/prod/ - Saturday Edition

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>soundcloud for finished tracks and getting called a fudge packer for not going to soundcloud threads

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Does this guy know what he's talking about or is he just shilling music plugins?

How does this sound /prod/? Are my lows coming through strong enough? Anything I can improve on?

>spend 8 hours on a track
>don't even like it
dam nit

The best is when you finish a track and start mastering it only to find that you can't master worth a dam and now your track is so fucked up that you dont remember which effects and eq's were on the original copy

Happened to me on my first track, got scared of finishing projects even more than I was before. I'm never satisfied and everything sucks.

shilling confirmed

Should you even bother finishing a track if you're not 100% satisfied at the beginning?

Here's the track:

Are Waves plugins shit?

How exactly do you know you're getting better at producing? What are your guys' end goals? Because after wanting to get around to learning it for years I feel like I've made shit tons of progress within a few weeks of highly focused Ableton practice and I already have a few tracks in vastly differing genres done but I'm now worried in a few months from now I'll run out of things I want to learn about and stagnate with where to go from there

they are not bad but theyre overpriced

My biggest fear is that I actually haven't improved at all in the past 2 years. Same things are bothering me - can't find a good instrument sample, can't design a good sound, my mixes are still shitty, and the worst thing of all - I think I can't even really tell when the mix sounds good. And of course, then there is a composition part, where I'm stuck in an infinite loop of shitting out 30s motifs and not being able to develop them, so I just fill my folders every day with pure shit, but with a dash of potential in them. All in all, shit sucks and I'm depressed again.

I feel like you could maybe cut through the shilling bullshit and find some actually good information....but it's getting kind of hard to do so when he stops to say how good waves plugins are every 2 mins

the track is pretty cringy but even though I didn't watch the whole thing there's some good (but very basic) advice in there
as user said it's totally a waves showcase, though

outdated, bloated, buggy and shitty interfaces
and they come with the world's most retarded licence center
waves mercury owner since 2007 here

>this is why I have a job that doesn't involve music in any sort of way
>this is why producing shitty music will always be my personal hobby

Hello friends, finally ended my exam times in Sweden and can finally produce again.
Feels good man.

if you want some tips my man I have a mixing/mastering education and could give you some tips if you have some specifics you want some help with

btw this is not mixed or mastered, just something i threw together yesterday

Use clyp.it .... This isn't a soundcloud thread.

yeah I know, just had something new up and if someone was interested they could listen to it.

who cares

Is the mixing any good lads?

well all I can suggest is really sit down and focus on it, dude. I'm the guy who asked the question in the first place, before these last few months I made tons of 30 second ideas I never properly finished. What made me change it is I sat down this last week and spent all day, all night honing on it, focusing on nothing else, doing nothing else, and by doing that I actually got things done.

If you work with the goal of finishing a song, you'll finish a song, if you work with the idea of jotting out song ideas they'll never advance past that stage

I was thinking of getting a Waves plugin bundle as the Gold and Silver packs are pretty reasonably priced. What are the better alternatives?

fab filter
plugin alliance


any feedback?

Why do default sounds exist if they all sound so bad (without any additional effects)? The synths are both from Serum. I can't find nor make a good sound myself and this isn't any better either. Drums are from Modern drummer though, and I guess they sound decent, but I'm kinda deaf for those things.


Just r8 this idea, I'll drop it if it sucks. Hopefully someone will notice me senpai this time.


not my type but pretty fat

Mixing sounds good, just needs some compression in the mastering stage to eaven it out

Just saw this among the greatest electronic albums in 2016 (mentioned on Pitchfork).

I don't know, now I feel I could make it too when I hear that clap and bass. Sounds literally like an average /prod/ clyp.

they don't all sound bad DESU, some of them do a pretty good job of showcasing a synth's capabilities. the thing you posted has a pretty cool drum groove btw

it's pretty ok however the fact that it isn't mixed that great and that the drums sound a bit flat and boring takes away from the track's full potential. You have a nice thing going on there with that guitar tho.

thanks famingo

which album? honestly if you're a good producer you can make anything

>it's pretty ok however the fact that it isn't mixed that great and that the drums sound a bit flat and boring takes away from the track's full potential. You have a nice thing going on there with that guitar tho.

Yeah, I'm pissed off by this. I sometimes can't tell if the piece is bad compositionaly or it's just because the sounds and mix are bad. I feel like this could be pretty good with a nice bass, I'm just not sure if I will be able to make it.

