Is anyone on here willing to have a construction conversation on why the rule: TITS OR GTFO is sexist...

Is anyone on here willing to have a construction conversation on why the rule: TITS OR GTFO is sexist, hurtful and creates a hostile environment for women. Whether you agree or disagree, I would just like to have a conversation about it. If at least four or five people reply and are willing to talk about this issue with me, (with the knowledge that I am a woman) , in a way that is constructive, where I share my opinion, you listen, you share yours, I listen, and we respect each other. If that can happen, then I am willing to play by your rules and show you my tits, even thought I don't want to, but I have the feeling that no one will respond if I don't suggest doing that, if you feel differently though, please say so. Thank you for reading

Tits or gtfo

there are no girls on the internet

this is either some white cuck faggot or a nigger blm chick

Believe me or not, but I am a 23 year old woman on the internet, and you are literally making me cry right now with this screenshot. This is exactly why this rule is so awful and sexist and made me afraid to go on Sup Forums when I was a young woman (17 or 18) now I'm 23 but I still feel the same way about this rule. Basically you are saying you only care about what I have to say in real life because you think I'm hot and want to fuck me, and on the internet you don't even care what I have to say at all. Do you know how devalued and degraded that makes me feel as a human being? Do you really understand that? And if you do, how can you go on upholding this awful, hurtful, hateful rule?

I don't give a fuck who you are or where you live. You can count on me to be there to bring your fucking life to a hellish end. I'll put you in so much fucking pain that it'll make Jesus being nailed to a cross in the desert look like a fucking back massage on a tropical island. I don't give a fuck how many reps you have or how tough you are IRL, how well you can fight, or how many fucking guns you own to protect yourself. I'll fucking show up at your house when you aren't home. I'll turn all the lights on in your house, leave all the water running, open your fridge door and not close it, and turn your gas stove burners on and let them waste gas. You're going to start stressing the fuck out, your blood pressure will triple, and you'll have a fucking heart attack. You'll go to the hospital for a heart operation, and the last thing you'll see when you're being put under in the operating room is me hovering above you, dressed like a doctor. When you wake up after being operated on, wondering what ticking time bomb is in your chest waiting to go off. You'll recover fully from your heart surgery. And when you walk out the front door of the hospital to go home I'll run you over with my fucking car out of no where and kill you. I just want you to know how easily I could fucking destroy your pathetic excuse of a life, but how I'd rather go to a great fucking length to make sure your last remaining days are spent in a living, breathing fucking hell. It's too late to save yourself, but don't bother committing suicide either... I'll fucking resuscitate you and kill you again myself you bitch-faced faggot. Welcome to hell, population: you.

I said I would, if anyone was willing to have a conversation about it first, but your response does not seem like a constructive conversation.


2/10 bait
if real, back to tumblr you go.
>always remember to sage kids.

I sure hope this is bait.

You've been living under the assumption that you have any worth as a human being.
And you weren't wrong - you did, because you had a vagina and tits.

The playing field has now been leveled.
You are nothing - until you become something.
And the only way to become something is by creating something with merit.
That's the way most males have been going through life for centuries.
Welcome to equality.

See you're still just being an uninteresting crybaby who wants attention for your genitalia.

TITS or GTFO if you wanna actually talk about this instead of crying.

no, this time, I'm actually being serious. I'm going through an emotional time right now, I've just went through a break up, and recently I've had a lot of guys sexually harass me and proposition me for sex, upon first meeting me with out even knowing my name. I also found out someone very close to me was putting herself into situations that were dangerous and got raped by this insane person. So this is as much a feels thread as it is a thread on the opinion of the rule tits or gtfo, I'm just talking about that because it's something that goes on here and it's something that has bothered me for a very long time. I didn't go on Sup Forums for a long time because all I knew about it was that rule and rule 34.

