Shows up late

>Shows up late
>Pretends to care about politics
>Ends show
>Cancels tour

Explain to me why this pile of trash is anything but an attention whore

Other urls found in this thread:

theyre both pathological narcissists so it makes sense that trump and kanye get on together so well

>I'm just so angry!
>I need to make a thread!

>pretends to care about politics
why would someone pretend to support trump

Agreed but he makes music people like while a whore sells something everyone has. Simple as that.

To be fair user, you entered the thread and posted too. You seem to care about bait posts then. Don't be quick to judge.

this is the hardest pic of all time

>he makes

If only that headline was about his death. We can only wait now....

Not really a relevant argument, buddy. The fact is it's under his name, as with any big artist.

Clearly you have no grasp of what mental illness is

Exactly. And I don't like J. Cole but he has a point in that song when he says "the world's eggin' him on." It's clearly a mental illness but it's entertainment so somehow it's different and we just feed that illness. It's sick tbqh.

Dumb. Everyone who has produced/written with Kanye says he's heavily involved in the process. It's Kanye's vision, he just has a team that helps him bring it to life. Even down to the music videos. Hell Kanye even choreographed a lot of the Fade video.

You know, I'm not big on Yeezy by any means, but all it took was him reaching out to Trump for a shitload of liberal to start calling him a "house nigger" and an "Uncle Tom."

hilarious to see all the nu males coming out in droves against based Kanye now

the Bill Cosby comment was probably the first strike, but Trump is the straw that broke their low-test backs

embarrassing post

So by your logic John Coltrane didn't make Ascension since he had at least 10 other musicians helping him with it.

t. normie

>be a project leader
>everybody submits to your vision
>LOL you didn't do anything!

It's because Liberals have a fucked up view on self-hate which they project onto black people when black people don't want to do what liberals tell them to to do

make sure you show it to your wife's son

And no film director ever made a film because they had a team of 100s helping them.

You're an embarrassing person

Exactly my point.

It doesn't matter who or how many fucking people you work with, if you direct everything and everyone follows your vision it's basically your work with assistance from everyone else.

Fuck this retarded "hurr durr it had lots of people so the person in charge didn't actually make it" logic.

>Kanye releases 7 distinct, unique albums over 12 years and a solid collab album
>involved with a few dozen songs every year (some of his best work is on other peoples albums)
>also the most powerful african american in fashion
>cancels tour due to his workaholism finally catching up with him and is painted as an asshole who doesn't care about his fans just because of this one instance

Yall fucking selfish

I usually defend Kanye almost all the time but now I think I'm done after this.

Does this guy remind anyone else of that kid in high school who always seemed like he was retarded but everyone was afraid of asking if he was because it would make you seem like a judgmental asshole even though it was something everyone was thinking the same thing inside their head?

True, I know two black business owners who probably don't vote how black people are "supposed" to vote. Can't imagine how they feel day to day when reading the news.

I don't even like Kanye but I respect him for the work he puts into his music and him being brave enough to throw stones in a glass house.

He respects an unpopular politician and he's painted as a horrible person now? Really?

>ugh, I can't even

>post yfw narcissists always accuse confident people of being narcissists

nice dubs my trigga

Kanye is basically everything the average Sup Forums-male isn't: good-looking, confident, driven, unapologetic. No wonder they hate him.

how the fuck arent kanye and trump narcissistic?

>tfw i'm nearly all of those except for not being very attractive and being somewhat lacking in drive

Feels bad man

He's also mildly autistic so to be fair there is something in common. Also you can stop projecting anytime.


>nearly all

that's a smile you'd take home to meet your parents and you know it


He's a solid 8. He has chipmunk cheeks but that's his only real imperfection and everyone has imperfections

It's more like 2.5/4 although a month ago it would have been 2/4

I'm slowly regaining my drive in music but it's a long process so it might take a while to get back up to standard.

You'll never understand kiddo.

