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putting it on right now senpai

>yfw its just a dj set recording
would you be disappointed

>5 hour drive from my house to houston
should i?

still cool

Too soon

Please someone upload

upload when

Where are the Houston folks?


They tried to tell us and we didn't believe them

>Its artwork is all white, and the label features no text other than the festival’s date and location along with the AFX and Warp Records logos;

It's called a fucking white label you rockists

sent ;)

>Published 4 hours ago

how has no one uploaded this yet

They're busy actually listening to Aphex Twin play in real life right now

It started 3 minutes ago. Why didn't I go. I regret it. Oh well.

Wtf that's where I live

I got it. It was shit.





he's trolling


is Richie married?

ive been told hes playing wubs and wobs

i wonder what rdj thinks about the weird frontier

Side 1: (throatie)
Side 2: (throatie) [extended mix]

dont imagine he cares much desu

holy fucking shit the periscope recordings are mental

fuck i wish i was there so bad right now

I was going to travel to Houston for this weekend but I decided against it

Fuck me desu

He only listens to his own music

Let this be a lesson to seize the day gents

Listen to this fucking amazingness

We should have literally gone

Tfw he hoarded his own archive and we'll never see 90% of it.



I was just there, and he was pretty boring.

sure thing babe

i believe you ;)

bye rddit

cant wait desu

>mfw I don't see this thread until just after the concert
>mfw they sold out hours ago

Just kill me now

White Label: a vinyl record that is supplied with a plain white label before general release for promotional purposes.

he's known to play dubstep during live sets

I saw people cheering for an encore for ten fucking no urges in the (relative) cold, I'd say that was a good show.

Can I ask who you were there for?

thanks rodolfo


mfw the only aphex twin song i know is vordhosbn and now i'm listening to 2X202-ST5 while shufflle playing him on Spotify

good shit

yes who gives a fuck

any word on whats on the record? is it his soundcloud stuff?

Is he wearing m50x's?

kek btfo all the people who called them a meme, they are RDJ approved now


what's up with all the contrarians being all terse and predictable with their replies?

>tfw you will never be as cool as Aphex Twin

why couldn't I discover electronics and coding at a young age god dammit

it's never too late to be your own cool

anyone have the setlist? apparently Andy Stott, SD Laika, and Trackermatte were played along with some new Aphex Twin at the end.

i would also like the setlist. he opened the set with andy stott, it completely threw me off cause i was expecting him to start with some acid wankery right from the bat

i just watched the streams, but the big surprise for me was him playing some Jlin stuff

and this notorious track which is probably squarepusher but we still don't know for sure

he played this somewhere near the beginning i think

I need to stop putting off listening to Dark Energy

I didn't like it when it first came out, but since then I've completely changed my mind. I think it's one of the most interesting footwork releases out there. It puts me in a very different headspace compared to other footwork stuff. Her approach to sampling and instrumentation is pretty unique for the genre.

gonna give it the old listenaroo user, don't you worry

This kills the man.


thats a dubplate you idiot

>tfw you're Aphex Twin
>tfw nobody appreciates your music the way you do
>tfw they say "Omfg I love that track" but they don't realize the little hidden melody here and that slightly edited drum track, none of them get it
>tfw they pretend to be fans and ask for my autograph but nobody once mentioned that flanging effect I put on the slight bouncing percussion in XMD5a.
>tfw they call themselves fans but they're all pretending
>I wish I could just be cool enough to have real fans where they actually get it

t. guy who has never heard of mall music or teklife

>tfw gonna see him live next summer
ya boii

nah, i dig all of that stuff. the dj mastercard halloween mixtape and the new taso release are fucking great. but i think dark energy ranks up there with them. i'm just saying it has its own ways of standing out which i enjoy.

Same fucking thing you mong.

no its not you dumb fuck, a white label is just a vinyl with a WHITE LABEL. if it has a white label and is completely available to the public then its still a white label

White label = artist doesn't give two fucks about this release and its not worth listening to

so weird I had a dream him and skrillex were hanging out last night

hi sonny



what was the track with the marching band snares



>tfw never be able to listen to aphex play tek-house live

download for this where?

WATMM has a download but you need to donate to there site to get it, would some kind user help us all out

Fuck no.

I was there last night. The records are gone

please halp

I'm still holding on for a rip, some user please be kind to us and bring xmas early

What do you think are the best albums in the genre? All I've heard is Room(s) which was cool but I haven't really revisited it since

Fuck off joyrex

What's your guy's top 3 Aphex projects and top 3 favourite songs

Mine are:
1. Selected Ambient Works 85-92
2. Druqks
3. Come To Daddy EP


I'm a real fan, obsessed with every little detail.

i don't give a shit what anybody says, Windowlicker is and remains his best work

One of his best for sure

with a russian mailorder bride

Dubplate is a recorded acetate disc, often a one-off


On vinyl tho, "Equation" sounds so fucking dank at 33rpm

1. DrukqS
2. SAW 85-92
3. Analord 1

>minipops 67

fuckin yes

Who else was there?

Was it just me or did he straight up leave the stage at one point and just leave a prebaked track playing?


track id?

No kidding, I've only actually started listening to him this year, and so far my top 3 are

1. SAW 85-92
2. Come to Daddy EP
3. Syro
>honorable mentions: Cheetah EP, SAW2

1. Ageispolis
2. Rhubarb
3. Alberto Balsalm
>honorable mentions: 4, Milkman, Flim, Cheetah7b, Cirklon3, can't name them all, there are so many tracks

I'm pretty sure he did that for his own song, which makes it fucking hilarious

I was pretty much on the gates and this was like, the most intense concert experience I've ever had. It was about 800 when he started and then about 15 mins into his set it started to pour and the temp dropped down to about 40. He was sort of building up and teasing until the rain started. Everyone around me lost their god damn mind. His visuals (is that what you call them? idk) were amazing too and made up for the fact that we couldn't even see him. When I went to buy the record it was sold out :(
I couldn't see him from where I was. Wouldn't be surprised tho

*****meant eighty degrees

fucking wicked, goosebumps @ that sc track tamclap2 at 21:40

hopefullly theres some kind of recording of his set