It's b, we are shits to everyone. Hate just is here. Don;t like it don't come here. Hell, I am hispanic and I am sure there are some hate comments are coming for admitting that. I don't have a real answer for you due to no real question being asked. But you made me type so 4/10

Bringing gender to a conversation adds nothing of value to the conversation, if you start a thread deliberatly saying shit like ">tfw femanon" or some shit like that you DESERVE Tits or Gtfo

This isnt sexist at all, because, we arent valuing you for being a womea, here you are anonymous. Anonymous means genderless, nameless ageless and whatever else.
We dont care nor need to know your gender

This should only upset you if you want to say something stupid and expect people to prize you for it.

Otherwise, there is no need to reveal your gender when posting, stupid or not people will treat you the same.

I do want to talk, but as soon as I posted something, the first response I got was essentially: I don't care about your worth as a human being on here, and in real life I only care if I want to fuck you, so yeah that fucking hurt. And no I don't think it was a good way to start an intelligent conversation on the matter. There are plenty of guys on here that post about there dicks, *claiming that they are male* and I don't say DICK or BALLS or what is the difference. This is the same logic essentially as Don't Ask Don't Tell in the Military. Why did people need to know that they were gay? well why did it have to be kept a secret? Same as why does me being a woman on the internet have to be kept a secret? It's just a fact about me, about my genitalia and/or gender. I don't want attention for my breasts, in fact, I'd like to be able to walk around in the summer with my shirt off and have no one care and treat me like an object because of it. So how am I wanting all this attention, I just want to have the fact that I'm a woman or someone else is a man or whatever, if that's mentioned in conversation on the internet, or in real life, to not be a big deal.

While I don't have time to talk, I'd say that it is undoubtedly sexist, but I would say that is part of the Sup Forums culture I don't mean to say that's a good thing, but it is a custom here. In some countries, women are required to wear headgear. That's a touch sexist, but nonetheless part of their culture.

I am a moral relativist so I would agree with you, but part of the joke is that it offends people. If it offended no one, it wouldn't be told.

Whether you show your tits or not is up to you, tits need not necessarily be involved with a conversation.

Hope that helps

post your tits and we can talk all about your problems, just don't forget the timestamp

thanks, if everyone was responding in a manner like you, I'd feel like this conversation was constructive.

Fuck you taco bender. Go back to Mexico.

>and I don't say DICK or BALLS or GTFO

You really don't get it. Even after all the explanations posted above. In case you considered yourself a fairly intelligent human being - you have been lied to by your peers.

>"Its because its Sup Forums xDDD and xDDD Sup Forums means we edgelord faggots at the age of 12"

No thats not the reason at all, care to read >>

thank you, and honestly I understand that, and sometimes I can come on here and be okay with the culture and laugh at it. But not in the state I'm in now, because honestly this culture on the internet, and how the same attitudes extend to real life, has really fucked me up in a lot of ways. And it makes me feel bad about myself and about humanity as a whole.

why is the only interesting thing about me, my naked body????


then we can talk

Humanity is made of good and bad. Remember, we were once animals, drives of sex and fighting are still quite in our minds, but society doesn't allow it. It has fucked up a lot of people but I think it is a reaction. If you can't make those jokes in real life, anonymity is the only way to get it out of your system.

I'm not sure if I can console you, but I'd say that there is a piece in everyone (or most people) that has a primal breeding desire. It is what made us the top species.

I'm here to have a construction conversation, do any of you know how to calculate how many tenths of a foot a 2% slope falls in 4 feet?

>I'd say that there is a piece in everyone (or most people) that has a primal breeding desire. It is what made us the top species.
Because animals obviously don't have breeding desires. It's a fucking miracle they still exist at all...

that primal desire, in the way some people are expressing it though, is very hurtful and creepy towards other people, so shouldn't we be moving to work past that instinct that causes us to treat people as things just to fuck?

Less than one tenth, 0.080 to be exact.

Why have you not killed yourself yet you stupid bitch. You really think /b gives a fuck about how you feel? Post your tits and then gtfo for wasting all of our times with this bait.

It depends on the animal, some animals its more a compulsion than desire. Some species legit enjoy it. "Pleasure" only really makes sense with a human brain because we know how we think easier. A failure of the language. I apologize.


obvious bait is obvious

I'm really not trying to bait

How? I am being 100% honest right now.

