Sup Forums I need to talk to you

Sup Forums I need to talk to you.

I've been here for several years throughout my life, always taking part. But now I need to ask something from you guys. I've recently been made redundant, my job was helping keep my single parent and ill brother afloat. I'm up to my eyes in debt from taking care of them both, and I've got nothing, and I'm babysitting my bro tonight. All I want to do is treat him to pizza or something.

I'm asking for £12 to buy us a pizza. In return, I'll post nudes of this chick.

the gofundme is PizzaForGem

OP is a fag, but OP will deliver.

Not your personal ATM.

Sucks to be you.

not paying for mediocre nudes. or any nudes for that matter

wow your life sucks, that's fucking hilarious. lol fag


Yeah my life sucks.

Any richfag feeling kind enough to donate one pizza?

There you go theres £12 for you and hopefully you will all enjoy your pizza. Now post nudes please.

Good man. Time to deliver OP

gofund dot me / PizzaForGem

You trolling? I'm not seeing it.

i get an error when i try.. sorry op

Donated £14 aswell. Order something to drink with your pizza

You are a very very kind person who is going to have a special place in heaven basking in the glory of God forever. Amen.

DELIVER ASSHOLE! No fucking wonder your life is fucking shit

Just fixed it, if it didn't go through, you might need to try again.

Still says £0 out of £12

i'm too much of a poorfag to have any money to donate, i'm in a similar situation OP but i hope it goes okay

bump for win


I have already donated, and because of that I can only eat oaths for dinner for the next 2 days. Enjoy your pizza.

Btw, where the hell is the nudes?

I feel like this is just a sad attempt to get drug money

You could at least buy real food instead of bread with a side of heart disease.

i thought about it but then i saw Roman

Roman needs a new hip

gofundme com / romanshipsdontlie

i can add like 56 cents usd

It helps. The second I get to £12 I'll post her nudes.


kek. I bet Roman also is trying to get drug money.

im not seeing it come up when i search

You won't, it's private.

Just go to gofundme doot com / PizzaForGem

Please guys.

People to get pizza , but not did not get . Please and thank the dog ? Good how are you today His Majesty ? Thank you very much land from Asia . And the circular knife to eat it? Father spicy chili peppers feed the cat . Does not like , but are good for you . You'll be a hero to realize that you are the losers ? Brother wolf howling at the moon feed. Please , do not respect this kind lady . She is more than up to this position . For example , where is your father , now son? Grandpa is added .

I'll give you £12...I'll need proof of purchase
[email protected]

The pizza place closes in 20 minutes, can someone please spare just a few £?

You'll get it.

It's payday for me, so I would give you £12, but what kind of pizza place charges £12?! My local takeaway is £7 for a 14" pizza. Even Domino's is only £16 at absolute most,!

It's dominos.

Could you give £7 then instead?

Thank you.

I have paid the £12 for your pizza and I have just checked my online bank and the money has been paid. Now post nudes.

Thank you Sup Forums

Cheers my friend

Done now send that email Sup Forumsro
Hope your brother gets better man


Nah, I'm far too drunk to set up an account, and I've left my wallet I the car.

All I can offer is my condolences that I was paid, £2800 after tax, and you're not seeing a penny of it.

Il post a picture tomorrow of !y £7 pizza.

Kyle Pollock is faggot.

>my job was helping keep my single parent

post ur mom bro

Are these the nudes you wanted 12 bong dollars for? God shave the queen

any more?

You've helped a hungry user a lot tonight Sup Forums

Post in great detail the perverted things you plan to do to him


mintedmodels com/serenity/

Make Sup Forums happy and post her ass

Is that all, OP?

First name or initials bro. give us a tiny bit of info on the slut we paid to see pics of..


It's right here, dumbass..