Tfw trying to play Death Grips at any social event

>tfw trying to play Death Grips at any social event

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Why would you ever do this? Get a fucking grip.

stop associating with plebs

>Someone yells "Play 'Closer'!"
>I think sweet someone else here like NIN
>"What the fuck is this, this isn't Chainsmokers"

What are you doing?
Do you want to know death?

What? Normies love Death Grips. Are you from Brazil or something? In the States, high school/college norms go crazy for them.

Where the fuck do you live, bud?

I just recently got into them and somewhat excited for and dreading starting up a conversation about Death Grips or playing their music at a social event.

I know it's autistic as fuck, but I just need to know how many people around me actually know who Death Grips is.

Them brazillian girls and trannies tho. Damn...

Lmao, I remember first getting into death grips and thinking "I love this but I could never play this in public"

5 years later and it's not a party unless someone plays Hacker

not the same person, but I live in Iowa and can confirm college kids love death grips. Especially art students/hipsters.

I am ABSOLUTELY NOT going to dignify this with a response.

But you just did ;)

>listening to le death gripes

>Especially art students/hipsters

No shit.

OP is talking about normie normies

You fuckers stay in Iowa. We don't need you over here working our jobs and driving slow.

i thought this was gonna be a joy division post

Yeah, this. I see "normies" as people who mostly only consume mainstream entertainment and have active social lives. Not just anyone who isn't a literal basement-dwelling neckbeard.

normies can't handle SHIT

I played Syro at VENICE BEACH once and everyone was looking at me like I was insane

If your friends aren't complete plebs, I usually get some success with get got

You just got to play it at the right moment

I played TV on the Radio in a class in high school once and everyone kept on looking at me like I was a weirdo, so I took my iPod off the AV cord.

Then some Chad played some generic trance and they all loved it. I swear, man.

I was once told by several at a party that Electricity by The Avalanches was weird. Never underestimate the plebs.


1-Enable Shuffle
2-Play an random song.
3-Tell everyone, if you hate something just click to jump to next song.

Easy as that.
>Harsh noise song start to play?
click next if you hate
>free jazz song start to play?

and this goes on

>not sperging out a soon as any of your experimental songs shuffle on the aux and quickly skipping it.

I have a fear of all the songs from my video game and anime soundtracks starting to play.

I can just see people looking at me now.

I love Travis

>tfw this has happened to me
>took acid on the moors in Devon
>luckily everyone was chill with it and request to play Skyrim atmospheres to lull us all to sleep

Well, you're fucking retarded and need to leave. A normie is anyone who:
>has friends
>has good health
>has healthy familial relationships
>has ever received positive attention from a female
>can hold a conversation
>has an average or above-average penis
>is taller than 5'8"
>has tattoos
>uses drugs
>has every had a job
>has graduated high school
>has attended college
>has had sex
>works out
>is female
Only one of these has to apply to you for you to be a norman.

None of those apply to me except I have a 9 inch cock so I guess I'm a normie

Yes, you are. Get the fuck out of here before I get upset.

>Not listening to Death Grips

Not him but this is true in my experience and I live in Portland, Oregon

>get a fucking Death grip.

>trying to play Death Grips at any event including by yourself when you're at home listening to music on your ATH-MH50s

Just because normies don't enjoy it doesn't make it good, that's something Death Grips fans need to learn

Most or at least half apply to me, but then I'm more of a cyborg, really.

>Trying to play anything other than the Top 40 at any social event

>he fell for the death grips meme

Sup Forums was a mistake

the kinda meme to post a frog picture Norman Rockwell

>1000% giving a fuck

This. Hipster friendly cities like Portland and/or liberal arts colleges are havens for DG fans.

how many do i need to complete to be chad

Nebraskan? I visited Des Moines once and the first person I saw after getting out of my truck was a crackhead walking down the sidewalk while folding her hands in prayer and giggling loudly.