You seem to not understand what he means.
You see, there are some women that, tho they have nothing of interest to say, they still get a bit of a spot in the spotlight for many reasons but most of the time is for being attractive.

In this place, no one knows you or sees you, so, at first we dont know your gender, and honestly, we dont really need to care

If you go out of your way to show us that you are indeed female, its because the only thing that is interesting about you is being female.

This means you , thru the mention of your gender,are trying to get back one of the few advantages of not being anonymous, your attributes, thus attracting attention.

If youre attributes are so good that they are worth you mentioning them, just so you can get our attention, maybe then you should show them to us. Or, if you dont want to show them, realize that no one here cares about your gender, which means were all equal.

The sexism begins when you mention your gender, and honestly, both parties are sexist.

I agree both men and women and all genders can be sexist. However I just find the very fact like if I accidentally mention my gender or I mention it because it relates to the comment and has to be specified then I am also met with the response TITS or GTFO, and I think that is cruel and it really sucks.

If OP is still in the thread, I'll try my best to explain why "Tits or GTFO" is a thing. On Sup Forums, we are all equal in lack of importance. In real life, people tend to be nicer to women. But here, there is no gender. I could say Im a woman and no one could argue against it. But, by posting tits and a timestamp, it proves you're female, while also saying that youd rather your tits be on the internet than to be disrespected. The reason "Dick or GTFO" isnt a thing is because most of us Sup Forumstards are straight men. Therefore, we don't want to look at someone's dick. I'm willing to discuss further.

Mfw this isn't bait.

You really think someone would do that? Just go on the Internet and tell lies?

This in a maner of speaking

Start a thread going all like "HEY GUYS XDDD FEMANON HERE XDDDDDDD", you most likely gonna get "Tits or gtfo"

On a story thread or something mention you were dating a boy or something like that, if you get "Tits or GTFO", usually theyre newfags who dont understand the above mentioned concept.

So, dont mention youre a femanon/female/whatever and youre A.OK

>accidentally mention my gender

Okay Op, people are having coversation with you so...
Tits or gtfo

You should really look into kys. I think it would do you wonders

I really just wanted to monitor this thread but fuck it, it's not like i have anything better to do.

Tits or gtfo started as a way to discourage attention whoring threads, or at least see some titties in a legit attention whoring thread. Not for when a femanon mentions the fact they are a lady in a constructive post. Newfags have taken this and decided to apply it in a way it was not originally meant to be used. That's literally all there is to it.

Now, tiddies mebbe?

Welp, it's not sexist, because it's alternate (manly bare chest or GTFO) also applies. The idea is, if you want to be a female on the internet, and to have others on the internet treat you as if you are a female on the internet, then you have the option of proving that with a timestamp and pair of titties. It is so frequent for females to come onto the internet, and desire for specifically others to treat them as if they are a female on the internet, that a meme was made to streamline the process.

Internet users that do not wish to be viewed as either gender, but are complacent in their anonymity can go ahead and not show their bare torso with a timestamp.

Internet users that wish for others to view them as if they are female, but do not wish to offer any photo evidence that this is the case can kindly GTFO.

Those are the rules. Understand? You don't get to have your cake and eat it too. If you want others on the internet to treat you as if you are a female on the internet, then you have a way to do that, but that way isn't to type the words "hi, I'm a girl lol!" That way is to show your bare torso, with a timestamp indicating that what you claim is in fact the truth.

Obviously if a person wants to be treated as a man on the internet, they will also have to show photo evidence, but oddly nobody seems to care. Go figure.

OP Here: Okay, but in real life, people do not tend to be nicer to women.When people are being "nice" to women simply because they want to fuck them, this is not actually being nice at all. It is degrading and hurtful and makes you feel like shit when it happens to you. It is a symptom of the patriarchy, and while it may seem like it benefits women, it actually hurts them, and causes them to have low self esteem, and to sometimes feel bitter, and afraid, when they go out in public! The patriarchy hurts men and women, and in this case maybe it hurts both.

