/daily/ - "what do you think scaruffi thinks of the cleveland show?" edition

Nine more days until Christmas.

The point of these threads is to encourage people to look for new and interesting music. We do this by listening to and ideally discussing albums we've never heard before. Many of us already listen to new music daily, these people are in it to venture "out of their comfort zone" by listening to albums they otherwise wouldn't have, or just to have a good time.

>come here to make charts

>come here to endlessly circlejerk over meme videos and maybe sometimes hopefully music

>come here for op pics, charts, listenalongs, misc. stuff

>no minors allowed

Previously, on /daily/:

Other urls found in this thread:

rateyourmusic.com/film_collection/I_AM_FISH/stag/to do/

first for owls

i'm glad theres a tripfag containment thread


me too because i don't want _your kind_ anywhere near me

Oh boy, another tourney writeup

>Pop Will Eat Itself - Cure For Sanity

I was expecting a bad album when I saw the “Rap Rock” label on RYM but this ended up being quite interesting. There’s a huge amount of UK dance influence on here, with very Screamadelia-esque production all over this. It’s super upbeat and fun, with a nice cozy atmosphere. The moments where it’s pure instrumentals work quite well. Unfortunately, these guys decided to rap over the beats for a bit - and I don’t really enjoy those parts. They sound a lot like Stereo MCs with this blend and it isn’t a style I’m huge on.

Something about this feels a little off and I’m not sure why I didn’t end up enjoying it. I think it ultimately just ends up feeling scatterbrained. If it’d gone all out dance, I would’ve dug it a lot more. Or the MCs were more consistent in their styles, it would’ve worked. Like, I feel like a weirded out Kool Keith character would’ve been perfect on here. Instead, it hits this awkward middle ground that doesn’t quite work. There were certainly some interesting ideas and great moments on here. The combination of these genres was ambitious - just wasn’t my style.


post your steam id

Dammit forgot my trip

>Reverend Charlie Jackson - God’s Got It

I still know very little about blues/gospel so it was certainly interesting to dive into this style even more. The whole album has this very raw atmosphere, as Jackson sings in a gravelly, unrefined voice. The recordings themselves are pretty lo-fi as well, as they were recorded on some relatively rudimentary equipment in Mississippi churches (at least from the little I’ve read). His guitar playing is classic blues, with catchy, simplistic little riffs on here just adding so much soul to the recording.

There’s a darker tone on here than I was expecting though, I’m not quite sure why. Even more than your usual bluesy material. Maybe it’s because I’m picturing the South in the ‘70s and as a result getting a weird vibe but this seems to have a bit of darkness under the surface. My only knock on it is I’m not super heavy on religious subject matter - but it works quite well in this raw atmosphere.


Nat moves on.

Darklands, if you have a rec, shoot it to me whenever you've got the chance

finished my december albums! and I have half a month to go!

the water[s] lived up to the praise yall gave it. good lyricism and proportionately good beats. rock solid overall, recommended

so... WHAT FIRST???


Chance the Rapper - Coloring Book (2016)
>pop rap, conscious hip hop

Gotta agree with Rod's take on this album, all of the gospel choir additions are completely pointless and phony-sounding. Certainly doesn't help that the album is so horribly mixed that the choirs are either completely drowned out or the absolute focal point of the music. I recognize and appreciate the amount of passion and feeling that went into this tape, but it's so overdramatic and over-the-top, and the endless amounts of layers on every single track is overwhelming, especially since the production and mixing is really terrible. For as much as I don't like the production, I have to give it up for pretty much all of the vocal performances. Chance is incredibly charismatic, and most of the features are great, even Bieber manages to spit out a memorable, catchy hook. Chance has to tone down his ambitiousness, he's got the potential to make something great but this tape is far too over-the-top and frankly cheesy to ever really be enjoyable.


rec: rateyourmusic.com/release/comp/various_artists_f2/cold_heat__heavy_funk_rarities__vol__1__1968___1974/

>Gotta agree with Rod's take on this album, all of the gospel choir additions are completely pointless and phony-sounding
triggered, big fella
>Certainly doesn't help that the album is so horribly mixed that the choirs are either completely drowned out or the absolute focal point of the music.
I do agree, the second half of How Great makes me mad, because I love it, but the choir sampled is too quiet and I have to turn it way up every time to enjoy it properly


ha ha



Here's a picture

Ann Peebles - I Can't Stand the Rain (1974)
>southern soul

Not much to say, it's just a really solid soul album. The only track that really takes risks with the arrangements is the title track, making it one of the best damn soul songs ever produced, but Peebles' vocals are consistently great and the instrumentals are always solid, some are just a bit more flaccid than the others. Give it a listen if you're into soul in any way.


i'd probably like it a bit more if it was mixed properly. not that much more, but i'd probably appreciate the gospel elements a bit more.


What, ya'll got something better to do on a friday night than plug?

Sweet, thanks

also still doing this
lee hazelwood is a great singer, so glad I gave him a shot

i'll have to hear peebles. remind me some time.
chance might could have snagged my aoty possibly, barring Minta and Even Oxen

yes, i'm painting

>He hasn't heard U2 yet

Just listen to it right now. It's only 13 minutes

rateyourmusic.com/film_collection/I_AM_FISH/stag/to do/

rec me something to watch tonight that's preferably under 4 hours


>get in plug

Seconding Aguirre. Either that or City Of God

btw does anyone else here have filmstruck? I'm sharing it with a few friends and it works pretty great. It has every criterion movie and then some. Shit's worked great for me so far. Only downside is that it doesn't have too many apps, and basically can only be used to stream from a phone/laptop.

will do

me and a friend were gonna watch that now that I'm back in town sometime this month.

