Can someone just TRY and prove to me that God is real

Can someone just TRY and prove to me that God is real.

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The Higgs boson the "God particle". The one thing in everything and in the nothingness.

witch god?

It's impossible to prove because to prove something, it has to be falsifiable. Since the existence of a god is not falsifiable, it cannot be proved or disproved:

>witch god?


No. It can't be done.

Time and time again in Christian Literature and the Bible itself it is made clear that it is by FAITH that we are saved. You see, faith is kinda like the power source. In the Bible, there is the story of a woman who believed that if she could just touch Jesus' robe, she would be healed. So she snuck up close to him and touched His robes. Immediately Jesus, said "Who touched me? I felt the power go out of me, who touched me?"

The woman confesses that it was her and says why she did it. Christ responds that it is her Faith that has healed her.

In another story Christ tells his disciples that if they only had faith as big as a mustard seed, (a very small seed) then they could tell the mountains to move, and they would move.

So there will be no proof, ever. Faith is believing in something you can't see or touch or even explain. KNOWING something exists, short-circuits Faith. If Faith really is the source of Power, our faith in Him, then it would be against His purpose to destroy it.

Can someone just TRY and prove to me that God isn't real.

Also impossible. There is no logical method to prove a negative

Burden of proof is on the one claiming something exists. But you can't prove something that's not falsifiable by definition.


Which god?

What, then, of those who have faith in and worship the Judeo-Christian god, but are from other Abrahamic religions? Is their faith just as valid?

All the best stuff is bad for you. That CAN'T be an accident.

So your question doesn't matter. You can't prove any of them DON'T exist

He also created the Devil. Are we suppose to also love him? No. Gays and Non-Christians are one step away from the Devil. Look at what he did to Sodom and those Sodomites...

Based on that response, it sounds like you have difficulty interpreting context cues, such as the fact that this thread's image is of Jesus. Thus, I would assume that we're talking about the general Christion interpretation of the Judeo-Christian god. Also, if another god were being referred to, it would be referred to by another name. It is generally accepted that when an English speaker talks about "God", they mean the Christian god. Are you not a native speaker? Or, are you one of those neckbearded atheists who just repeats Richard Dawkins without actually understanding the context of things?

Sure. You are alive and you can think. You're created in the image of God.

Where did all the matter and energy in the universe come from? Science says they're impossible to create or destroy so they weren't formed or come from something else. They couldn't poof from nothing because that's also impossible. And they couldnt have always existed because again, impossible. The only logical answer is one we don't understand: a supernatural power putting things into motion.

I would presume so, if they accept Christ as their Savior.

There is a mention in the Book of Romans to those who have never heard of Christ still being saved because their own conscience compels them to do what is right in God's eyes even though they don't have "The Law" (The Old Testament Law in Leviticus and Deuteronomy) because they become a law unto themselves.

But if someone -has- heard of Christ, and the salvation He offers, and still rejects it, that person is not saved.

Here is a question that nobody asks: What if there WAS God, but something went miraculously wrong, and now God does not exist anymore?

Yes, we are. That is the one weakness that The Adversary has. The one thing it can not defend itself from.

you are your god. your soul is the god in your life. believe in yourself. trust yourself.

The Good Samaritan was not Christian, nor Jew. Pretty sure he's partying it up with Jesus in heaven

Loving the Devil means loving evil. It doesn't work.

Samaritans were not Jews, but they did follow the Jewish faith. Back then, Jews were a pretty exclusive group.

What of those who believe the opposite? Who still believe in the same god because they follow an Abrahamic religion, but are told that Jesus was not the messiah? Thus, they have heard of Jesus, but also believe in something contradictory - for instance, those who believe that the Muhammad was a prophet, not Jesus, and thus is their "savior", per se. To them, accepting Jesus would be just as illogical as a Christian accepting Muhammad. And yet they believe in the same god. If jesus is god in the form of flesh, then they still believe in him, just not in a physical manifestation of him.

If God was real he'd slam my head into the keyboahgdbjtenkdchsghtvbkupfefv

If you're really open minded and sincerely seeking for the truth, and you find that evidence (philosophical, scientific, and such) is important for you, then open youtube and search for debates by William Lane Craig, then (or I would say first) read the New Testament

But somehow I get the feeling this is not the case, people don't want God to exist and they don't want to open their ears to the evidence that is very easy to find and understand

"For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things."
(Romans 1:18-23)

Not true. You can love a Sinner despite his Sins. Jesus' ministry was founded on this ideal, that NONE of us were so sinful that we could not be saved if we would only repent. Even The Adversary can still repent of his evil ways and be saved.

Not like anyone really expects that to happen.... this site will give you all the proof you need


The Devil is a not a sinner, he's the manifestation of evil. Loving him is not loving a sinner, it is loving sin itself.

Look at a watch OP. If G-d isn't real, where did all those tiny cogs come from??

nice dubs and lots of good info on here op you should check it out

the ones with big noses, that use dark magic

Again, not true. The Adversary was once one of God's brightest, most glorious angels. But he became jealous of Men because God loved us more, even though we aren't in any way as glorious as an angel.

