How does /b like their underwear?

How does /b like their underwear?
Also a underwear/bulge thread

boxer briefs for me
>pic not me




>>pic not me

I like boxers. Nothing like the fwap fwap of balls when you go down the stairs

i like boxers too but it feels too loose



Fair play, i've been getting into the boxer briefs, but they do make my balls swear a lot

Oh man its all about the jock strap

How much do your balls swear and what do they say?

thats not me
but this is

Wash then with soap, that should stop their potty language.




Trunks or boxer masterrace here



Nice wet spot

bumping with an oc

Wear boxer briefs in general, but sleep wearing boxers. Have a backup supply of briefs for if everything else is in the wash, but never choose to wear them if I've got clean boxer briefs.


same here


Prefer boxers but been wearing trunks lately because its hot. Have some briefs that I bought to hide a piss bottle for a drug test.

Look here you little motherfucker. If you ever ask a man whether he likes boxers or briefs and he answers with the given information, you have found yourself an idiot. There is only one true answer. Boxer-briefs give the comfort of briefs without squishing your manwich into oblivion, and the freedom of boxers without letting your taco smasher flop about like a Magikarp. So, repeat after me: "There is only one acceptable type of underwear."

That's a nice collection of Disney dvds you have user

pic sort of related

All answers besides boxer briefs are wrong.

Hear hear

Boxer briefs for me
Thongs for her.

actually mangas and dvds and a few old school games

boxer briefs.

I haven't worn underwear since high school, I'm in my mid 30s now.

Is it autism?

Nothing feels better than a good thong/string.

Perfectly, and just barely, cups your junk. Back feels like you're not wearing anything. Just divine.


enjoy bollock cancer

No it's freedom

Trunks or boxer-briefs.

I don't care that much as long as it's one of those.

They are pretty much the same except length.

Nigga u a fool if you think briefs == squish. Stop buying 10 for $10 underwear u pleeb.

A good pair of briefs feel as open as boxerbriefs, but without the extra fabric down u leg.

i don't wear underwear i haven't in 15 years, unless i'm going for a physical, it's so much more comfortable

Anyone got an oc?

Lol wut.

No different than boxers or loose boxerbriefs, just dont have all that extra fabric.

Boxer cause i got a monster cock


boxers for daily, boxer briefs for sleep

Boxers because I can unbutton them to let my dick out of them


Have kik to show off more?

I do
whats your kik?

boxer briefs since boxers are hard to find here

KevinJ. 1997

Boxers when I'm home
Boxer Briefs when I go out.

Boxers just don't feel good when crammed into my pants.
