We could live in a virtual reality and not even know of it

We could live in a virtual reality and not even know of it.
You cannot disprove it.

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Il kill myself and prove to you that you're wrong!

And you can't prove it. So what's for dinner?

I could not give a fuck and you can't disprove that.

If we are aware of the possibility that this is the case for reality, do you really our overlords would us to even think about that? Anything we can theorise must therefore be far from the reality of it all.

You know that the frontier of physics right now, is actually about to either debunk or say we can;t know for certain, right?

Here user. Eat this.

But computer programs are flawed.
We could be humans living in a computer program. The program isn't therefore foolproof.

the amount of fucks we give cinchpackaging.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Blank-White-Page1.jpg

We could also live in reality and that would be horrible.

if we lived in a virtual reality, then surely i could not recieve these repeating numerals for my post number
Christians 1, NiP Fangays 0

Correct, it's a non Falsifiable hypothesis, but the fact you cannot disprove something does not make it true. Case in point: You cannot prove that I am in fact a hyper intelligent bear, but does that mean I am?

Yes reality is scary.

Would explain past lives and deja vu.

And if humans have been living in this computer program for presumably thousands of years(maybe just hundreds or even tens) you'd have thought they'd find exploits by now which would corroborate your idea of a "flawed program"

But is that not an idea rather than a fact? Isn't this how all ideas become truth?
Only a fool would believe without questioning.

We already do, it's called Second Life. A lot of oldfags use it nowadays.

well there is no end of pi, how can then pi be programmed?

Can you then point out the flaws with your own theory? after all you would be a fool to believe without questioning that wouldn't you?

Yeah and living in fear of being insane is the quickest way to become it.

how can pi then be programmed, sory for english i and drunk

Ralph Pootawn is that you old friend

Nigger what? It's more like a hypothesis.
Also what are you talking about?

I made this thread didn't I?

No, but Britbong was trying to work up a raid a minute ago but no one responded to his thread.

Just about everyone you meet in Second Life use to lurk on Sup Forums. Mostly casuals like on the weekend.

Lol fag.

>thinking fag is an insult online
Teenagers. Sheesh.


Go back to playing virtual autism.

I don't think you know what autism even means.

this is why I hate living in this world

You get use to his kind, or do like most of us do just avoid the publicly educated. They're rarely able to offer any coherent form of conversation.

You know the uestion but not the answer.
It's in my post but not yours.


This is a perfect example of what autism actually is.


Neo was a cheater

You lost those quints... Y u didn't wait?

Wait nevermind. False.
No u faggot.

you could actually be a sentient pimple on the asshole of whomever it is you hate the most and the entire world you perceive is just a hallucination to cope with the fact that you are, in fact, a shit pimple.
This, you cannot disprove.

Yeah true.
But let's focus on the matrix for now.

get redpilled

you dont need decimals, we now what the definition flr pi is, and we already have a symbol for it, representing the value according to the definition. Just because we cant finitely write it down in our own numeric system doesnt mean that pi has no end in any other system

the point

your head

We do... this was proven in 2241. Have you entities lost it?

I guess you're right.
But it's like saying orcs are real or that shit could be secretly a sentient creature. One is just more likely user. Ok? Ok.

>Argument from ignorance

assuming that a claim is true because it has not been or cannot be proven false

Educate yourself faggot