Can we get an American loli thread? preferably no anime

can we get an American loli thread? preferably no anime




bumping for interest


anybody know any good Loli sites?

Rule34Hentai has source flimmaker loli stuff.

Your mother must be proud she made you this way

you dont like american anime?


Thanks, I will check that out

search what?

You'd need an account to see that though, it's hidden from logged out people to prevent it showing up on Google.

Search that

u wot?



>American loli
Sadly such a thing only exists on Rule 34 sites. People over here seem to think that drawing pictures of underage girls is a crime because of our confusing and vague pornography laws.

I wish this pic was much better drawn.

Love the premise of Lilo as a ravenous cock-sucker.

You were such a good boy... WHO...are you now?

>pretending you can choose/alter this
simple view of live you have

moar pls

I have a secret to share with you ....GO ON SKYPE

sure.. just let my boot up windows xp






can't sleep!


You motherfucker! Oh wait no you aren't! SORRY


Where you going?









Let's Count...



moar pls





And here is why!



so im not the only one who has skype in xp in a vm? huh


Fuck that game was hawt

It's bad for you...really


>pretending you can not

What a pathetic strategy.









Omg fucking yes





Sauce who is she

Penny Peterson

Someone from Mr Peabody and Sherman


Loli is trash...... FUCK. Even god tier Loli is trash.


Rule 33, 40 years in the making

cp on Sup Forums is a myth theres only loli here










Not Loli; Gtfo




This nigga is disappointed in you pedophiles

What? Also I posted nearly everything in the thread.

>caring for what a nigger says

>being redhead

Pfft, like how? "Get therapy"? Therapists are obligated to send your ass to jail if they learn you've been looking at pedoshit, pal.

You got a wallpaper size of this image? Looks pretty cool actually.

American? Pfft hell naw.

Here's some French 18th century Loli tho.