Alright Sup Forums im nervous as fuck right now

Alright Sup Forums im nervous as fuck right now...

I just got a letter from AT&T saying they might turn my internet off if i keep illegally downloading movies.

Any advice or someone who got letters like this?

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Download a free vpn like betternet and tell at&t to fuck off.

CenturyLink tried the same shit with me 2 years ago.

I got a few letters like that, they don't do shit. If you're that worried, then use a vpn.

>doesn't know what to do with an aggressive AT-AT

Lmao, who care about that shit, just keep doing what you do.
I have made a porn website with 30k videos and they still says bullshit like "delete it!" "It is illegal" who fucking care.
The did nothing to stop me

one word, NordVPN

you fucking kidding me? using a "free" VPN is worse than nothing at all

Tell AT&T that you'll stop doing it and use a VPN like hotspot shield from now on.

PerfectPrivacy VPN

Its happened to me 3 times. Once even using Tor. I just eventually got a job and quit as lame as that sounds. Fucking big brother assholes, keeping me from watching sports teams I wanna watch.

stop downloading movies?

sue them for harassment

Private Internet Access (VPN)

Send them back a letter saying you will cancel your service with them and go to their competitor who doesn't care if you download things illegally if they keep sticking their nose in your business.

feels wrong paying for vpn, the whole idea of torrenting is practicing free information

switch to business class service, in most cases its cheaper anyway (particularly if you're using cable for internet and don't want their TV package to begin with)

they shouldn't bug you again

I got a letter like that 4 or 5 years ago. Called up my ISP and told them if they tried to pull that shit again I'd be fucking moving. Got a tenner a month off my bill and a letter of apology.

all you have to do is set an upload limit. I used to get emails from Comcast all the time, but if you make upload limit low then you won't upload enough for it to trigger


what exactly did you say to them? How did you defend yourself when you were breaking the law and get them to apologize?

Is that site still up?

Lol i lie every time and say i have wifi with no password works every time

You're mixing up the two definitions of free

OP here. I've had Comcast for 5 years and they never sent me a letter like that. I've been with AT&T for 5 months and this is the first letter im getting..

Just download VHS rips like a boss

got a email from comcast about 3 years ago....that was it nothing else at all

Use a VPN you fucking idiot.

Reading the posts here enforces my theory: It's just bait. Don't bite, some random people are messing with you.

Get Kodi

thissssssss, i use Pulse CCM and fucks with my bandwidth hard

This is part of the at&t 3 strike program. Dont have to respond in fact dont if you dont have to. Take it seriously and dontbtorrent unprotected anymore.. They will cut your shit off and they may even turn you over to copyright holders. This isnt a random letter trying to collect anything or some bullshit from an obscure company. It's your isp. They work with copyright groups. Im justcsaying take it seriously.

how about you get charter

Go to
report back results

>Even using Tor
Tor isn't a VPN. Some ISPs intentionally search for Tor connections to block out.


What fucking ISP "doesn't care" about illegal action through their service???

by the way, any good alternatives for pirate bay/kickass torrent?

Switch to Cox if it's in your area
Fast internet packages and no data cap if there is i never notice it even though i download shit ton of things with 5 other people in 1 house

as mentioned

use a VPN

Just stop pirating for a month or two. You can also just get another ISP. They do not care about pirating some much as all the bandwidthbyou are eating.

Torrent intelligently. Read all the comments and check for warnings about a watched torrent. There is usually a comment or two saying "got a notice from isp for downloading this,..."

I too watch Mr. Robot

You can just set up our own, it is not hard.

OP here. They didnt say what i downloaded or the company name...

what site? Looking for some new porn vids

You're retarded.

I've only ever got me when my girl let the torrent keep seeding over night. After I told her to not seed I never got another letter and I dl a lot of shit


stop using shitty open trackers. get a private tracker, and if they still come at you bitch like hell that they have no evidence that you downloaded anything illegally. They'll either cough up their evidence and you can sue the shit out of them for violating their own privacy policy, or, more likely, you'll never hear another word from them.

What was it ? Midget porn ?

This. Why the fuck do people still use open trackers?

stop watching movies. Fiction is for the weak.

2 simple options:

either get a vpn


open an account on a private tracker like iptorrents

torrenting isnt illegal. downloading copyrighted material is and the only way they can know if youre doing that, is if you get ip sniffed by some bot being used by the entertainment industry. bots cant get you on private trackers

am I fucked Sup Forums?

