fucking trannies isn't gay gender is a social construct

Trannies tuck their balls, so it's not gay right?

pretty sure having sex with a person that is biologically the same sex as you classifies you as homosexual.

I think it's more the fact that they're trying to convince straight guys it's not gay, because they're sick of getting hit on by fags and want some straight dick.

Biology doesn't matter when its your significant other or sexual partner


Also, that a bit of a paradox. Any man that ends up giving them the dick wouldn't be straight anymore.

All children become adults.

Men do not become women.

See the difference?

I believe that to be sound logic

>Children grow up and stop being children.
Not everyone


Same thrill as popping a cherry I guess.

He said airtight logic not bullshit hate speech.

I just had an embolism, stroke and cancer all at once from reading this...

Yes it does.

By definition, you are in a homosexual relationship. If you choose not to see it that way or would rather not define it, that's completely up to you.

However, just because you want something to be true / not true, doesn't make it so.

If someone says they are a woman they are a woman


>if someone says they are a poached egg, then they are a poached egg

I know when im being baited but the sad thing is there are people that actually believe this.


Fucking nigger 12 year old summer fag gtfo

This is where Tumblr logic comes into play.
Sexuality and romanticism can be a different thing.
In the instance of dating a trans woman, you'd be a heteroromantic homosexual.

This only applies to gender

If your balls touch her balls, it's still gay

>she was born male
>born male
i didnt realize doctor could swap the XY gene now

Outside of some rare genetic disorder , yes they do

>gender is a social construct

This is true.

But fucking trannies is still very well gay.

Couldn't have said it better myself


So if I say I am you then I can have your identity?

All it takes is a nice tall glass of bleach with some arsenic sprinkled on top

poached egg is a gender?

Also: (from planned parenthood)

Each of us has a biological sex — whether we are female, male, or intersex. Our gender is our social and legal status as men or women. And sexual orientation is the term used to describe whether a person feels sexual desire for people of the other gender, same gender, or both genders.


There is Man & Woman & Intersex.
There is Male or Female
There is Hetero, Homo and Bisexual.

Everything else is mental illness

Dude. You're gay. Get over it. It's fucking 2016. Nobody but you cares that you're a faggot. Go suck a bag of dicks and move on. Seriously, what is up with this fag denial. If it has a dick, (or had a dick) and you have a dick, and you fuck, that's gay. Grow up. Stop pushing your fag fantasys and excuses on the rest of us. Faggot.


I can't keep b8ing it's too much

Dead women used to be alive so it's not necrophilia to fuck them.

>There is Hetero, Homo and Bisexual.
>Everything else is mental illness
some may argue that homosex and bisex are also mental illness doe, just saiyan

try and put a bullet through this guys or girls logic....good luck.

are your jonathans crumbled?

i dont care either way im just so damn lonely.


yall niggas get so mad over gender n shit lmao

let tumblr fags tumblr and get butthurt over being "misgendered"

let the real trans people "switch" their gender and live happily presenting as such

yall bitter as fuck. so sad some trannies are hotter than the women you'll marry.

But, humans are animals too. So, isn't it always bestiality?

Gender norms are social constructs. Gender itself is not

That would be a hard argument, as there are examples of homo and bisexual activity across a range of mammals.

Unless the urge to procreate with the same sex is caused by environmental factors, sexuality seems to be luck of the draw

The truth is simple as that.

thought you're not exactly wrong, why do you care so much man?

It's called beastiality and not animality for a reason ^^'


The best part of fucking trannys is when you do a reach around you can pretend it went all the way through

This was deep

A trans woman is just a dude with a incredibly deformed penis.

It's okay to chop of your dick and call yourself Sally but you have to be stupid to deny that you're a freak.

I don't think anyone's mad. I just think using the logic shown in OP's pic makes being gay sound really bad. Why the need to justify fucking a transexual as being a straight act? Get in tune with your sexuality and stop shaming it.

That trans woman doesn't used to be a man, he's still a man.

You can put fake boobs, inject hormones and rip his cock but he's a man.

And what makes you think that animals can't have brain disorders?


But what about the brain??

nothing says they cant.

But if you want to classify homosexuality as a mental illness, then it would be a cross-species mental illness, which is a very bold claim that requires a lot of solid research to back it up.

The thing is, I think for the majority of people like OP, they are not attracted to dicks exactly, they are attracted to femininity. But just happen to not be repulsed by dicks. Sure plenty of people who will fuck or date transgirls are gay, but a whole lot of them would never fuck a dude with a masculine body. I'm not sure how in that case they are then entirely a fag, they won't suddenly only want to fuck dudes.


Fucking aye

Accidentally quoted second post but argument is the same


So you're saying that if she was grafted older skin and had organ transplant and shit like that it'd be alright?

Of course not, it's not just what it looks like or what operation you've had.
So :
I'm not calling the guy gay for dating a trans woman.
I'm calling the guy gay for dating a man, regardless of what said man pretends to be.

but evolution do

Genetics, neurology, sexual dimorphism duh.

That's not it. You're still gay, you just have a preference of body type. If you like feminine guys and not masculine ones, you're still gay.
It's the same as if you're straight; you might like women but you won't go near a butch woman with a moustache.

Still pretty much the same. A butchered cock is still a cock. You're still fucking a biological male, a being whose every cell has the genetic material that determine it's a male.

You're following the misconception that all transwomen have their cocks chopped off.
A part of the transition is hormone therapy and one would argue that a trap stops becoming a trap and starts becoming trans the moment they start that hormone replacement therapy. Once on it, their cocks are still fully functional for quite some time.



>guy writes 3 sentences
>why u care so much

It might not matter to you, but don't expect others to accept your blind logic just because you're horny or in love or whatever.

Fucking kek

Did she really?


Smells like curry, farts, and stuffs bombs in her bra. Fuck off nigger.

Also her hair is gross she'll be bald by 40.