That was his downfall. And because of the nature of Angels, he is unlikely to change. The Adversary isn't the source of evil, but he does exist to evoke it from us. It is our free will that he envies and uses against us.

Yeah, God can prove it himself. Have you ever seriously tried to talk to him?

The adversaries downfall was pride, not jealousy, he wanted to become God.

That's also the lie he told Eve, saying "You will become like God, knowing good and evil".

That's also the root of modern Satanism, what do they say? The same old lie: "You are God, worship yourself, trust yourself".

If Angels are naturally unlikely to change how did he make a U-turn from being God's brightest, and most glorious angel?

I think this Adversary of yours is a false flag. He sacrifices himself to be the bad guy so that God could be highlighted as the good guy.

How would I be able to tell apart my own mind's voice from god's? Do I just have to have faith that what my mind's voice is saying is actually god saying it, and not me making it up? What if he chose not talk to me, and my own mind was leading me astray because I was mistakenly thinking that god was talking to me?

Pic related.

I can only tell you what I believe to be true. Christ is the one true Savior. It is by accepting him as your personal Savior that you are saved.

You have to decide if that works for you. If someone wants to believe in another "prophet" then I can only wish them luck. Stop, Drop, and Roll doesn't work in Hell.

You'll know if it happens.

Muhammed wasn't sure if he was hearing demons when the "angel" appeared to him in the cave, and wanted to hurl himself down a cliff and die, until his wives told him it was actually God, and he believed. It wasn't God, he would not have felt any fear or uncertainty, they were demons.

Read the Bible.

"Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and now is in the world already."
(1 John 4:1-3)

I stand corrected.

A possibility. In the story of Moses, Pharaoh was told "I raised you up so that I might show my power", implying that the only reason he WAS Pharaoh, was so God could rip him a new asshole. Kinda fucked up, but look what He did to Job. And he -liked- Job.

at the end of your pathetic life
you get to die

Some fear that. Believers don't.

Should a god be worth accepting if he is narcissistic and willfully creates evil? Isaiah 45:7 "I make peace, and create evil"

If he is the creator of the universe, then why does he demand worship? If I got a fish tank, I don't demand the fish worship me and roast them if they don't, that would be psychotic.

Furthermore, the punishment of hell is infinitely evil. If our time on earth is finite, and we are judged by our actions, then infinite suffering for a finite crime sounds like a system setup by a sadist.

If god is all knowing, all powerful, and the creator of everything. Then he created the system of heaven and hell, knowing some will reject him, and chose to make a system where their punishment would be to burn forever.

Good thing there isn't a shred of evidence for any of that bs though. Christians are like otherkin. Just because you believe something doesn't make it real.

this makes boudless amounts of sense

It depends on how you define God. If you, like me, define it like the union of everything that exists, therefore he exists and there is no question about it. If you pray to God you pray to everything. And everything may or may not help you.

here's your proof.

Im god.

If God won't show himself infront of any of us within the next 5 seconds means he's real.

People get scammed because they think they're making good choices, but really others have fabricated that feeling in order to get their time and money.

You got sold the idea of god, but there's no evidence that he(it?) even exists. I got a house that I can sell you, but you don't get to see it until after you make all the payments.

My dad is real!

I see nobody wants to tackle his question.

Okay, lets tackle a few of these with my limited understanding.

Hell which has always been described as a place of eternal fire and torment was taken from the name Gehenna, which was the city dump outside Jerusalem where trash was burned. The more common threat was that one not saved would go down to sheol, or the grave. Most scholars agree that a literal Hell does not exist, that Hell is being separated from God.

God is NOT some cold, calculating being who set up a system designed to punish all but a select few. God is much like us, or we're much like him. He is an emotional being for whom time doesn't really exist and He does love us all. Not being anchored in the time stream, he knows the future and knows that not everyone will want to be saved. That doesn't mean He wouldn't wish that we all were.

Put yourself in God's shoes. You have all these children, some good, some bad. You know the time is coming when you're gonna have to take your children out of this cradle of a world and with you to the next. You'd -like- to take them all, they're your kids, but you also know that no matter how hard you try, there will be those who just won't come. What do you do? You can't force them, you gave them free will to choose. What can you do but save the savable?

The Dark Lord Allah is real because Tolkien said about it in his bible books.


Then all we believe is a lie anyways because the God we believe in could never disappear.

In a sense: If the God we don't believe in vanishes, did it even matter in the first place?

What if He just gave up on us?

I don't really think he could be destroyed, but if, as I suspect, Faith is the source of His power, could our current, faithless population have left Him disabled? Powerless to help us?

Or perhaps just unwilling. He's tried a do-over before. Maybe He just decided to start over from scratch?

God does not simply decide. God does not have a source of power. God is power, God is everywhere and God is eternal.
God knows all. He does not change His mind or make decisions like we do. He has a plan for everything.

Time is the only constant in the universe, or at least our perception of it. God offers an eternity of bliss for believing in his son, Jesus. Eternity is a measure of time. Time is proof.

Just wanted to mention that none of these images are likely to look anything like the real Jesus.

