ITT: Overrated musicians that you neither like nor respect

ITT: Overrated musicians that you neither like nor respect

Pic related

Damon Albarn
Neil Diamond

Fuck youuuuuuuu

Yes please, mouth or boipussy first?

Mike Patton

leave neil out of this

I agree with all of these.

Damon Albarn
Robert Plant
Paul Weller

Anything my mom listens to.
Also Dave Grohl.

Brian Wilson

>neil diamond
u fucked up pal

Elliott Smith
Jeff Buckley

I was going to say Hetfield and Ulrich

Then I remembered that no one rates them anyway


Damon Albarn/Blur/Gorillaz
The Replacements


Stevie Wonder

Lady Gaga
Thom Yorke

nobody likes Damon, huh?
I'm not a big blur fan, but I do enjoy Gorillaz

>nobody likes Damon
It's just a side effect of having an Oasis general. Lots of faggots with objectively shit taste.

And the fact that Blur are shit. I don't even like Oasis either.

not sure what oasis has to do with it mate but blur is a shitty fucking band

Uh, no lol he's an objectively talentless hack

All popular music artists

QED. Board full of absolute degenerates.

whats wrong with Moon the Loon?