Why do whites listen to that shit?

Why do whites listen to that shit?

Who the fuck are you?

White people love J Cole because he's accessible to them since he doesn't mumble and doesn't scare them with racial topics like Kendrick

I'm white and I don't listen to any of darkies ramblings.

The only shit I ever heard by him (my black coworker put him on) was lowest common denominator BLM "woke" truisms.

I literally don't know who J Cole is, I literally don't.

Kendrick Lamar is a pseudo-intellectual scarf clad liberal arts student and him being a rapper doesn't change that.

His "racial statements" are pure mindlessness. Most of the time he's so ambiguous that you can barely tell what the song is supposed to be about.

Whities detected

White people have no right even looking at black people or their art. Can't wait for the race war so we can go back to building pyramids and creating civilization, unlike the honkies.

Who do you think built the pyramids?

The black man built the pyramids and established all civilization including western and asian civilization.

why do whites and blacks both have such victim complexes?

black wizards and non-black slaves after black scientists created whites of course


In ancient kemet the black man needed no slaves. We built the pyramids from the top down using our minds.


Whitey detected

fucking yakubians


This has everything to do with music. All music comes from the black man's soul and other races steal his greatness and call it their own. The white cave bitch will have it's time to pay for their trespassing.

Alright...if you say so...

J. Cole is fucking boring, I always thought he was just dollar store Kendrick. I'd honestly rather listen to Future or Young Thug over his weak shit any day.

>tfw everyone on facebook is still freaking out over how they think the newest J Cole album is the best shit of all time and the only song I halfway liked on it was Neighbors


I will one day rip the ears off of the white oppressors who've listened to the words of our masters, poets, philosophers, and rappers!