You find big-jawed manlets attractive?


yeah, driven to make shitty music


so he's just confident and unapologetic? sounds like an asshole.

is the 'famous' stuff like very epic irony?

>tfw you'll never have a Kardashian sleeping on your shoulder
why live?

narcissism is a crippling mental disorder
most genuine narcissists are losers in life who pathologically lie to convince people otherwise

West and Trump are just high-test workaholics. It's ok if you don't understand the difference. The world needs humble baristas and record store clerks.

>did a massive fashion show/concert completely from his vision simply off a whim

yeah, not driven at all

what type of stuff do you do?

you realize everything was for his thesis right

*at madison square garden

I didn't say he wasn't driven. I just said the product he makes is shit now. That fashion show was half assed and was awful overall.

I'm a musician who hasn't played music in nearly 6 months due to my computer breaking down and exams coinciding with that time period.

I'm slowly getting my skills back but it might take a while for me to reach my prime again.

>You find big-jawed manlets attractive?
You don't?

Because Kanye at least actually cares. i can't speak for Trump because he might just be doing this as an extension of power. But people like Kanye actually CARE where the world is going.

People like you sit around and wait for everyone around you to shape the world and make decisions, while you sit on the sidelines calling them narcissists, and then you pick up the work they've cut out for you. People like you have been raised to believe that keeping your head down and "fulfilling your role" in society is a noble trait. While the whole time not realizing that your role needs to be created by someone smarter than you.

Did I spell it out for you?


That isn't true at all, you can be a narcissist and be successful. I don't know about Trump, but Kanye definitely has some sort of mental disorder and that's probably it. Trump is just an opportunistic sociopath.

no justice

awww did kanye hurt the libcuck's feelings?

maybe this is more to your liking?

If you want to say Kanye has a mental disorder then this brings up the question of "what classifies sanity and insanity"?

stop throwing around terms you don't understand.

>Outspoken successful black man who doesn't suck Hillary Clinton's feminine penis
>He's mentally ill!

Or just someone who is actually attractive....

Please kill yourself.

He's mentally ill because he went to a psych ward and has had mental breakdowns on Twitter.

>no argument

I agree, I have a book on Lacan I should read.

lmao, is she trying to get people to think she's illuminati

did i strike babies nerve?

>mental breakdowns on twitter

That's your argument? Because he got a little excited and typed some stuff out, you see that as an extension on mental decay?

He was taken to a (((psych ward))) against his will

lemme guess you're one of those 'tall skinny guys with tattoos only' type people right?

Why are people always giving the two so much flak? I'd actually be really disappointed if they divorced

aww, someone's triggered

please do everyone a favor, and tell your friends to stop indulging in identity politics.

kek, no. that's disgusting. just stop already. you're just dancing around at this point.

kanye is depressed about being an overrated hack

he Hates taking attention away from other artists, he's guilty as hell about

why would anyone be afraid of asking someone that? Have you ever heard of bullies?

The reason people are intimidated by people like that is because deep down they know that person knows something/holds something valuable.

"Afraid of asking because it would make you seem like a judgmental asshole". Aaahaha, first of all you already are one, and second of all you're a pussy of the highest order. Go die

lol you're being shallow as fuck, so there's nothing on me

>this is my response
>lemme post this

who the fuck are you

>who the fuck are you

that doesn't make any sense in relation to what they posted

Haha, I remember that video.

>I'm talented *something something* best at theater *something something* NYU *something something*.


I think this was the first youtube video that scared the shit out of me


>I Love Kanye


LOL I thought he only looked like that in the image because of the camera angle

That dude looks like a tree stump

he walked bob dylan to the stage you miserable, presumptuous no talent

you're no artist. an artist respects the silence that serves as the foundation of creativity

you nothing. you are nothing

He namedrops Grateful Dead too. kek.

I heard he gives out writing credits like candy though

This dude projects harder than the average movie theater.

$53 million


kek. Too true, though. Most anger is projecting tbqh.


great point

thanks for sharing


>manlet is a reason to dislike somebody