
Virgin here, someone will pay for me to get into a swinger club. Should I go or not? I am kinda scared, my heart is pumping. AM I a pussy right now? Should I go out and fuck some pussies? Im not into Gangbang so that'll be somewhat difficult to get someone in a private room i guess...

Do you think that is what God wants you to do?

Stop being a fagoot, user.

dont believe in god so the question is not related

Fuck off

My dubs has spoken, user.

Do it faggot!

Just do it. You'll be a lot more confident once you've lost your virginity

Do it. For the off chance that I will be reading Sup Forums again when you debrief.

Whether you believe in him or not doesn't change the fact that he is watching you. Do the right thing!

so goin there is the right option. I think the only reason im so nervous about that is my virginity, making right about that.

You're making him cry right now.

You really think your god is watching? Do you have the slightest idea how much work it is to kill kittens everytime someone masturbates?

Christian user is right bro. Save yourself for marriage. Don't just do it because society dictates you're only cool if you're having constant sex.

That's what I'm saying. Chasing desire is but just a more elaborate hamster wheel.

It will be a horrible experience imo.

Dude, I'm a virgin... I'd take the chance

>Im not into Gangbang so that'll be somewhat difficult to get someone in a private room i guess
I think they do private rooms too, but yeah, might be spectators and shit.

Go there as a virgin and own it.

No saving sucks. no one pressures me, now is my opportunity. I am ready to now, but really nervous. To get the train, i must leave in about 5 mins

post more of her

All you're saying is you don't have the self-control.

Okay i delayed it a little so i would leave in half an hour. I havent really decided by now.
Also I want to make my experiences it has nothing to do with self control.

Yeah, because your newly wed wife will be so glad that you saved yourself so long and are such a terrible lover now.

Christian fellow, I hope you were being ironic, if not please go make love to your shotgun and withdraw yourself from the gene pool.

You're putting your animal urges in front of your powerful mind. You can't prove me wrong.

samefag is samefag

with hedonistic views it is stupid not to feel pleasure. It is even free. Watched a couple gangbang vids today, it was kind of nice but i think standing there with other strangers is uncomfortable, thus wanting me to find a private room.
I am now eating and might leave in 20 mins. I feel like having slight fever. Is that because of my nervousness??

and also: Why would i save myself for a wive that will probably have like 3 recent partners? Its a stupid point of view you have

Hell ya go I've been before shit is so fun you go into the back where it's clothing optional and then walk up to the bar stand next to any chick with your cock hard while you grab a drink and watch them grab your dick and slowly stroke you, shit is the bomb man

Well i think i have nothing to lose, except my virginity.
Also my view on women is that i think they have some wild sexual experiences compared to my zero makes me feel like a loser. I am a decent looking guy and telling im virgin would end in a "really? Wow". It makes me feel very uncomfortable to think about the experiences of others.

okay i will leave the house now and make my way to the club. Lets see what will happen