Anyone else just not give a fuck about lyrics?

I just think lyrics are always boring, musicians never say anything that actually changes my worldview on anything. I just find the vocals as another instrument. It's weird when music reviews talk all about the lyrics and just dedicate a single paragraph to the actual music.

>It's weird when music reviews talk all about the lyrics and just dedicate a single paragraph to the actual music.
Ironic because music reviewers are super pretentious about their reviews yet they're completely incapable of the higher level thinking that is required to review actual music itself instead of words which any basic bitch "deep" 13 year old girl can do

never gave a fuck about lyrics, never will

I agree. I want to listen to the instruments, not some college dropout level poetry. If you want the words go read a fucking book.
As you say, the voice for me is another instrument. I respect musicians more when they reveal that they only wrote lyrics that sound good when pronounced rather than trying to fill shallow meaning in them.

It's nice when lyrics complement the music. Pretty bad when they don't. Incidentally that's the reason 95% of hip-hop is shit.

Lyrics are good in words here and there, so you can get an idea for what they're thinking or how they're feeling and have some context. They're also good for knowing that the artist actually put some effort (the amount of effort being different for each artist) into the song and they're not literally just singing random words.

Other than that they're worthless unless you believe songs should be political statements, but then they're even more worthless.

that's the most soulless thing i've ever heard

i agree, but sometimes i hear great lyrics. when i hear great lyrics theyll get stuck in my head and impact the song

You were far away
And I
Didn't ask you why
What could I say
I was far away
You just walked away
And I just watched you
What could I say

How close am I
To losing you

You just close your eyes
And I just watch you
Slip away

How close am I
To losing you

Hey, are you awake
Yeah I'm right here
Well can I ask you
About today

How close am I
To losing you

How close am I
To losing

some of my favorite lyrics

They're not as important as music, but they're important.

Good lyrics can't save a bad song, but there's nothing worse than really loving the sound of a song and then realizing the lyrics are complete and utter shit and the singer is a retard. It makes it harder to enjoy it again. So if you're gonna have lyrics it's worth putting some time in so you're not dragging down the quality of the music at least.

Song = music + poetry (lyrics)

Plebs can't enjoy poetry.

i agree with you. i like some songs just for the music, but i think that music and the lyrics really complement each other, and that bad lyrics really drag a good song down.

read any of seal's lyrics on his album human being. deep as shit and great for depression

How does one learn to write powerful, moving lyrics, Sup Forums?

It seems as if half the battle is learning to avoid writing in cliches.

wait a minute, that pool

Talk about bleached assholes, getting bleach on your t-shirt and how it made you feel like an asshole.

Thanks Pablo

Only a small percentage of the music i listen to has lyrics, and even then i don't bother listening to them. Singing can complement a song but it's the sound of the voice that does it, not the lyrics. And i don't really enjoy songs with lots of lyrics in verses/choruses and would more appreciate a few repeated phrases/sentences.

Be honest

Then keep writing until it's honest and good

I'm writing lyrics however these won't work too well in a conventional structure, it's more akin to spoken word but hey feel free to read, im improving

alone and distant
I stride away
in the flash of the eye amid the darkeness
i see a fine light in the backstairs
your naked steps and the garland
i promise you to stay
and you won't turn away back
inside this feeling of worthlessness
a tunnel to the other living
we kiss and trade sticks
in the boat of eternity our hands met
drifting to the port the mariner waiting
breeze of the empty touching me down
I throw a niquel and only i see the end of the match
i light a fire and our lives are at loss
staring down to my own lucky rest
maladroit clown on dark clothes
a friendly stare of melancholic death
illusion nest of a crocodile sailing away
you hold my hand tight and cry to me
a whistle of the horizon darkening
all i think is about me
we were so happy then
facing left to a rewinded feeling
you cry away tears within your own dress
a brightness fading away
misleading wild whispering
an elephant stares awake at the sunlight
a vulture and an oak brase
the dark is all beneath

This is AnCo for me.

Sometimes i feel identificated with lyrics, or i just find them beautiful, but most of the time i just like the rhytm/voice of the song