I was riding my BMX into work and this hambeast plows through her stop sign and hits me

I was riding my BMX into work and this hambeast plows through her stop sign and hits me.

She destroyed my bmx and at the time I was so full of adrenaline I didn't fill out a police report or anything I just got her contact info and got out.

I contacted her later and she was so snide and totally focused on shifting the blame when I wasn't even trying to press charges or pursue anything against her but god damn is she a bitch.

I regret not filling out a police report. Lesson learned





Whats her dogs name?


you have 7 days to report an accident fam..you are still well with in your rights to do that


yeah when did this happen? nobody expecting you to report shit when you're in shock or injured (Actually i dont know anything and didnt read ur pic but still)

literally yesterday

Yeah dumbass you pretty much just said it was your fault

maybe her first reply was a joke. who knows in text.. but she didnt write XD or jk etc

but srs fuck her up for the cost of the bike and medical go to police

You ran into her and you're gonna file a report..

nice comeback to that skank, this is the perfect opportunity to cash in, especially after how she responds like that. Claim to have like neck pain or some shit that is hard to proof medical wise and before you know it, you're rich as fuck.

Unless you have witnesses or something to back you up the part where you said "I guess I hit you" is enough for her to not be liable at all if she has any desire at all to fight it.

It was a mutual crash. I was in the crosswalk and she didnt stop

Her number isn't blurred/blocked out. Should I?

It does not matter what is said on the texts accept the fact she is acknowledging an incident which makes OP have a case.

Go to an emergency room and have your injuries documented.
There is no going back from this.
You will be on the hook for the bills once you say you were injured in an accident.
Otherwise say you fell.


the kek gods beckon

With out a witness and since you did not call the cops at that time for them to examine the scene as it was when it happened then your little confession is enough. Even if you did mean it in a snarky way.

Get that kek shit the fuck out of here. Jesus fucking christ

Honestly I feared as much.

At the time I didnt see the importance of getting police involved.

You fucking too, get the fuck out.

kek kek kek kek kek kek

It does matter if there is no other evidence and since the cops were not called at the time it means they were not able to take any witness statements or pictures of the scene so it will just boil down to he said she said unless they can find some sort of video of it happening.

You are a moron. You said in the text she was right. Sorry fam, if you were not such a beta cuck, you could have made a pretty penny


Plus, bikes are not pedestrians, so you shouldn't have been riding through a crosswalk.


This is true too. I had not even considered that point.


Why....just why....

How do I un-cuck myself?

I called her she hung up after i mentioned the accident

Now you could have been pushing your bike through said crosswalk, been hit, and then reap the rewards. But no. You were pedaling it through.

Live and learn my friend, live and learn

Fucking beta just find them and run them over.


Ooooh edgy.

Let's all call this lady pretending to be lawyer's for OP. Fun shall be had.

I second this

yeah so what? If some retard that rode his bike into me kep calling me and texting me for no reason other than to complain about his boo-boos, I'd hang up to.

Her husband answered this time help me anons he said he was gonna slap me the fuck up

Ooooh newfag

Law Firm of Edgy and Edgy

He could get into a ton of shit too for posting her number online like this. It could be funny if Sup Forums decided to raid her just to fuck with him.

Fuck off op. u think were that stopid ?

Text her a shitload of Gore and fat hate, and weird porn. Say your friend stole your phone

I just want the truth she won't admit to hitting op

>riding my BMX
>hur dur 5 hours later

leave the hard working and tax paying citizens alone, you low wage barrista hipster.

I called her crying saying I'm your dad and you have 4 broken ribs, a punctured lung and a slipped disc and we can't afford the medical bills, so I'm coming to her house to settle this.

Uh I left work early because I was hit by a car and in pain...

Holy kek

I called her and she's freaking out OP. She said she's had enough of this harassment and is reporting you to the local cops. Heads up!

>I'm the guy you kinda hit haha

You're such a fucking beta.

You are a faggot pussy who clearly has no life/social skills..