>which album?
Woah, forgot the link:


2nd this, SoundToys is the best plugs, spent like $500 on the native packs and don't regret it one bit

soundtoys support is pretty good too they usually get back to you next day unless its a weekend

How do I get inspiration back?

I guess listen to more music. That's what I realized today that I have to do. A LOT more.

I think you're onto something, but most elements of this track are off in some way, in my opinion.

PS: I know nothing about production.

I posted this in the last one but cleaned up the mixing, some of the chords, and remastered. Any feedback on it now?

Always finish a track, especially if you don't like it. The best experience I've gotten was forcing myself to trudge through a track I grew to hate, because it gives you a great intuition on how to work creatively dissonant ideas into good ones. You'll thank yourself for it later.
Nice EQing. It feels a little weak in the mids, but I assume that's an effect you're going for with the distorted pad in the background.
Try to think of presets as a foundation to synthesize good sounds off of. They provide a base foundation to work off of, but just like you wouldn't have a house that's just a foundation, you shouldn't have a track that's just an unedited preset.
Would be real cool if you built off of it by layering some of those delayed guitar lines, especially with some tasteful distortion/saturation. Think something like Ducktails. It'd also be good to automate the lowpass on the drums subtly to give them some movement and space to breathe. But really great start for sure.

That's probably the problem. I'm struggling to enjoy music in general. Probably should wank less.

I think you need to bring out your snare more and maybe side chain your bass and pads to the kick.

What would you guys think of as essential plugins for mastering and tweaking your sounds? I got iZotope for the final run of all tracks but what other plugins should I get for perfecting mixes? EQs? Reverbs? Delays?

there's no such thing as essentials, use what ever works for you

That's the advice I got last time, and this time around I did sidechain the bass and pads to the kick the pads to the bass, and did a little dynamic EQing to give the drums more presence, but I was still apprehensive to mix them too high.

Maybe it's because I never normally work with drums, but it felt like they were cutting through the pads too much when I sidechained the snare as well. Thanks for the feedback though

Post a pic of your chain? And imo, create a track that has no output but has your kick, like a phantom kick. Then sidechain everything to that. Don't side chain your bass to your kick and then your pads to your bass.

nigga am I playing doom 2???

Why do VSTs have stupid complicated default sounds. Just give me a sine wave rather than making me have to fucking turn everything off.


most of the times is both, keep working at it, keep adding shit and trying new things and you'll notice that it'll improve. no one really gets it right from take one.

it's pretty easy to make stuff like this, honestly it's all about getting inspired and having a nice concept/ideas.

listen to tons of music, don't be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone. let it soak in and wait until it starts pouring out massively, just be there to write it down/record it because sometimes you only get a great idea once.

I like the pads but it's kind of a mess when the drums enter, some harmonies clash (arp + chords) and drums still aren't cutting thru at all, you need to figure out your volume levels and sidechain, also cut off all the low freqs from everything that doesn't need them.

for mastering, Fab-Filter Limiter and Ozone Suite. for tweaking sounds, just go on Equipboard, look at what your favorite artists are using and get it.

as far as EQing goes, Fab-Filter Pro Q 2 is my favorite, for reverb I use Valhalla and ArtsAcoustic Reverb and for delay I use Ableton's native and Timeless for more complex stuff.

I actually want htis.

and it doesn't work on my mac

I don't know what I'm doing but I'm going to finish this even if it's god awful clyp.it/zt1akuh5

Anyone has a decent guide for Z3TA+ 1.5?

What are some decent DAWs other than FL Studio that don't have too steep of a learning curve?

The wiki didn't touch up much on ease of use to regards to the ones listed.

looking for some feedback?

just something I started last night... a little in the style of trip-hop I suppose.


what are you not liking about fl studio

all daws have a pretty steep learning curve imo

sounds good but wheres the bass or kick??

>pic related


plan to add, just not done yet. The bass is always hard to place. That and for some reason, the fills and random ornamental noises. You'd think they are the easiest parts, but I have like a conceptual block against doing them.

That sounds pretty good although the lead melody is strange in some way, like it's going up and down randomly. One idea I've heard is that a melody contour should reach a highest note at only one point and realize that that point is going to be heard as a sort of climax of the melody.


how am I doing Sup Forums?
What genre is this?

I know what you mean, I have the same with melodies. The best thing I know is finding an alternative bass to a chord to make a / chord of it, when that goes well it is the greaatesst

Figure this would be the place to ask

I've been messing around with Garageband enough to the point where I'm wanting to upgrade, but I'm between Logic and getting FL Studio for my PC simply because I like using my desktop more, any advice?

what kind of music do you make/want to make?

