Dubs and Brian is still a virgin

dubs and Brian is still a virgin

dubs and brian died an hour ago

dubs and everyone in this thread except me will die lonely

dubs and brian is a pussy-whipping beast that will die in nine days

dubs and he dies on christmas week

dubs and i die for brian on christmas day

dubs and you both die

dubs and brian died in 1970 and the government covered it up to prevent mass teenage suicide

dubs and everyone before and after this post dies, trips and everyone on Sup Forums other than me dies, quads and crunkcore aliens destroy the earth

Dubs and I'll be stoked that I got them even though I don't really care whether I get them or not really

dubs and I get dubs

This seems unlikely based on the number of kids he has.

Dubs and this thread ends

dubs and i get dubs

dubs and this thread is uncursed



dubs and brian is good to his baby

Dubs and I'll never get a girlfriend

how the fuck is no one getting dubs
don't worry guys I'll save you

dubs and he dies in a car crash with robert fripp

dubs and I kill myself and leave just a really mean note to my family

dubs and they'll both live forever

Feels like winning russian roulette

>23 replies
>no dubs
this is a fucking disgrace

Dubs and I'll buy myself ice cream today

dubs and brian wilson was never real to begin with


wew lad

Guess who's getting themselves ice cream bois

dubs and Brian Wilson will come to Sup Forums and make an AMA thread

dubs and this thread gets deleted

>satanic trips

I think not dude

>someone already got dubs and people are still trying

Give it up boys

enjoy being killed in a car accident

Digits and Brian dies choking on vegetables

Dubs and grimes is a good artist

looks like Grimes is a bad artist bois

Dubs and this thread's a waste of time

dubs and brian guesses he just wasn't made for these times

dubs and this is the best thread on Sup Forums history

dubs and brian know's there's an answer

Dubs and everyone here will get gf except you.

dubs and Brian Wilson knows that you will feel better when you send him in a letter and tell him the name of your favorite vege table

This month Brian, next month Paul McCartney.

Dubs and neutral milk hotel will release aoty next year 00

dubs and I'll send him a letter telling him my favourite vegetable is "brian" and then he incurs brain damage in a freak yachting accident

Hell be fine.

dubs and brian wilson loves you most of all

dubs and we all get a girlfriend

dubs and hell be fine


dubs and we all return to the void when we die

dubs more like quints

Jesus will save us all.

I'm going to fucking kill myself

quints more like wince

So close.

This fucking thread

I guess thread really is cursed huh

wince more like trips


Dubs and that doesn't happen


Rip school

dubs and you don't

Dubs and mods do their job

Singles and Brian gets a gf

>Sup Forums mods

dubs and brian gets a bf


Dubs and we all have A nice life

Dubs don't lie

Dubs and this thread reaches bump limit

dubs and this is true

Dubs and this is a lie

dubs and HEY NOW


Somewhere Patrick Bateman is crying

not for long he is





This is the best fucking thread ever



this is madness

Dubs and im going to live a great life

hoy boody those are some mighty fine repeating digits pardner

gtfo alex fake news ass jones

So close :(

you're going to live a great life regardless user :)

Dubs and this is a lie

dubs and everyone in this thread lives a great life :)

Dubs and everyone's mother die tonight

dubs and everyone's mothers will die tonight unless they reply to this post

Dubs and it snows so hard this winter that I have an actual excuse to stay inside


Brian wilson tho

dubs and ur all gay