Found this weird channel a few days ago and it has weird videos with no titles. Take a look:

Found this weird channel a few days ago and it has weird videos with no titles. Take a look:

Other urls found in this thread:

That is pretty weird I wonder how it has no titles

Fuk off, Giygas.

Most likely a troll

Fucking ARGs

He commented "dreams" on this one

"Nobody understood"

That's fucking creepy dude.


9 blank comments

11 blank comments

Wow that's so random and spooky >:DDDDD
Spooky ooky stuff op!
Lal im so randum so spooky videos on u-tube LoL I sPeAk liEk tHiS toO xD
ch00ky l00ky sp00ky XDDDD!!!


Next dubs has yo put that on a comment in one of those vids.

Aaannd GO.

D-does that count?

Even if you're being ironic, you're still a retard :^)

double dubs has spoken. Deliver


if it doesn't, yours does

Well, since i don't want my mail completely fucked. Sorry son.
Both of them are me.

I gotta stop getting dubs.

Done, check the second link.

The first one would've made more sense

Ok then, if dubs i'll post it on the first one too.


Since it was so close to quads, i feel like i have to roll again for dubs.

I commented on a video and my wifi cut off immediately

LOL I know how OP got blank titles.
Open Charmap
select "Zero Width Non-Joiner"
Paste and post.



These faggoty-ass videos were uploaded today. fucking faggot OP

Is it just b8? Or anything more?

sounds like a motorcycle.

Any audio/visual analysts here?


This is probably OP's channel.


This is from the 'dreams' one. Any idea?

>taking any of this seriously


looks like....



Do we ascii it?

also with some random squares drawn. probably made in microsoft paint.

>beta weirdo probably drew a bunch of odd paint projects like this, played them hella fast in a row (some screens look like he used the spray can) and then played a distorted audio of motorcycles and cars over it.

im fucking Sherlock.

Yes, that's my sosn's account.
If anyone's getting hacked it's him.

yes please

it probably says nothing but lets try anyway

'Nobody understood'



Please do

41 61 40 61 41 40 95 41 95 91 123 125 93 91 41 43 40
If you want, i can hexa it.


Maybe its coordinates?

yeah go ahead.
The creepy thing isn't the "spoopy random flashing images retarded kid ASCII code" stuff. It's creepy that someone put time and effort in creating this stuff,just for people to be puzzled

note i don't think that's a one actually. looks like ]

that part isn't creepy. he's likely just extremely bored and lonely.

it's only creepy if there's a meaning. and i don't mean like he encoded some lame personal thing like how bad he wants to an hero. i mean if he put actual information in them. that would be interesting as well as creepy.

look up xhdwajsux

where do they lead if that is true

Hard to do with broken keyboard, but here it is.
29h 3Dh 28h 3Dh 29h 28h 5Fh 29h 5Fh 5Bh 7Bh 7Dh 5Dh 5Bh 29h 31h 28h
Maybe, try putting them in google maps.
also, it's 17 groups of numbers, so maybe it isn't.
This kind of stuff happens all the time, don't worry.

Yeah I think I got ya. For example if he wrote random but true observations like, I dunno, "my mom's mug is blue".
But still,the fact that some lonely dude maybe finds pleasure or comfort in creating stuff like this is pretty spooky. And if it's a sane person that poses as such a person you could argue it's even creepier

Those look like chromosomes

>Found this weird channel a few days ago

Also, some of the hexa numbers seem like the color scale in some colors of some pics he has in his channel.

Fagget look at the upload date for this

The word only appears when the video stops. Shivers. Wonder if more words appear in other videos,though this is his latest

most likely bait but still weird

ok sorry ill confess now i have no clue what the fuck hex is or what that means. but it's fascinating. thank you

exactly. if he wrote personal things like "i hate my parents" or "no one loves me" it's more like an odd cry for attention ya know. trying to be edgy.

but if he wrote some real shit in there like "i know where x body is" or "the government did x y z and i have proof:..." then that's awesome.

Hex is basically an extended number count, instead of stoping at 9, it keeps with A, B, C, D, E, and stops at F, making FF a perfect 255.

Should i call /x/?

>Found this wierd channel a couple of days ago
>all videos uploaded today

I love ARG's, but this is just lazy OP

oh i see... that is actually really cool

i wish i understood things like that. how to hack things and use codes and shit. i actually didn't even own a computer from 2008-2015. long story...but i fell way behind with technology. i used to think i was good with computers now I'm lost as fuck. why don't you use that skill to make money user

imma go make a thread on /x/ about this spooky shit BRB

Yeah man this shit is crazy.


tell us what it means OP. after all you created it.

channel has only one subscriber so it's most likely bait

Ok, brb.

there's already

LOL Look at the newest video theres the guy called "bleed for me" and a channel

Check em

The beginning of an arg?

Not anymore :^)
But that's wrong you retard, there's a bid from three days ago

He gave up.
He said no.
His videos probably mean something along the lines of 'crawling in my crawl', we'll do it later or use to solve this one too.

Bump before we lose all our progress.

he couldn't have made the videos 3 days ago?

Bump,in case of 404 hex guy should create a cont.

Hexfag here, not doing a cont yet.
Saving progress before anything happens.


Hexafag here.
Data saved.
We're gonna do a cont after this one 404s.
In the meantime derail it, post everything, random images.



I think the word save means something here, the name of the channel is "pleaforme" implying that the word "save" being plastered all over his banner (and possibly at the end of videos) could mean something in relation to him wanting to be saved?

>Save me.

Now really i gotta have to ascii again, fuck.

maybe the username is relevant too although I highly doubt that as it only refers to a song called "plea for me"

also no need to save data because

what about the profile picture? It looks creepy as fuck

Wait, maybe it IS coordenates,
if it's straight code ascii, it could be
>And a point in there.
Maybe somebody's ded, maybe they're kept captive, something.
Maybe there's something in the lyrics, maybe i have to do more ascii because i have nothing better to do i don't fucking know... Also i already saved it but thanks anyway.

No clue looks like some guy or some shit idk.

What thread are we moving to? Anyone made one yet?