Also saying Aguirre. I have FilmStruck and am pretty psyched on it. You said the exact problem I have with it too. That and that it doesn't save your spot in the movie or have a recently viewed section



Good Morning /daily/!

Me and gf going to a wine tasting today. Big office party in the evening. Fun times.

Probably gonna release an album now.

Mahjong (1996)

Can't really say I've read any, really.

90hagr15 I think. I suppose you'll find me if you search for "hampus grönvall".

>nfw gf had to go up at 05:00 for work today, on a saturday


Looking for an album.

The album art is very photo collage style like pic related, but it's a small child walking in the street of a ruined city. There are two distinct color schemes for the opposing sides of the street.

pls help

I have already heard on the corner, care to rec another?

I wonder if there's a feature or list/chart/whatever where I can see every bolded album on rym?

also sick as a dog today, music for this feel?

Diamanda Galas - Plague Mass

Magnolia Electric Co. - s/t

nevermind already heard it I'll just go find something not on your rym one sec

Paolo Conte - Aguaplano

hol up, I think I made a bit of a mistake on the image, Vinter is supposed to rec because he got the higher score...
sorry for stringing you along, if he doesn't rec ITT I'll pass it over to you

:^) All this effort :'^)

I mean, my album was still better anyways so Vinter can go get chortled right up the bum imo senpai.

:'^) no pain.

he's gone missing, hasn't been present for about 5 threads now... Safe bet is that he quit



>Chance has to tone down his ambitiousness, he's got the potential to make something great but this tape is far too over-the-top and frankly cheesy to ever really be enjoyable

this sells it for me, oddly enough

2016 catchup starts now; imma listen to Floss first because my friends really want me to.
what's good, what's shit, what's comfy, what should i absolutely hear next?

>tfw 4 of my top 5s are on this chart

Marlboro Man and Crippling Lack are 10/10s on the comfy feel scale desu.

yea i tried to put everything on there (except for the guy who gave me like 10 trap rap albums)

Broughton, Marlboro Man, Acid Arcadia, Flanch, Black Ben Carson, and Cuckstar are all good.
It's also a fair bet that Bachman and Fleeting are good.

idk what to expect from any of these except Bachman (he's the Archers of Loaf dude right?) so i'm hype. i wanna go in blind

no that's a different bachman.
Acid Arcadia is a lot better than you think it'll be.


there you go

cripple that lack NOW!!!!, my duderoni

what primitivism i've heard has been hit and miss so i hope this is gonna be good

>all this garbo hip hop
>almost no electronic
you're shooting yourself in the foot

(jk some of it is p good)

((except 21 savage, fuck that shit. not even as good as 21 pilots))

Floss first (bangs hard so far desu), will do this next
ehh, I asked for people's AOTYs and this is all I got. I'll add some electro shit if you've got any suggestions (not like i ever finish my charts anyway)

au hasard balthazar
la dolce vita
fanny och alexander
histoire(s) du cinéma
la maman et la putain
pierrot le fou
le samourai
vivre sa vie
andrei rublev
man with movie camera
sayat nova
human condition trilogy
coup d'état
tokyo story
autumn afternoon
funeral parade of roses
are must watch

for electronic music this year listen to ULTRA by zomby, serpent music by yves tumor, bala comp vol.1 by v/a, kern vol 3 by objekt and savage ep by endgame
the rap stuff in your chart is good except skepta


>Probably gonna release an album now.

le samourai and funeral parade is great

it's just gonna be another guitar improv session is it?

It has a Haino and a Nirvana cover

my boy skepta > all your amerifat bs

Filming a song in the park today. I'm putting some finishing touches on an album I've been working on for a long while.

but skepta makes amerifat bs now lol


he's making what amerifat bs should be

whoops is right

listening to that arca clone right now, very arca but very good, more melodic than he is

>Major Lazer
why are you listening to these and do you need a hug

very respectable Agent Orange scores btw

because I deserve pain and yes, I do

mr. roboto is the _______ song of all time

listening to Machine Gun right now
this is fascinating

music for that one guy from highschool who only listens to real music like Queen and Kiss and wore a stupid hat and never shave and he says it's the best

that was for u

where my trip go

>oddly enough
well, being over the top ambitious is a guarantee to not be boring, at the very least

means alot famicom

The Savage Young Taterbug is better than your favorite lo-fi musician

Agent Orange is better than I expected them to be

That Aquarium album has a fantastic A side. It's too bad the B side traded impeccable folk ditties to slower, more drawn out, and less effective ballads.

I forgot what that crossed out single sounded like

>The Savage Young Taterbug is better than your favorite lo-fi musician

>Agent Orange is better than I expected them to be
but not as good as the Sodom album of the same name


IR should stick to GOAT bangers because none of the sung hooks or slower parts holds up.

Gonna have to finally check out those Taterbug albums now

where did you find that picture of me

in the trash



this is very good

this is me fuck tripcodes

yes it is

I just won a shower speaker at work, rec me some essential showercore


Test out the bass on those bad boys

>tfw you think you like a genre but then there's that one meh classic album and you realize you only really like a couple outliers


>turn off light
>get in shower
>put on hot water
>put this on
>curl up in a ball