What are the most fucked up ideas you've ever considered acting upon?

what are the most fucked up ideas you've ever considered acting upon?

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Not pulling out.

Done that few times , lots of abortions and money thrown away.

For me
Getting a gun and going crazy, raping some bitches along the way. That was when I was younger

had ideas for shooting people in high school

Switching from underpants to boxers

Rape Moot

Smashing someone in the head with a sledgehammer just for the exploding watermelon effect. Also, attacking someone with a cheese grater. Of course, this was in my teenage years.

trapping about a hundred dick-heads in a "club" with one exit; timebomb in the middle of the pit explodes, everybody runs out. i'm waiting outside with automatic weapons killing every one of them. allahu ackbar

When i was like 12 or 13 I made a plan to kill my grandfather because he stole over 60,000$ from my family and fucked up our shit. the plan was to walk across town with a buck Knife I stole from my dad and to break the window and unlock his door and to walk in and stab him in the neck. LOL

it's not too late, if the bastard ain't dead yet ?

Lol I moved to a different city and he's like 80 now so fuck it

Become a coldblooded cereal killer

Masturbate to Bailey Jay

I planned on shooting up the school. First I would go and shit down the power at the school as to disable the cameras, then I would go out to the field and dig holes a foot deep every 10 yards and put the homemade explosives in them, and also along the bus lane. Then the next day at school I pull the fire alarm and everybody walks out to the field and then I blow up the first set in the field, then I get up from behind the baseball fields and go on a shooting rampage with my dad's ar15 and his ak. By the time first responders got there most people would be dead or injured, then when they came to rescue everybody I would blow the bus lane bombs up and kill the first responders and assuming I had been seen doing this would go to the near by shopping center and take hostages, then probably get killed.

ITT: white people

My sides I'll one up you faggot, try fapping to Buck Angel

>be 16 at the time, 20 now
>friend steals my dads debit card
>retards we were we trusted our friends with the pin card, as in when I had to do the shopping I didn't have to hide the code. I mean, as you do right?
>note: I knew the guy for 2+ years at this point
>he steals over $200 over the course of a week
>dad finds out via an app on his phone
>feel fucking betrayed
>cut all contact
>very angry
>another note: I don't have many friends
>about a week later in bed
>thinking about this ordeal
>think "I should get that fucker back, I know where he works."
>"I mean, just bike over there, wait for him to finish his shift, run up and club him with a piece of wood from the shed"
>"but witnesses then? Its adjacent to an appartment block"
>"and finger prints? And clothes?"

I really went into detail, I would go when it got a little dark (he worked late), pillows in bed, the sorts. I would wear old clothes I'd ditch or bury, clothes I could kind of put up over my face + a hat. No one would miss the bar of wood (about the size of a forearm, which I would hide in my schoolbag). The piece of wood would go in the fireplace and whoever saw wouldn't have the time to go after me.

>park bicycle, creep up behind and club the fucker a few times and bolt off. Try not to get hit by a car, hide club and clothes in bag.

Yes I watched too much CSI lol.

I didn't do it in the end. Weeks went by and I just let go. The fucker avoided since. I guess he's scared of me.


>cut power
>pull fire alarm


I forgot to say turn it back on rip

Why not just put a few bomb in some strategically chosen lockers, perhaps a few more in various areas of the school, then proceed to go outside and lock all the doors (chains and padlocks around door handles) except for one but have the chains and padlock ready. Next, pull the fire alarm, quickly leave via the last remaining unlocked exit and lock the chains preventing anyone else in the building from escaping. As people leave the classrooms assuming it is but a mere fire drill, detonate the explosives.

Sexually abusing my qt cousin so it would fuck her up for life. Not just like touching, more raw fucking while she was screaming and stuff.

Loving someone who likely won't love you back. And even if they do, they won't love you as much as you might do for them. You'll never be their first, but a stepping stone to get somewhere else.

It's fucked up to think a girl would ever want you just as much as you do her if not more. Maybe Islam has some form of reason behind the way they treat women.

letting my mother/aunt catch me while jerking off to porn

on omegle
4 sixteenish year old girls having a girls night in caravan
settings on my language
where you from
from x
im from x too
these girls horny as fuck
they all show yo dick yo
im like im coming over
im 24
didnt do it

After years of serious verbal abuse and trying to throw my stuff out, I've thought of killing my grandmother many times.
Never done anything to her though. And I intend to keep it that way. She's gonna die alone soon anyway.

On her deathbed, tell her you never loved her. And when she dies, throw out her stuff before your family loots her stuff.

That's what families do to each other when they die. They loot what they have and "finders keepers" the unwritten rule.

She knows I don't love her, nobody really does, everyone just pities her. Heartless, malicious woman all her life with a god complex, only being nice to someone if she believes she can gain something from it.
I'm just gonna smile and tell her that the only thing anyone around her is worrying about are the funeral costs. And congratulate her for working on this statement for 80 years.

I don't fucking get that sentence. People are pigs in people's clothing?

I have thought of kidnaping an 12 year old girl and loching up her in my cellar. I love to fhink about details , so every time i start thinking of that ,i spend about 2-3 h juststaring at the ceiling.
After that i want to kill my self for even thinking anything like that. Sup Forums Has ruind me but whatever ,if i go hero , il stream it



confessing my political views to my workmates

careful with that edge son

>Be you.
>Be at her deathbed.
>She's gasping her last breaths.
>You hover over her, give her an evil grin.
>"Just think, Grandma! The second you die everyone's going to go to your house and steal everything!"

>Watch her die with her face twisted up in a horrifying grimace of horror and pain.


inb4 she sells everything and burns all the cash before she kills herself

eric klebold was my cousin.....he made a mistake!!!! let him rest in piece.

I'll get my coat

>Cereal killer.
>Start with pic related.
>Also, read the filename.

Done that.

Don't do it.

I was still drunk the next morning, had sex, drunk me said "fuck it. repercussions aren't a thing".

>eric klebold
nice try

Dont give up! Grudges are for life


You guys seriously cheer me up sometimes :')

Aloha snack bar?

wew lad.

explode a normal and chloride gas bomb in the school gym when they are having some gathering.

Enjoy prison you fucking degenerates

Planned parenthood is free bro

Watch Kill la Kill

Thank you user.

I've thought about bombing a black lives matter protest and release isis propaganda to try and link them and bring the nation together against Muslims


Kidnapping, torturing and turning into a slave all those little sluts from my high school year.

Though probably more like a fantasy.