No, Tits or GTFO

Seriously sick of you feminazi's taking over the entire fucking net.
Fuck right off and go elsewhere for your attention, bitch

no you're right, that's what I said, and I'm actually considering it, if people keep this good conversation going

If you mention yourself in a greentext or some shit there will be one user to post that
Make a shitty Tumblresque SJW thread and you will get dozens of posts like that

no picture w/that beautiful face

oh interesting. So maybe I would have understood it, had I actually gone on Sup Forums earlier, but I didn't cause I thought it was gonna be hostile for me because of the tits or gtfo rule, but to be fair, the buy that told me about Sup Forums was kind of an ass at the time, and he was breaking rule number one, don't talk about Sup

> TITS OR GTFO is sexist, hurtful and creates a hostile environment for women.
That's exactly the point.

Stay anonymous, show tits, or GTFO.

But here you are on Sup Forums, being treated no differently than men, and you're saying it makes you feel bad. Imagine actually living like this 24/7

The bait is strong with this one
If you are not baiting you are on the wrong site to talk and discuss about this "patriarchy" and get sympathy
Tits or gtfo

You had me going until this nonsense was typed.

and yeah there a way to post a picture so people can't search it or find out who I am, or save it? or at least not find out who I am, I'd rather people didn't save my boobs either....

>I don't care about your worth as a human being on here, and in real life I only care if I want to fuck you,
No. We don't even care about your worth as a piece of fuckable meat. We just don't care about you, to be frank. You're nobody. You are anonymous. That's how this site works.

If you want to be somebody, then the way you do that is by posting a timestamp of a photo of yourself, since it's an image sharing website.

If you want to be somebody who has titts (i.e. a female) then you post a timestamp... of your titts. This has been kind of subverted with the advent of traps, but I personally just find that hilarious.

If you want to be a girl on this anonymous file sharing website, but don't want to share photos of your body, then too fucking bad, because this is an anonymous website, and you aren't anybody until you post photo evidence that you are, because that's the rules of a fucking anonymous website.

It's got nothing to do with horny boys wanting to leer at your luscious life producing teets, (although they do) and it has everything to do with the fact that you're anonymous until you do something to change that fact.

If you want people to treat you like a person because of who you are, try facebook or something I dunno.

Please kill yourself
Sup Forums is not some godly place, or even some place to be afraid of
Do not start a thread until you lurk and learn the lingo
I bet you can't even triforce

▲‌ ▲

sure I can have the conversation as soon as you answer why womens fashion pushes appearel advertising them with words like "tasty" across the your tits. It is not like they say "saggy" "sweaty" or "droopy"

>construction conversation

I feel that the next generation of material building will be done with enormous 3d printers. Either prefabricated in a factory and assembled on site, or the 3d printer will be shipped to the building site.

that's my point is that it is made such a big deal if it's mentioned someones a girl, but no one cares or has a rule that they shout at you to follow if you come out and say that you're a dude. If that were the case, if people cared as much when guys said they were guys, then the tits or gtfo rule would be fair, and I wouldn't feel this upset about it. it might still be sexist on both ends, but at least it would be fair. But right now, because it's a way bigger deal for females, it's not fair.

Okay. Yes. That would be one of the reasons to browse an anonymous website. In which case, you have the privilege of being anonymous.

What you don't have the privilege of being is anonymous, and then having others treat you like you're a girl. Because you're not. You're anonymous. You're not a girl. You're not a boy. You're nobody. That's what anonymous is.

You don't get to be both anonymous and not anonymous at the same time. That's just absurd. And this is coming from a website that has sneks presiding over court, that's how absurd that is.

I am not a fema-nazi. i think the patriarchy hurts men as well, I am an intersectional feminist. I believe in equality and love of everyone. I do not support hate against all men.

No. But nobody recognizes your tits any more than they know my dick or asshole.

'bunch of people will wank off to them, that's all there is to it.

