Good Mindfuck Movies?

Good Mindfuck Movies?

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Here is another one of my favorites

Old boy. Korean movie.

Is it still worth watching if you know the final plot twist (and only that)(?

I think the fight scenes in it are worth watching

i think that fighting scene at elevators is shit.


Donny Darco

would be better if you didn't know
but it's still awesome to watch it all unfold
its one of my favorite movies

Good movie.

this fucker

Enter the Void while tripping.

I was actually thinking about watching something

im this fag
Marked the Hannibal directory + Zootopia, because I've seen them. But only saw Zootopia in my own language, wanna see it in english
And I saw the Hannibal movies a loooong time ago
everything else, I haven't seen

any recommendations?
I got all of them from Sup Forums movie threads, so they are supposed to be good but still


I recommend you delete all those shitty DVD rips

I'm fine with dvd/br rips
i dont need 10-20gb+ quality stuff

the king of mindfuck. Eraserhead


Fight Club.

Spoiler: penis. It's like ace ventura but less funny

A documentary, but whatever. Good mindfuck.

The Prestige.
The Skeleton Key.
Watch all 3. I guarantee you won't be left mindfucked in the end. Except Predestination though.

visitor Q. Not trolling, actual scene.

>inb4 some hipster fag "overrated hurr durr"
Amazing movie. I genuinely envy people who get to watch this movie for the first time


they must all be 12 years old and as edgy as you

Predestination was very well done imo. Definitely blew my mind


Primer my nigga

Visitor Q is one fucked up movie, to be sure.

watched it 7 times. to this day I have no idea what the plot of Eraserhead is.

As above, so below
People exploring caves/catacombs beneath Paris. watched this like 8 times. Too good movie.

Naked Lunch

How is liking a movie edgy?
Btw calling anons 12yos is newfag indicator #1, shouldn't you be doing back to school shopping?

Looks gay.
The twist in predestination.. Fucking hell m8.

Time crime
Southland tales
John dies at the end
he never dies

Beyond the black rainbow

Fallen. Good movie aswell. Ending was gig (short for giggle)

what a fucking joke of a movie
>makes a movie based around a false statistic
>wonders why it's garbage


can you give me short overview?
like what the movie is themed around?

Different level of mindfuck.
Windy City Heat. Do it

What false statistic?

Im more of refering to how she unlocked her brain and was able to reestablish her connection to the universe as a whole.

Ill try without spoiling
Protagonist is a nigger detective/cop
Witnesses the death of a death-sentenced prisoner.
Prisoner whispers stuff to nigger cop
Nigger cop keeps getting hints from dead prisoner even after death
Idk how to explain, just watch it

the movie was based around
>hurr durr u use only 10% of ur brain
and then she literally becomes a flash drive.
the guy who directed that movie should be in jail for crimes against film and humanity

he means you use 100% of your brain. 10% is a lie

A serial killer is actually possesed by a fallen angel turned demon. Homicidal hijinx ensue.

well i do enjoy denzel washington and it sounds like it has potential


thanks for the spoilers dick wad
better be glad idgaf about spoilers


Just watch, its old but the acting is good

great to see others are using total commander

To be fair most of our brain is used for autonomic functions. All of our brain might be "in use" but you have to admit we dont have control over all of our higher level brain functions. Remembering every moment of our life or controling our heart rate and pther bodily stuff through concentration.

Not spoiled you find this out early. The killer is literally the first or second person who dies.


> be Austria
> This video is not available in your country.

mfw I have no face
