How do we get rid of this cunt?

How do we get rid of this cunt?

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you cant....but you can join Leafyishere in making fun of her till days end...

Cut his dick off.


ignore her

Flag all of its videos and hopefully get her channel taken down.

1. I'm already subscribed to leafy
2. I knew we aren't going to get her off the Internet. I wanted to destroy all her credibility.

Well gee, OP, I don't know... maybe stop giving a shit?

leafy is cancer , kill yourself kid

why do you care?

That sounds like a good idea. Mmm, I can taste the bleach already.

oh my quad

le bleach le dank meme le its time to STOP XD

holy shite

such reckless faggotry

Bad bleach meme but you got quads so I forgive you

such a fucking waste.

Your unforgivable faggotry just wasted those sweet quads

>>officially old
>>>Have no idea who he/she is

But Leafy is an over rated cunt...why would anyone with an ounce of self respect follow that faggot?

some stupid kid, who honestly besides faggot teens gives a shit? nobody. i only came here because i thought it was a trap and im into that shit and now i leave disappointed

Kill it with fire

Literally hack all of their accounts and never give it back. It's easy.

She's Milo Stewart. She's infamous for saying that all white people are racist, all men are misogynistic, all straight people are homophobic. etc

>using the same tactics tumblrtards do

I want cum inside Milo while choking them.

Wasted trips.
Leafy is dumbass college boi failure and his job is to literally judge people.

Nice double dubs

Nuke it from orbit.

Oh so a graduate of one of our many universities?

You don't deserve those quads for being such a cringey underaged faggot. Stop making it so obvious you 13 year old.

>just by not paying attention to it

anyway...does she have a dick or it's just a rumor ?

just fucking do a raid or some shit this is getting boring


yeah you could say that they are spreading hate speech and that it's very triggering to have whitey make such racist remarks.
you know sink to their level for the sake of slinging verbal diarrhea.

Face is rather "manish," certainly possess masculine features, but then again, also feminine ones; such an androgynous face... difficult to ascertain for certain, at least without more clues. Voice is quite feminine, but with slight hints of masculinity. If I was a gambling man, I'd say female, but my gut says male.

How about we either
A. Dox her
B. Leak fake nudes.

That guy is a transtrender.

That's basically riding on the oppression wave surging through US colleges right now.

how bout i slap you with me cock

so he is essentially Sup Forums

u dumbass

leafy is love

leafy is life

Leafy's shit fanbase needs to leave this website - no one gives a fuck whoever this is besides you.

hey fucko u wanna go?

Can we just please get back to the point here!

if you truely care about this you should do something else with your life, maybe try ending it.

whats the point again tho?

it has credibility?

I've already gotten like 50 suicide jokes already, so you're a bit late to the party.

ya brah u to late

dis nigga here already gon drink da bleach

The point is how we get rid of Milo.


Only info I can find is her first name is Natalie. From Austin, TX

This is a good idea

okay so heres what i suggest.. we take milo like it that one movie tooken and then we try to do sexy times with milo



We don't need to. She will age 10 years and hold opposite opinions.

Fucking hell, you people are fucking retarded as hell.

ignore it
nowadays if Sup Forums goes after something it just vindicates it whatever that dumb looking shit is, I've never heard of it the clearest message we can send is it is not worth our time

Yeah, let's raid this bitch

Its time to stop





ITT: Puberty

Milo ain't that bad, just REALLY misguided.

Of course it's from Austin. That dad excuse of a city is an embarrassment to this state and should be wiped out.

are you seriously defending that idiot? jesus christ

tbh Milo is kind of a qt

reporting in. Tell me what to do
lets take this bitch out

kill yourself

No, I'm not. Milo just really isn't worth the trouble or attention of anyone. If it weren't for anti-sjw youtubers, they wouldn't have gotten the attention they have now.

Wait what? This guy has single handedly shown the world that feminism is cancer.

shut the fuck up

Umm, I identify as a transformer demiqueer and this offends me

i can agree with that, but going back to your previous post, "misguided" or not, that person is an idiot

Oh shit, I have the same shirt. But I only wear it when I'm sucking dick, because I'm not a faggot.

you think he jerks off with the hand that showed the world that feminism is cancer?

We were all idiots at one point, user.

clearly, some more than others

I'd wreck that anus. Hmmm mmmm!

you did not just say that

Force her to lick Chris Chan's infecected taint hole that should do it

Guys, I sent Milo a email pretending to be a fan of him/her, with a link that sense me his/her IP address.


Sup Forums needs to do their thing and dox this faggot


Every time them Mc D's eyebrows twitch or bounce makes me want to gag her with my turgid cock and finger bang that virgin asshole.

Got her IP address!

I got her IP. I'm working on it.

Ignore the cunt, EVERY THING the lil' fucker says is a ploy to get your panties in a wad, or troll your ass into being the very thing the lil' cocktease is blathering about.

I strongly implore you watch this

Its asshole has probably been expanded at least 12 inches by all the dildos stuck in it.



I got big hands buckaroo!

Not gonna lie, I would fuck her ass and virginal vagoo raw.

I like the way you think

Wait a short amount of time. This is a flavor-of-the-month level problem you have here.

Imagine how gloriously tight that pair of holes downstairs must be.


I got her IP, city, country, zip code, and Internet provider, where do I go from here?