You should probably ride your mangled bike off a cliff. I'm guessing no one you know would be surprised

Because the op is in the wrong. Instead of harassing this women why not give her the evidence in order to bury op since he is just trying to get some sort of compensation out of it. If he was hurt bad enough to go the clinic he would have went when it happened not wait until the next day.

you are the definition of a cuck and you already admitted that you ran into her. even if she's in the wrong, you fucked up and you can't even make a case out of this jesus christ i didn't even know people as retarded as you existed

I guess the "my ribs hurt quite a bit" was an understatement

Hey man, he's just working there til' someone notices his bad acting skills and put him on a shitty show like big bang theory

Getting in here so I can be part of the evidence in the case against OP.

Im sorry i thought this was Sup Forums

Called her a fat hambeast op. She just said she had to go

Yes.. thats why we are harassing him like the fag he is. Sup Forums has spoken.

We should probably all be calling her right now

Call her and get ops number?

Is anyone still calling ?

It is and what is more fun. Harassing a woman for one night knowing she will call the cops about it and move on with out a second thought in a few days. Or helping her ruin the life of a retarded little piece of shit who thinks he is entitled to something because he was stupid enough to run into her and then come to Sup Forums asking for advise?

I'm sorry OP but you might be kill, I told her that a group of angsty teenagers were on the way to butter her muffin. God speed son


No it isn't.
That's like saying it's your fault if you run into me while I was going through a red light.

You kek the kek out of here you kekking kek

Always always always always file a police report.

Cyclist fag here

Riding home from work on a divided highway. The shoulder is incredibly smooth, so im on the shoulder for safety.

>Its 6 am, no traffic
>hear a car come up from behind
>it sounds funny
>realize too late the car is driving on the shoulder
>go limp
>rear view mirror smacks my arm
>i stagger and recover
>stop as she speeds off with me swearing at her
>police siren as cop car jumps the median
>"you ok?"
>"yeah, go fucking get her"
>he speeds off with sirens blaring.
>peddle and catch up when he's putting her in cuffs and throwing her in the back of his car.

The bitch had the audacity to admit she tried to kill me because she hates cyclists.

She was found guilty of vehicular assault, driving recklessly, and attempted murder. Three years in prison

How about both

This is elaborate bait
Not your personal army, faggot

>angsty teenagers

My sides have acensded

I kekkled

OP just fucking rape her holy shit you are beta

So AR paralegal here and just wrote a settlement report for a man that was hit walking across the street. If there is a defined white crosswalk, signs to yield for pedestrians within 100 ft you might have yourself a case. With the bike, I'm not sure? BUT check your district's model jury instructions. Should be found at local public library

RIP op shouldn't have been such a fag tell Harambe i said hi when the police shoot you

Then he should have called the cops when it happened. There is no evidence now of what happened just their stories and you have proof right there where op says he ran into her.

He is right with the police report though. She could say you seemed drunk or something. I wasnt thinking, you are most likely shit outta compton

Tryin to get op number. The bitch wont tell

However dumping her number on here may not have been the cleverest thing to do.

Op you dun goofed by not blocking that number


Crosswalks are for pedestrians only. In the vast majority of districts anyone on any vehicle in the crosswalk generally assumes an automatic percentage of the responsibility for the accident.

In my area anyone on any wheeled transport automatically assumes 50%of the responsibility. This has even included people in wheelchairs and mobility scooters as fucked up as that is.

This. If you're trying to make a case like this, never admit guilt. Never even apologize, cause that can be construed as an admission of guilt.

Ill take that one step further never say anything but present the facts as you saw it TO THE REPORTING officer. NEVER say anything to the other person(s) other than to ask if they need medical assistance.

May the force be with you user


I'm tryin fams but shes an entitled whorr

Send a picture of this thread showing that op posted her information online for perverts from Sup Forums to harass her. That may be enough to convince her not to try and protect him. Though to be fair she seems smarter than op and even though he posted her number first she can still get into trouble for giving his out.

I already did.... Shes being a bitch. Thinks im friends with op.


what the fuck... rating a bro out for providing us with entertainment?

This is more entertaining.

Im nobodys bro op, if you wernt so mental you would have called the cops. I feel as tho im being lied to. And I dont like being lied to faggot
