Ask a girl from Vermont who just tried heroin for the first time last night anything

Ask a girl from Vermont who just tried heroin for the first time last night anything

inb4 junkie

how's the weather?

Assuming that the index of refraction of water is 4/3 and that raindrops are spherical, show that the location of a rainbow is approximately 42◦ above the line from the sun to you. If you see a double rainbow, what is the angle of the second one? Even triple rainbows are possible, although they are difficult to see; where is the
third one?

Great, cloudy and muggy. Good weed smokin weather.

>Star of david

Oy vey

>also lives in vermont


Hi! Few things to start off =]
1. Yes, I'm replying to you because you're a femanon( 'tis an awesome thing to see!)
2. I'm Brian
3. Don't be intimidated, but I'm not your stereotypical guy. If anything I'll be the one in the kitchen! xD

You know the rules. Let's see em.

How about no you crazy dutch pastry

Are you aware that you're a Jewish hippie? Ever watch South Park?


Did you vote for Sanders?
Also why the fuck do you feel the need to brag about your first time using heroin?
Were the dreads not grabbing enough attention from strangers?

Tits or gtfo?

tits and a timestamp.

cool I'm going to Vermont next week great to hear the weathers ok.

No, I'm republican






You look like a typical minimum wage libtard

tits or gtfo

I'm republican.

We do exist

Oh, then timestamp you fucking callous whore.

Montpelier? Burlington?

gtfo kike bitch

Tits and timestamp before we continue.

Does the heroin help you get closer to Moses?

Assuming you didn't shoot it your first
Time (don't lie, you didn't) it's really not that different than pharmaceutical opiates

Nothing to see here

tits or gtfo

No timestamp but here is my Ngage

If I advised you to keep the first time as the last time, would you comply?

oh my Brian.. I never got over you/// can you tell me that you love me?

Why would you choose to belong to a political party?


Tits or gtfo

Do you think Hitler did anything wrong?

No. I liked it.


What if Seinfeld was still on TV today with brand new episodes every week on NBC?


Probably Barre m8.

Why the hell would you do heroin? That shit is like a plague on VT, I have personally seen its effects on my friends and its nothing you wanna fuck with.

I don't like Seinfeld, I like Becker.

Why haven't you made Aliyah?

>implying that's you


did you start with weed?

Of course I love you, you are gorgeous. Can you please write my name on your arm? It would mean so much for me, my birthday was also yesterday.


Then you have fallen into its clutches and will fall from grace, that is literally the worst decision you could possibly make, that stuff will fuck your life up so hard.


so . . . have you been reading the papers for the past two years? people in 802 and 603 dying of fentonol poisoning every day? have any of your friends died? watch out for that shit, user. you seem like a pretty cool lady, and this is the worst time to be a junkie

Stop! Why would anyone willingly do that? H almost killed me last year. Spent 6 weeks in ICU on dialysis after my kidneys shut down. I was strung out on Oxy for years, it got expensive, h was cheap, got strung out on it too. Got clean for a few months, relapsed and that one relapse was enough. Ive been clean a year and 3 weeks.

See, that's the problem. But okay.

ure a pussy

Nothing special VT has a lot of heroin addicts in it, and now you're one of them enjoy wasting all the rest of your potential.

of course I can. Anything for you... and coincidentally today is my Bday, can you write " happy bday Laura

Why would you use opiates?

Nice. Keep it up

Yeah you totally look like you have your life together. Everyone "only tries it once". Then it goes to "I only do it with friends", then it goes to "I can quit whenever ai want" then it's "I'll suck your dick for some dope". Have fun junkie.

Didn't mean to tag your post, this tablet is a piece of shit.

Aren't you neat.
Do you always go through life being flippant and sarcastic because deep down you want someone to put you in your slutty place?

Because it helps my chronic pain from when I was pushed out of a school bus.

no. u

op still hasn't posted tits? abandon thread


straight up this


pack it up, boys.


You must have been quite fag to get pushed out of a school bus. What did you do to the pusher that forced him to evacuate you?

That was the same reason I started Oxy, except back problems from work accident. Doc closed, started buying on the street. Lost my entire life. Savings, cars, house, wife, every single fucking thing.

and fat, from this pic

sure is samefag in here

Okay. Fine. Just find a way to really, really keep it in check, I don't know how.

I stole his Ipod Mini and he falcon punched me out the emergency exit.


fuck, that's how a lot of opiate addictions start in this country. some prior injury, and then shit gets worse

My friend tried it once,
nicked a vein in his leg and bled to death in the back of my car on the way to A&E.

Sure this is just that "Ask a girl" copy pasta but thanks for the feels

I saw this same Jewish Hippie post several months ago.
Very fake, very gay.
Timestamp or GTFO

then i felt old lol

It's real. Reverse image returns nothing.

Considering that you're going to be living on the street and sucking dick in a few months anyway, wanna show some boobers?

Hi! few things to start off with =]

1. yes I said hi to you because you're a female heroin addict, 'tis an awesome thing to see!

2. I'm Brian.

3. Don't be intimidated, but I'm not a stereotypical guy. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen.

Are you Jewish?

Could you give me the details on what happened?


Time stamp at least so we know your not faking

Yea, it sucked. Bad. I tried coming off shit quite a few times, rehabs, detoxing, cold turkey but id already lost everything and was so fucking depressed I didnt give a shit. I was a piece of shit person, stealing from folks, businesses, running game on folks, robbing folks lots of terrible things that truly make me cringe now.

I remember a Little Richard interview where he talked about Jimi Hendrix.......during the interview he mentioned heroin, and pronounced it as "hair-ron"

To this very day I still pronounce it "hair-ron" because of that video, kek

Not to mention I have a $387k bill from the hospital

Do you worry about overdosing, and how do you pay for your drug habit?

I ask nothing...
When I say wanna fuck. It is a statement.
Second....iI grow lots of good poppies...wanna get down?

can you show your pussy then kill yourself?

Doesn't mean it's not a repost, you gullible moron.