Also, you can just stay user and nobody will care.

Give up Anons.

It has been explained to her like 12 times. Either this dumb bitch gets it or repeating yourself is a waste of time and this is super bait.

okay I still think it's sexist, but I'm understanding the rule a bit more now, thank you

What's sexist is that there is no value assigned to being male. THAT'S what's fucked up. Nobody says "Daamn, you're male? Prove it." They just let is slide, because nobody gives a fuck.

See how that works? It goes both ways. Hence, it is in fact actually an equality of genders, just different. If you're female, you get attention, but it's the attention of people wanting to know that you're female. If you're male, you don't get that attention, but the attention you don't get it is people wanting to know if you're male or not.

That's the difference between the sexes. Females are always trying to hide, and it's this hiding that lures males into trying to find them. Interesting stuff.

Fucking this
I don't get how girls try to attention whore and then get mad when they get tits or gtfo
I don't start my threads with:
Hello guys I am a male, can we talk about "insert topic here"

Sup Forums strips exif data now, so as long as you don't include any obviously identifying features (odd tattoos, face, your address, ect) you're pretty damn safe. Plausible deniability and all that. As for making it unsavable, no ya can't do that. That's just not how the internet works.

so the point is that you want to create a hostile environment for women to be in? I'm not sure if this is what you are saying? Is it?


If not bait (I'm taking it fuck) you're worth only extends as far as the number of your holes I can stick my cock in. Tits or gtfo.

That is where our opinions differ
I believe that there is no patriarchy, just differences in how our culture pictures men and women
You don't see men bitching about the stoic, unemotional stereotype over social media to get attention
You don't see movements for men and how they are killed over 2x more than women in crime and by police
So no, you do not raise attention to mens issues as well as womens
You are a self-centered bitch, gtfo

I'm not asking for sympathy. This isn't bait. This is me trying to understand the people and culture of Sup Forums/ Sup Forums and get some clarity.

You are raising unwanted attention to your gender by putting it in OP without context
You don't see "Menanon here" ever being a thing
It was made to combat attention whores and their threads, shut up about sexism

The point is presumably to get either tits (yes, this can be fun for everyone involved, muh feminism and all that included).

Or alternatively an environment hostile to
attention whores who don't want to show tits.

If you don't want to get confronted with requests to show tits and vagina, be anonymous. Instead of talking about having a vagina and tits. Which is actually exactly what saying you are a woman means.
[Yea, you have a few extra parts, but most of us aren't interested in shots of your internals.]

what do you mean by "this nonsense"?

based user is fuckin based


You can't really be this stupid, surely. You started a conversation with a series of assumptions, have been trolling ever since, and ignore clear explanations. You want to be treated differently because of your supposed/declared gender: in fact, you want strangers to be nicer to you because of it. If a screenshot of anything literally makes you cry, you're not an adult, and you're in the wrong place here. But since you're actually a lying guy, I'm not overly concerned.
I'm a walrus, btw.

but my tits (no most) don't have holes that you could do that with though... that comment was just absurd to me, I had to say something

Was that person Nicole?

The reason we say tits or gtfo is because if you think it's important enough to say that you're a girl, we think it's important enough for you to show your tits

It's not about "proving" you're a girl or equality or any of that bullshit. This is a male-dominated website, and is a particular haven for lost boys who will never ever have a girl irl.
None of us care that you're a girl, unless you post tits. If you are a girl on Sup Forums, don't mention it unless you want to be harrassed, or if it's actually relevant. You can't walk into a den of wolves and complain about getting bitten.
Right now, you being a girl is completely irrelevant. You can make the same argument without having to point out that you're a girl. You're doing it just to get attention, which is exactly why we demand tits: if all you want is attention, you must pay the price of admission or else nobody cares.
Now, that being said: please, please, PLEASE go away. Nobody gives a fuck about you or your bullshit "problems." I don't give a fuck that you've had a breakup or sexual harrassment. Everybody's got fucking problems, and most of ours are worst than yours. Fuck outta here you dumb vapid bitch

