Been depressed for a couple of days

Been depressed for a couple of days.
Thinking about death
what should I do?

Other urls found in this thread:


keep going like everyone else like you

Stay away from alcohol and Sup Forums. Get outside and look for a reason to smile. I've been there and now I"m glad I waited.

Get help bro, things will get better. Besides when you are down things seem worse than they actually are

exercise, it will help

An hero, it's been a while since the last one

This and see a doctor if you feel this way for more than two weeks.

Grow up and welcome to the club, pussy. Everybody wants to die, but only faggots complain about it

If trips op is kill

this sounds like a male enhancement commercial

send me nudes over kik

Op is kill, confirmed

do it



I was going to suggest you get some professional help, but I really can't argue with trips.

Please leave thanks

Extra disperse measure ordered...

Disperse any organized attempt of thought or discussion ... Operation success


Lol at how janitors can't even recognize dispersment threads.

It's not hard to see the active effort of paid people shit-posting to keep Sup Forums from actually realizing whatever weird potential it has and get organized.

All religion/race/political/loli/fluffy/you've-busted-by/die-in-your-m/waifu/ sleep/cigarette75/omgMyfriendStory threads are categorically examples of the pasta used to dilute what little insight Sup Forums is capable

Basically I'm saying how isn't there a content filter list at least at the userlevel of content we can auto filter out, with the ability to share lists and really keep the obfuscatory forces from obfuscating hokum

You're playing yourself if you don't realize this shit


Alright, this was too easy, now check out my next trick.

If Quads, Op hangs himself on stream.

now thats random

op no dont do it theres so many great things to live for. think of your family and how horrible they probably are. in all seriousness, life fucking blows. do yourself a favor and die now instead of struggling through in suffering... its no fun. just die now, happily and confidently :D


Rip dreams

Get Breast Implants

you should definitely talk to anyone whose close to you

Death is the one thing that is coming for us all man. Don't go looking for it because one day it will find you. So just enjoy the ahit until you're free bro.

By the gods

Well, the OP is dead now, so what do we do?

Kys OP

Actually talk to someone

Drugs. You should do drugs.

Roll for more trips I guess

To be completely honest. There is not much left in this world for you if you get depressed. It is just a sign from your subconsciousness that you dont have much prospect in life. Maybe you have on the outside, but not on the inside. If you want to do yourself and others a favor, then kill yourself and put yourself out of this misery. You will just drag people down with you if they see you go to shit. But before you kill yourself you should def. do something cool you wouldnt do otherwise.

If you want to go out trolling you could always write a manifesto and go on a killing spree but thats not for everyone.

I hope i was helpful. and please dont listen to thse fucking trolls saying "do it faggot" or "stream on webcam" those are just edgy 12 year old newfags

kill yourself

Hang in there, OP.

Talk to a professional. You'll be glad you did.

Listen to K.A.A.N. and ingest his lyrics on rapgenius.

If i get trips, the op shot himself.

Oh, damn, i feel sad now...once i got quints but i can't even gets trips...

>Thinking about death

worried about it or welcoming it?

tfw some days im scared af and other days i welcome it

i wish i could always welcome it, it would make life so much easier

well, trips god commands it, get to it OP

Kind of fucked up isn't it. I find it hard to go 24 hours without thinking about death. I am absolutely terrified about it. The thought of no longer existing is beyond my terror threshold. Yes, i get it. if i dont exist i wont know it but knowing that is a very possible future causes many sleepless nights and panic attacks. At the same time, the possible end of it, self inflected death would cause the very thing i shit myself over, so thats not an option. All you can do is either refuse to think about it... aka ignore it or find something else that gives you meaning despite it... im still fighting.

>for a couple of days.

stop thinking about death

my life is shit because of extreme apathy from death anxiety, have always been depressed feeling life has no meaning etc etc.

which has made my life suck to the point where i want to kill myself but the aforementioned anxiety makes me unable to do so