Jesus was a Hebrew. He'd look middle-eastern. More like Serj Tankian than any of these blonde-haired- blue-eyed myths.

Bullshit. If Jesus was truly the son of god he'd make himself white.
>Jesus was the miracle baby because he was born white in a sea of savages.

That is patently false and the Bible proves it. The entire old testament is the story of God trying to get His chosen people to follow His will, and punishing them when they fuck it up. And each time he tries, he makes it a little easier for them, until it gets down to "Just do what My Son says and you'll be Good to Go"

God gave us free will because you can't plan anything once we have it. He gave us free will because it is only if we FREELY love Him that it matters. The only plan now is save as many as possible before this world ends and He takes us to the next one with him.

>Time is the only constant in the universe, or at least our perception of it

Our -perception- is that time is a constant. what if our perception is flawed? We sense three dimensions in a universe that could have 12 or more. What makes you think we have even those three right?

The vast majority of people on this earth are NOT white. What makes you think God is, or that God even has a preference?

But when He does things, He knows if people will obey or not. He does it, essentially, to prove a point.
God does not change His mind, as I said earlier.

>or that God even has a preference?
Because God knows white is the master race, you inbred.

OP, 'real' means things which can be inherited and passed on, heirlooms, houses, titles, shit like that.
Of course it is none of these.

Because if there is a god he wouldn't be a fucking degenerate.

Can someone just TRY and prove to me that God isn't real.
>tfw agnostic master race
Nobody knows faggot, get over it.

this >>>

That's not the definition of real. Otherwise that'd be a very valid point.

But he DID change. He changed from demanding a Sacrifice of the most perfect lamb every year, to the Sacrifice of THE perfect Lamb just once.

He changed from demanding a blood offering to enter the most Holy place to tearing the curtain dividing it from the people right down the middle and letting anyone enter.

God DOES change. How could you imagine a being of such power, intelligence and wisdom that didn't?

>God does not change His mind

I wish you would tell this to the white people who claim to be Jews.

Anything is possible. We will never truly know for certain if God exists. Death comes for us all, only then it will be revealed to us. I choose to believe in God because it brings me comfort in this shithole of a world we live in.

in this instance, it fucking well is. wtf do you think 'real' estate means?



>Death comes for us all

The word "real" is defined as actually existing as a thing or occurring in fact; not imagined or supposed.
It has no relation to whether or not a thing can be passed down.

If dubs God is real.

That is far from a logical answer my friend
read about scientific theories, the theory of relativity, quantum mechanics, etc instead of going "hey, we don't know, must be supernatural!".. Because you sound like a retard

The Bible says that Jesus was so black that he looked like he had been burned in a furnace. That is not the same color as Serj Tankian.

Plenty of athiests and agnostics would love to open our ears to evidence of gods existence, but there is none. Not one shred. The bible is not a credible source.

In Civil Law, relating to a thing (whether movable or immovable), as distinguished from a person. Relating to land, as distinguished from Personal Property. This term is applied to lands, tenements, and hereditaments.
fuck off

same old bullshit WRONG question.
you take it somewhere to deepen a debate and the same old 'I don't even google stuff' bullshit blah blah blah blah
the fuck do you retards think every law is originally based on?

>implying OP specified that we only use it in terms of civil law
Did you just start law school or are you an autodidactic autist who thinks he found a clever loophole? Either way you're objectively a faggot and wrong.

implying fuck all, didnt even read the rest of your tired repeater bullshit.
tell me, when would the existance of a god matter?
right now i this shit hole? or in front of a judge, defending yourself??


Please stay out of grown men's business.

That wasn't changing His mind. I know it's complicated, but it was clear that His plan from the beginning was to sacrifice Jesus. The only reason people had to sacrifice lambs in the past was because Jesus didn't exist yet. Jesus opened the curtain for anyone who believes. Because a lamb is limited salvation. Hell, a lamb is basically no salvation. Jesus is ultimate salvation.

>How could you imagine a being of such power that didn't change?
To change your mind usually implies you were wrong in the first place. God is not wrong, and thus does not need to change his mind.

If God were real, you could pray for him to make you less of an autistic faggot.
Check and mate.

I hate to tell you he's right, but he is. We're not in a court, therefore there is no reason for us to use the definition as defined in civil law.
Too bad your argument doesn't matter. The keyword isn't real, it's "prove".
Nobody can prove that God does or doesn't exist because God is not tangible in any way we can truly understand.

Just challenging you here bro:

>God is not wrong
Without using the Bible, or man's definition of God, prove to me that God can not ever be wrong.

He could just as well have posted some other deity. I mean, all religions basically think that their own religion is more true than the other ones. With the post "which one" I think he wanted to make fun of that idea; the idea of a false sense of uniqueness attached to their God/Gods. So in this case maybe it was you who failed to interpret the cue. Or are you one of those "neckbeard retards"? In religion you basically repeat the same shut all over again. For millenia really.

Anyways, grow up and don't take thinks so personal.

>Prove to me that God can not ever be wrong
Because the God I believe in can not be wrong.
If that God is wrong, then it is not the God I believe in, and it is not God.

I would think that's an obvious answer.