Give me your finest of memes my good Gentlemen

Give me your finest of memes my good Gentlemen.




Anyone else think these are fucking hilarious?


Top kek


I laughed at these for 5 minutes straight

Top fucking keksmex




I'm dumping mine btw

If you laughed at the big bazinga theorem meme then you sir, are autistic. I don't mean autistic like you're good at drawing either, no. You're a fucking retard.


They are fucking hilarious


Are they though? Are they really, faggot?

>nigger meme
>ifunny watermark

Sometimes the dumbest things crack me the fuck up where I can't even talk.

Your point?


How new are you!? This shit been posted and reposted at least 20 000 times a day for the past 8 years.



My friend told me about Sup Forums last year


Fucking kek


No just you

Well good for me