If you plan on voting for Donald Trump, you are a confirmed retard. Probably racist, misogynistic...

If you plan on voting for Donald Trump, you are a confirmed retard. Probably racist, misogynistic, and homophobic as well.

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>if you like a different political candidate than me, you are a confirmed retard
Alright buddy, gotcha

You say a lot of buzz words. But you still have no substance to your argument.



no, gig is the new meme

You do realize that there are actually worse things in this world than being a racist, correct?

Yup. Racist here!

Think about that, nigger.


A bunch of retards attacking Hillary cause you clearly can't defend that cocksplat Trump

I don't get why people do this. The best argument isn't him being evil, it's him being stupid.

From personal experience a lot of the people who liked trump from day one are racist. Not true of all of them but a lot I have met are.

Shit I'm racist, but I just don't like right wing economics and social issues so I won't vote for him.

>tfw Sup Forums has officially better discourse than Sup Forums
This board is over-run with college nu-males and literal faggots. Anytime anyone on this board makes an actual argument, it's generally ignored.

I'm surprised Dems haven't gone after this tbh. I mean he is guilty as fuck.

I hope the lawsuit against him goes well - the one that claims RICO charges.

agreed the man is a con artist, nothing more

the choice is clear. fear and hatred on one side, an america already great on the other.

I said retarded, what are you, fuckin stupid?

If you vote for Hillary, you are a beta cuck

Sup Forums is filled with trump shitposters


what Sup Forums is?

Being a racist is right down in the gutter.
Who cares how much worse one can be, when you're already a racist?

you really thought you should argue on Sup Forums? are you stupid or just new?



>you are a confirmed retard

Stop discriminating against mentally challenged individuals. Are some kind of a nigger faggot whore?

Do so see the irony in your words?

So it I assume your vote for Hillary, meaning that I better vote for Trump then support a woman which supporters write comments like yours above.


There was a time you could find a sensible user or two, but I think most have given up on this place

There is more anti-white racism in the world than any other kind. Whites are universally despised and hated by other races because whites won everything and the losers are salty.

88 checked!!!

Confirmed racist

you called his voters retarded.

> what are you, fuckin stupid?
no but you clearly are

I can ignore literally everything about this guy, because it's mostly just pandering and that's what politicians and salesmen do.

What kills me, is that rich, spoiled, arrogant man who is only successful because of the silver spoon he was born with and who willingly admits to being part of and profiting from the corrupt system in our country is not only the leading conservative candidate, he actually has people convinced he's looking out for THEIR interests and that he's going to piss in the faces of ALL HIS FRIENDS just for YOU and he's going to dismantle the system he's been profiting from his whole life.

Like seriously, you have to be pretty mad at niggers and Mexicans to let yourself be that fucking deluded. And then they have the never to accuse liberals of being retarded and delusional.

reddit-tier b8

it's funny because it's true!

They definitely exist, but there is still a decent amount of rational, informed individuals that are interested in serious political discourse

>confirmed retard
>also a faggot


I'm not american, but fuck this post. The way everything is going in society recently, we have all the more reason to be racist now. Literally every race that isnt white is racist, why the fuck should we be the exception?

>implying any amount of intelligent arguments would change anyone's mind here. Just a waste of time.

>Yfw you call a liberal a cuck, you know it's most likely true

>Probably racist, misogynistic, and homophobic as well.

Those are some pretty convincing non-arguments you've got there.

read a post on facebook today,,women ranting about how porn is a drug and tried to say that TRUMP was a supporter of rape and pornography...i kek'd and then made this to piss her off.....WORKED :)

hey look a shill

Why don't you mind your own business. People are allowed to have their own opinion. I'm personally not voting for either. Trump is a clown and Shillary is a crook and a cunt. This country is beyond fucked anyways, but mind your own business you millenial nigger kike.


>not shillary bots


I'm racist as fuck, have been since my first job in the mall. If you're not racist, you're an idiot, but if you vote for Trump you're an even bigger idiot.

I hate niggers, but I hate Trump more.

If you visit Sup Forums's Sup Forums, you are a confirmed retard. Probably racist, misogynistic, and homophobic as well.

Found a typo in the op, so I fixed the errors.


I love the fact Donald wants to ban Mudslimes, but the whole terrorism and isis shit doesn't effect me on a daily basis whatsoever. I think I have better odds of Milton Berle popping out of my toilet and fucking me with his giant dick. So i vote on economics and healthcare.

I've heard no real policy initiatives for him. That or the media hasnt really shown it. At least I know what I get with democrats. Also, the whole argumuent about Hillary being a bad person doesn't bother me I vote for the party not the person. Voting because you like or dislike a person personally during the general election and not the primary is retarded

but on the other hand, if you vote for hitlery you clearly lost your sanity


I'd rather be insane than fuckin stupid

If it comes down to a Demagogue vs an Oligarch, I'll side with the Demagogue.

This is motherfucking

That's why the race is so close. If they dems did half as much attacking Trump's character as the republitards have done to Hillary, he'd be no where near as close as he is. And the scare part is he's guilty of way more "crimes" than she is.

kmfao , i deserved that ,,to funny:D

Hitler did nothing wrong

Most Trump supporters don't even vote. It's great.

