Jessi slaughter bread

jessi slaughter bread

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full porn ey?

full vid?


Jessie Slaughter, AKA Jessica Leondhart, AKA Damien Leondthart, come on mate keep up

Crossdressers will never be the same...

... Who?

I tought it was some meme spouter that had gone retard

You're half right

Where is the full video

nobody have the full video ?

jesus fuck what have you done with her Sup Forums

Hey. He said the consequences would never be the same.

Didn't her dad die from a heart attack? Was it when she told him she was a mentally ill faggot?


We made her a she alwas was deep inside

We dun goofed.


leaving this thread before i'm back traced, you should all probably do the same


99% of you faggots were not even on this site during those days

if i remember correctly she had meaty, meaty flaps, basically because her dad had sex with her from a young age

That was only 6 years ago faggot.

Is her father dead?

>she doesnt even put it in her mouth

What a fucking waste.


you know what flappy pussies dont come from sex right?

anyone got sauce on op's video?

go to mless and search for phtc
or go to imagefap and search for lolita

bitch be F-A-T

I think he's in jail for molesting her.

sshhhhh... don't ruin his fantasy.

this is my first time on the internet, please no trolling me

What user said.

Consequences will never be the same.

but user, im not a pedophile :3

>We made her a she alwas was deep inside
As if, she was always going to do this shit, Sup Forums just announced it to the world.

No, he'd dead - throm I think.

what's the deal about this fat ugly whore

> deep inside

Got that right

>Feminist as fuck

>pic related

according to another user about an hour ago, this vid is child pornography. then again, you never know if someone is full of shit. other anons have claimed that she made this legally.

>child pornography
where do you see a child in the video you dumb fuck

They released her true self

She was 11 when we goofed.

That was apparently 2010.


If she's 14 in the OP video, she matured fuckin early and gravity got to her soon after

her. if she is under 18, she is legally a child. are you truly that retarded?

He meant that it might technically be cp you retard

but she clearly isn't 11 in this video you faggot, have you ever seen a 11 yo?

back when she titflashed on cam - sure at a push
now - that is the body of a middle-aged woman with 3 kids - ain't no kinda cp

>technically be cp
It's dumb as fuck to call it CP

Yeah she's 17 in this. There's only 2 legal nudes of her

Unless this video is from the future, she's still underage you dumb fuck,

but not 11..

Prove it

Why is the other guy wearing a bra?

no matter how wrecked the body is, age is all that matters legally

Stupid fag with no grasp of reality detected... you fiucking autistic retart her > 18 is CP, even if it is 17.999999

apart from looking like her (not the best angles so for me not 100% proof) do we know its her?

meh, she was like 11 in the original videos, means at the very least she'd be 17 in these vids

also for all our new friends read this for your homework

Try that with a judge and jury.

No one claimed she was 11 in the video. Only that she is underage. Goddam you're a dull fucker.

yeah I know your law is dumb af too

And this thread is still here. Either mods are sleeping or the girl in that vid isn't confirmed underage

>where do you see a child in the video
>She was 11 when we goofed.


she look like 20, who care is she underage in the vid

Anyone have the webm of her fucking him?

Where do you see that she's under 18?
Anyway... sex is OK from 12 and up in some countries, so no harm.

I don't get it.
This bitch is fat and ugly as hell.
Why are there so many threads about her? Is it her, trying to get hits or something?

And yes I know who she is, I was around back when consequences and backtracing. I was here for that. But that was then. Now, she's a horribly ugly big fat slob.


newfags argue with newer fags about shitty things that happened over 6 years ago.

the chick is a mess and probably always will be. i'd still put my dick in there though, just saying

i didn't say that she is, i said that others have been saying that she is in this video, because it is more than two days old. she turned 18 (legal), two days.


Damn is been 6 years damnit I cant believe it

Why don't you read the posts on this thread you autistic fuck?

also, this is an american site, and must follow american laws. even in counties such as you said, where sex is legal at 12, porn is not.

Fine, I will spell this out.

The vid is claimed to be CP.

It is pointed out that we originally saw this girl in 2010 when she was 11. It is currently 2016. Therefore, she is definitely less than 18 in this video (if it indeeed her). There is no reference to when this video was made, nor does it matter, if it is her, she is less than 18 years old at this time.

this girl become a meme in 2011 and since she do cam show
the only problem is she have her 18birday the 27th


Jessie is a US citizen: individual states set the age of consent, which varies between 16 and 18 - so these pics being CP depends on which state they were made and are viewed in.

In britbongland she's legal. Dunno why any but the most desperate would want to boff the fat ugly psycho cunt mind.........

I remember seeing that pic of her with the beef flaps when she was younger. A fair few years ago, she musta been about 14 or something then I'm guessing?

I know you dumb fucks, all I've said is she isn't a child and not even close to 11 right now therefore only a fucking retard would say this is CHILD porn.

You dumb fuckers make me sick. Kys pls.


welcome to Sup Forums ^^

Consequences just became the same

old fag here
ive been waiting for this day
anyone got full vid

Pasta Sauce pls OP - with sound

>anons have claimed that she made this legally.

How's your summer going new friends?

2257, motherfucker! Do you speak it?!

doesn't matter what the age of consent is... you're not having sex with her, you're distributing material of a sexual nature that contains a minor. its a totally seperate thing

its the same reason you don't see porno's with 16 year olds, even though the age of consent might say thats ok

her 18th birthday was definitely earlier this week though. so it looks like she finally got into full fledged porn

what's her tumblr again?

Waiting for the day? It's been posted all the time since it has happened. How new are you?

maybe you should read the thread. i have said that i don't know when this video is from, haven't i? i only said that i don't know if it is over two days old, and that some have claimed it legal, because it apparently is new-ish. dumbass.

>I'm so pathetic I spend my day browsing Sup Forums, every day.

About as sure as we are about the moon landing

Why hasn't she been arrested yet? She's been filming herself doing shit for people to buy her stuff, she's distributing cp.

>herefore only a fucking retard would say this is CHILD porn

Or you know, the courts.

but it's still fucking dumb isn't it?

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ no one care about her now i guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>a fucking retard

>the courts



Anything posted by her is cp, op enjoy getting v&