Oh my fucking God
There is a saying, "Lurk moar faggot"
How you learn is not through asking, but through monitoring threads over a few months
If you don't have the patience or the effort to you are a normie with a life, fine just gtfo
learn by watching threads, this board is a haven for people without tons of friends or a large social life

>I don't care about your worth as a human being on here, and in real life I only care if I want to fuck you,

Welcome to Real Life. Tough shit to swallow, but that's just what most men are gonna think when they see you. In order to be appreciated as a person, you gotta prove you're unique and not just another pair of walking tits

because you are a woman
your sole purpose is to be subservient to a man and to procreate at the discretion of said man


Unless you're a pettanko (flat chested bitch) you could squeeze them together to fit a dick
I personally prefer flat chests, but that's what his reply meant so whatever

Okay. Some chicks like to show their titties on the internet. Personally, I don't even like tits that much, but the fact that they're willing to do this (at great risk to their personal lives) to bring happiness to the lives of strangers is beautiful to me. I usually don't in fact masturbate to camwhores, except on the rare occasion when I think that maybe there is some karmic, spiritual after effect that my dying sperms bestow on the lovely ladies who choose to bless us with their heavenly form from time to time. May their generous spirit be enkindled in kind, for they are truly in the service of others. Beautiful hearts, they have.

But anyways. Sometimes this happens, and that's fine. If that's their calling, then we only ask they cut the bullshit and get right to the chase. It's only fair--they want attention, and Sup Forums wants titties, so it's tit for tat. They show some skin, and the thread goes wild. What's NOT fair is getting that attention for nothing.

Hence Titts or GTFO. This isn't a tease show. It's an image sharing website. An anonymous image sharing website. Users who do not respect this culture are frowned upon, and shown disregard. They're taking time away from the actually generous femanons who are more deserving of an opportunity to share their bosom, and are selfish, terrible people who should kindly learn to titts or GTFO like a mature person would.


Oh hey there

Lol at how janitors can't even recognize dispersment threads.

It's not hard to see the active effort of paid people shit-posting to keep Sup Forums from actually realizing whatever weird potential it has and get organized.

All religion/race/political/loli/fluffy/you've-busted-by/die-in-your-sleep/cigarette75/omgMyfriendStory threads are categorically examples of the pasta used to dilute what little insight Sup Forums is capable

Basically I'm saying how isn't there a content filter list at least at the userlevel of content we can auto filter out, with the ability to share lists and really keep the obfuscatory forces from obfuscating hokum

You're playing yourself if you don't realize this shit


Troll is ignoring multiple clear obvious explanations.
It's bait.
Abort thread and move along.

But I actually do care about both those issues that you mentioned. And yes you are right, our soiciety does picture (or stereotype) women and men differently, and the reason we do that is because we live in a society where that is upheld by patriarchal values. Yes women are hurt more by this, and men benefit but they are also hurt as well by these sexist standards. As far as men being killed more likely by the police, that may be true, and that is happening for a whole different set of oppressive systems and aspects of society. But it is all important, capitalism, racism, sexism, etc. Everything is connected to everything, and that's why I and many other modern day intersectional feminists are saying.

Sup Forums was a heartless place with no sympathy for years, now the place is swarmed with 14yo's raised with PC culture by their parents and the TV. If this place offends you, go somewhere else, and take all the caring-sells trendy bullshit with you.


kill yourself, faggot

yes I understand that me crying over something on the internet is a bit ridiculous. I have been suicidal lately and emotionally unstable so that is why I am acting this way, and I have trolled as a feminist in anti feminist threads before, but that is not what I am doing today, I am expressing an honest feeling that I have had for a long time. And trying to have a conversation about it, if you don't want to believe me that I am a 23 year old woman, than that is on you.

it must have been tough letting go of your grandpas cock long enough to post that

You really gotta stop getting offended at everything. Yes the rule is rude, but the point is that there is no fucking reason to reveal your gender online 95% of the time. Doing so makes it look like you just want attention. Just move on. If you don't like something, move on.