It's not like here. We live the good life, and smoke meth we made in our basements instead of crack.

>is taller than 5'8"

Manlet detected

this is not true

being a normie is mildly satisfying although not all of these apply to me

>being a normie is mildly satisfying

>"hey son I bought one those aux cords you can play some music off your phone if you want"
>forget poweramp automatically resumes last song
>it's the monologue from "I was a prisoner in your skull"

death grips is normie-tier now OP idk what you're talking about

This happened to me

this post is irrelevant
i know a couple of normies who listen to death grips

It might be tripfag-tier, but it's not normie tier round here.

Normie-tier is Katy Perry, Rihanna etc, Gaga for the more adventurous.

i wonder when deathgripsfags stop denying that some of the least adventurous listeners are able to enjoy death grips, it's literally the poppiest industrial band out there right now
i mean it's as much accessible as any nu-metal band, except that death grips is probably a little bit less shit

Just looked them up because of this post. That song is trash.

even Slipknot sounds more abrassive than Death Grips

Normies are cool with Beware and Artificial Death

Dude just throw up Discovery or pic related

Death Grips is not "Social Event" music

>xD I made a pun
upboated it my friend ;)

do you skip the manson interview?

I'll upboat your asshole bub,

>this deep interview skit is so abrassive and unaccessible its not for normies!!
do you even know how stuff like that intro is popular among other rappers who want to make their shit look meaningful? do you even listen to hip-hop?

teenager-core is also normie-core

I met a chad one time who had part of that interview memorized, no joke

I guess I've had so little contact with current normies that I failed to realize I've become one inspite of being a complete shut-in

Why do you picture a crowd of high school sophomores in a basement when you think of a social event? underageb&

Wow - talk about indirectly describing yourself...

13/17 of those and im a 23 y/o virgin

same except im 24 so count your blessings bucko

because anime

anime was a mistake

16/17. Damn, so close.


>any progressive metal/rock
>So does it just keep doing the same thing the whole song?
>W-wait for it

Normies are supposed to be clueless plebs, not badass dudebros.

Heh jokes on you i always play mashups and normies love it

best DG mashup coming through

>>has friends
>>has good health
>>has healthy familial relationships
>>has ever received positive attention from a female
>>can hold a conversation
>>has an average or above-average penis
>>is taller than 5'8"
>>uses drugs
>>has every had a job
>>has graduated high school
>>has attended college
>>works out
these all apply to me and you'd be retarded to consider me 'normal'

>At Social Event
>Sees qt girl
>she's wearing a Nirvana shirt
>Strike up a conversation about the shirt
>Ask what her favorite song is
>Tfw I pretty much knew she didn't REALLY know anything about the band
>Tfw this happens every time.

whoops, wrong link

>social event

what music do the normies of the normies listen to?
what music do asshole normies listen to?

do the lyrics actually add to it? I cant tell

I have been out of the social loop for only a year and I have no idea what anybody listens to anymore already.


this is one of my favorites too

I always avoid people wearing Nirvana shirts because usual they don't give a shit about anything music related at all

I have one of the cringy Nirvana shirts because I got it for a gift so i wear it, but I understand exactly what you're talking about. I do actually love the band though so, I think i get a pass.
This Shirt thing also happens with The Misfits, but i don't wear their shit cause I don't like them.

Normies (Currently, mostly between 15-30):
>The Weekend
>Any dance mix or Diplo/Martin Garrix song
>Just about any trap remix/song

>has graduated high school
>has attended college

You have to be 18 to post here friend

Why is every death grips related thread so cringe worthy? Seriously curious. Why are all of you acting like they are the greatest bunch of people of all time?


But user, normies love Death Grips
Stop pretending that your music taste is unique, it isnt

It's mostly that 2/3rds of the people that wear them are people that trend hop around music, but I know there's always exceptions.

It's not like I go out of my way not to talk to them when I say 'avoid them'

>just 3 minutes 39 seconds till the good part