Probably ambient/techno but I'd like to also be able to use it to add some electronic stuff to the post-rock band with my friends

and you have a mac to use Logic?

Honestly would take FL as next step.
Then if you feel you need to upgrade again, go on to Ableton or Reason.

Yeah I have a macbook and my desktop.
I know people say Garageband to Logic is a pretty simple transition but I'd also like to have the convenience of having my daw on my PC, so appreciate the tip

Does any of you have any Experience with a tascam us 16x08? There's no in depth reviews or tutorials on line..

That is an example of what not to do. Software pushes you into making garbage like this but its soulless and barely even music. Back in my day she would have been laughed off the planet.

>fl as next step, then upgrade again

just try out fl, ableton, reason, and see how you like the uis. i found ableton a lot easier to use than fl studio myself. all of them can make great music doesnt matter what you use just try all 3 pick whichever makes the most sense to you

how is this /prod/?

When making the track don't climb halfway up the mountain and be happy with the view there and go down. Release the kraken, summit the mountain.

>work in software development
>spend all day idly sort-of-coding whilst constantly watching youtube videos about production tips, creative processes, etc
>go home and have loads of fun making an even mix of good ideas and pure shit

this is the life

Jaunty as fuck. I like it.

thats dope as fuck

Fucking godly.

Sounds like some Nintendo menu game music with a trap beat over it. Not sure if I love it or hate it, but I'm leaning more toward the former.

yes thats what i was about to say it sounds like the wii shop menu music

I'm jelly since my work requires my full attention.

I'm actually tempted to buy Reason 9, can someone please talk me out of it. In my mind I just want to relax and have fun and play with music. I've been playing piano and other instruments for years so that's not the issue. The issue is learning how to record and tweak recordings. I just don't have much time for that.

I want to sit down and lay down an idea. Then I want to loop that idea while I try out new ideas above that idea. Next I would tweak those ideas and make some sort of progression.
Is Reason a good platform for this? Their marketing videos seem to indicate that it is but I don't trust marketing departments.

Nice. I feel like the timbres of the piano and the hi-hats don't jive though. I would audition different piano samples if you have some.

You should wait for Reason 10 , I heard it comes with a high chair, a bib and a Thomas the tank engine play set

I'm horny right now user, that was some good shit

>Software pushes you into making garbage like this but its soulless and barely even music
grandpa drink your metamucil and go to bed

thanks guys. props if you know where the sample comes from.

>Where do I spend my wii points?

>the sample


Is a HDD or SDD better for music production?
How does a Hybrid/Fusion compare?
If using a SSD, does everything have to be saved on external drives?
Does RPM have to be 7200? Is 5400 good enough?

7200 rpm hdd or an ssd is the best choice and its better if you can afford more than one to put your sample libraries on

does it matter?

as long as it is big enough for all those synths and samples I'd think a cpu would matter way more than HD

>muh sampling is bad
grandpa i already told you once, dont make me repeat myself
is it from a video game? i feel like i've definitely heard it before but i'm drawing a blank on where


End of the story

when the xylos/marimbas kick in

Thomas the Tank Engine is baller. Thanks for the heads up.

Nah, but seriously, is it as easy as their marketing videos make it seem to just start recording and then loop that recording as a basis for new ideas and then stop the recording for further fine tuning like adjusting notes and rhythms?

I just want to play around with shit and create works similar to what Daedelus did on Invention.

Hey /prod/

How do I capture the intensity of my raw ideas? I'm sure you all know the feeling. You've got a good ass tune in your head that sounds amazing and different, and then you go to make a song out of it and it just doesn't translate.

Personally I get discouraged if the idea involves a synth and I put the notes in there and the synth just sounds so fucking terrible. I try to tweak shit but no matter what I do I can't find the right sound, do I ditch the project and move on.

How do you prevent this?

Really, the only drawback of Reason s that you can't use outside Plugins within it. To use other plug-ins alongside Reason you have to use Reason as a plug-in of another DAW which does take Plug-ins
Other than that it's pretty much the same as any other DAW.
Everything you described can easily be done in Reason, maybe the easiest in Reason, it's possibly the most user friendly DAW.


Am I a scrub?

Why so? You're giving me blue balls man

Any of you guys have any eyes on gear for Christmas? I'm thinking about picking up a SP-404SX and putting some cash away to buy an OP-1 in the next few months.

i think in c major my dude

get a keyboard, play around with just a piano preset until you get the idea you had in your head, such as melodies, basslines, leads.

Learn how to transcribe from a playing a piano to writing notes in a piano roll.

Debating on getting a microBrute