Move to a country where nobody gives a shit.
Brazil for example

only because you will be a nothing your entire life. get of the couch faggot

vpn you faget

American freedom at its finest.
I'm still jealous of your Internet speeds though my country sucks for Internet.

I work in a Charity shop in the UK. Someone donated me "The Big Book of Breasts" a couple of weeks ago.

Good book.

My nigga.

the ones that are out there to get money from consumers instead of wasting time and money trying to protect multimedia of which they have no stake in. fucking idiot.

nice trips and aggressive AT fields require Spear of Longinus or something

I found the token downie

Just tie a rope around it's legs.

Vpn or proxy or switch from att

ahahaha... living in eastern europa... I love to fking not giving a fuck

when the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser :))))))

Unless you had to sign for the letter its just bait

My neighbors have at&t and I share with them.

I'm just afraid they'll get a letter one day and confront me real pissed off like.

I wish I knew a free high speed vpn just in case

am i also fucked guys?

funny thing is i never downloaded these things

there is no such thing. you will have to pay for it.

that's simply because someone had your IP assigned a few years ago and downloaded this stuff.

no you're not fucked.

probably have a dynamic ip. I've used Tor and other proxies wqhich change my ip before and when accessing this site ive been hit with a "your ip has been banned" message with the date being several years old.

is it consider dynamic by the fact that when i reset my router it changes? or nah

Americans are weird. Why would AT&T send you letters like that? Whats their interest in this?

What should happen is that the owners of those movies you downloaded should destroy you in a court of law. Your ISP might testify but they shouldnt be sending you letters.

Is it not illegal for these people to be snooping around your internet activity like this? Sorry for my bad English.


I guess not. That's why everyone should use a VPN. Always.

Mmmm. That would be my question too.

Is it legal for your ISPs to spy on you whenever they feel like it, amerifags?

Why pay for a vpn if there will never be retaliation?

Stop using torrents retard.

random story about my block of flats
>be me, be a hermit
>had just got my own Internet (finally), after using my neighbour's open wifi for about a year
>don't really go out much, rarely see anyone other than my neighbours.
>old couple at the bottom of my block of flats had some guy I'd never seen before regularly going in and out of theirs
>bumped into him a few times, seemed friendly enough, normal as fuck
>few weeks later, hear loads of shouting and banging around next door and people running up the stairs in my block of flats
>haven't a clue what's going on, didn't even look out of the window in case I was seen
>next door neighbour knocks at mine a few weeks later, turns out her flat was raided and her dad was arrested for downloading and hoarding CP
>turns out, it wasn't him, it was the guy from the bottom flat using his open wi-fi, he was the old couple's son and had just gotten out of prison for downloading and hoarding CP

You're fine as long as your internet isn't OFF. If it's on you're fine. Period. My dad got a letter from the FBI after Mediacom shit his off (they're super strict now because everyone in the Midwest torrents every second of every day) and all he had to do was sign the paper saying he'd never do it again. Well now he's still copying movies from disc (redbox) he still watches showbox but he uses a Vpn now. No problems. And I've gotten a letter from Evil Angel after my friend torrented some anal porn video. Turns out it takes 3 years to sue from one state to the next. So I ignored it and kept torrenting and my internet is still on.

Your English is great (so far) user. And no corporations rule America.

Thats a lot of smiles

you think they get more money from their customers who do this stuff than the companies that make it? They wouldn't give a fuck if they weren't being payed to look out for it.


Does the United States of America count? Because technically speaking that is a corporation.


shit tier site

Not the ISP but for the government yes. Same for yours too. It's actually legal for ours to spy on yours too. We've been caught multiple times and no one cares.

No. It's a government. Ruled by the corporations.

lmfao comapnies do not "pay" ISP's to "look out for" illegal activity. By law they don't even have to report illegal activity, but they are encouraged to do so as the internet is a privilege not a right, therefore ISPs can basically do whaterver they want. Thats why they "warn" their customers who do this before they slap them with a lawsuit which, by the way, rarely happens.

One down 3 to go , u still here OP ?


A corporation has a business model to make profit. The govt is not making profit however the people running it definitely are.

Use IPVanish. You're welcome. I've gotten plenty and it wasn't because I used peerblock or a VPN. They can suck a dick.

i've got a dynamic IP, and apparently someone torrented 'the little mermaid' and 'high plains drifter' two years ago

on the same day

I got an email from my ISP, so i now use Tor to download all my torrents. Quick easy solution without the hassle of setting up a VPN.