I am indeed a racist and a homophobe. I am however far more intelligent than you.

I sincerely hope Hillary does not earn the presidency.The first woman president should be someone who I can look up to. And someone who my kids can look up to.


why do tumblel kids think this place is some sort of bunker from their faggot lifes?

If Trump really was Hitler I might actually vote for him.

You clearly don't know what shill means
Get off of your mom's tablet before she catches you

Even him being stupid is kind of weak. He did take the RNC nomination despite all of the adversity he's faced from the establishment.

then you're a fool.

>doesnt directly effect me so i dont care
>no policy from trump
>hilarys literal argument, vote for me im a woman

you do realize hitler was a puppet that was controlled by the powerful people in government that came far before him...


Mein Man I feel the same

>makes other women raise his kids
thats the literal opposite of a cuck


Facts: You are all collectivists being fucked in the ass over a puppet show. Follow the money, discover the Jew.

>If they dems did half as much attacking Trump's character as the republitards have done to Hillary, he'd be no where near as close as he is.
Obvious troll
Have you turned a tv on or a computer on? Its constant trump bashing. Hilary leads this state in the poll, tru,p is racist, trump hate america, trumpmcommits treason, why hilary is a saint, etc etc etc. 99% of trump articles are against him.

And this is why nobody takes Trump supporters seriously. If anyone has ANY criticism of him you just call them a shill and then refuse to acknowledge anything they say. You pull the same bullshit the libtards do. Run your mouth all day and then when someone asks you a hard question just call them a faggot or a shill while carefully not answering the question.

>implying a racist is less inteligent then a non racist

Since it's usage became popular, I've noticed many on the left have tried desperately to redefine it. The left knows they do not prioritize the masculine values in the same way the right does.

Sir, language! This is not politically correct. It is "mentally challenged" and "gay" or homosexual".

Please use the above terms in the future. Have a nice day!

As opposed to Hillary who amassed a fortune of 200 million through her charity and politics.

name them

Nobody will listen to this because the Jews have purposefully poisoned the well with crackpot theories that have painted anyone who is suspicious of Israel as a tinfoil hat wearing racist lunatic.

Well ecplain to me how terrorism effects me on a daily basis? It doesn't. I mean we should have a war against cars because more people die in automobile accidents than terrorism.


He's not that stupid. He managed to suck all the cash out of 3 casinos and screw over countless contractors and employees and get away with it.....so far anyways. The scary thing is thinking of him doing that to my country.



He even screwed the cringy honey boo-boo wanna-be girls


Wrong, i dont trust trump. But i trust shillary even less. At least trump has some sucess. Shillary was handed the senate after stucking by her man diring the sex scandal. She has literally no accomplishments herself

She's not the conservative candidate though. Libs have never had a problem with trust-fund babies.

You've got red-state redneck republicans sucking the dick of a spray-tanned millionaire. You couldn't make this shit up if you tried. If you went back to 2004 and told someone Donald trump would be the Republican nominee by 2016, they'd call you a fucking loonie.

You do know there's a third option right?

The cancer of the two party system will only die when people stop playing the "I'm voting for B because it isn't A" game.






better black than orange

Honestly... I don't know anymore. My vote doesn't matter anyways and the system is fucked.

The very fact that we have these two candidates as our nominees is something that we should be ashamed of.

One is corrupt annoying and upper class privileged

The other is a flagrant asshole, doesn't care about the Geneva convention and possibly selling our country out to the Russians.

I feel sad for the human race. I feel shame for our country

>thinking Hillary or the literally collapsing before our very eyes Democratic party has a snowball's chance in hell

Tell me how does 99% of any politicians policy effect you daily. Its not just all about you, you self centered moron. Also it doesnt affect you until it does and by then its too late. Your argument is like car companies making thier cars safer. If there is a know defect but it doesnt affect you now you dont care. But if cripples you later on, tell me you still wont care

I think you're right about that. I think those rednecks get a hard on for strong men.

I think Donald is a very smart man though. He knows hoe to talk to retards. I mean last night he said he would hit dnc speakers "so hard". That's funny but not presidential. Very petty.

I think Donald knew how to market himself to the dumbest people, especially the dummies who think a President is essentially the king and wields massive power.

>If you plan on voting for Donald Trump, you are a confirmed retard. Probably racist, misogynistic, and homophobic as well.

you forgot to mention self-hating closet case, aryan underground ashkenazi jew

but seriously, i'm voting for the dude

and if by racist you mean i think nw europeans and ne asians are superior and more intelligent and i think most african americans and all muslims are worthless and detrimental to civilisation...yeah...i'm a racist

I'm a black, gay, muslim, immigrant and I'm voting for Trump.

The followers of my religion in the middle east have distorted the message of Mohammad to suit their own selfish means and blood lust.

Let Trump ban them temporarily. I'm already here and I'll shoot my own if I need to.

I'm not the person you are responding to but state laws have affected my life on a daily basis. Especially taxes, education and heath benefits.

regardless it's stupid. Both canidates are upper class elites that never have had to do real work a day in their lives. Trump and Clinton both were rich the day they were born and we're sitting here working our asses off for nothing.

Someone lives in their own little world.