ITT: perfect albums ruined by the closing track

ITT: perfect albums ruined by the closing track

Usually OP is expected to provide an example

This one was ruined by the entirety of side B

Two-Headed Boy pt. 2 is the best song on the whole album though

>disliking 808s and Heartbreak in 2016
you're not allowed to have an opposing opinion buddy


>perfect album

I can think of perfect albums ruined by one track but it's never the ending track. I love ending tracks. Most of my favorite songs of all time are ending tracks.

Every song after Holland was significantly worse than the first 6 of the album.

Communist Daughter was ok.


such a cringey fucking rant at the end of this album.


A: Didn't end the album
B: Haven't listened to it.


Desolation Row
Sister Ray
Leif Erikson
1990 was a Long Year and We Are All Out of Hot Water Now
Down in the Sewer
A Raincoat's Room
Anywhere I Lay My Head
One of Us Cannot Be Wrong
It's All Over Now, Baby Blue
Farewell Aldebaran
Leave Me Alone
Expressway to Yr. Skull

Reservations fucking sucks

Poor Places was the best closer for the album
>that answering machine voice repeating the album's title over and over amid a fog of feedback

You never want to go out with a bang on a finite plane
If it ended with Poor Places it would've left too much unsaid

Reservations is still the worst song in the album though
They could've closed it with another drawn out coda that actually matched the quality of the album

Why the fuck do people fawn over Her Majesty?
It's stupid filler that shouldn't have made the cut for the album

Oh wait. Finally thought of one that applies!

>people fawn over Her Majesty?
Literally nobody does that.

I like Pinocchio Story

Most Beatles fans I know LOVE that piece of shit and I even saw it once in a list of the best songs shorter than a minute
When I ask why they only answer that it's "so cute" or "so great"



Nah ain't no nigga sucks

And Sung Tongs too.

>plus three more great songs
>all that empty space
Why not just fucking list the last three songs

Derek is great wtf
agree with Sung Tongs though



I think I mixed up Derek with #1, but I'm not sure, in any case I remember expecting more from Strawberry Jam's closer


Not that it's a bad track, I just find it odd that it's a fairly upbeat and inspiring song. Doesn't fit the rest of the album.

808 is trash

ur trash lol

>Coldest Winter

I seriously hope you mean Pinnochio's Story.

Yeah last two songs shoulda been swapped

considering Pinnochio's Story is the last song on the album I don't see why he wouldn't be referring to that

It's not that Happy Cycling is bad, but it would have made so much more sense to end the album with One Very Important Thought, the penultimate track.

The album is tragically front-loaded in general though

happy cycling is a bonus track

Pinnochios Story is hot garbage


yea idk how you're confused but i am referring to Pinocchio

I love it and I find that the "upbeatness" makes it stand out a bit more and acts as a sort of self realization closing track.
Dan is finally admitting the final thing, that he has depression (a.k.a a "devil" on his back and chest)
the horns represent some sort of optimism


just like the rest of the album

ruined is the wrong word but the last track is worse than every other track (peking o is amazing, fuck you)

on a later release only, otherwise expressway to yr skull is one of the best closers to an album ever in my opinion

Pinocchio's Story is basically a bonus track. The album proper closes with Coldest Winter. That said, Pinocchio's Story is absolutely the worst thing on 808's.

I bought the vinyl version of this without knowing about the locked groove. I'd be so fucking pissed if I bought a version that closed with Bubblegum instead.

Overload notwithstanding I prefer Side B. Houses In Motion and Listening Wind are my favorites.

it was the label they were under that made them have a cover

wasn't even an average cover

i agree too, seen and not seen is great

>Leave Me Alone
Fuck yeah I've slowly been warming up to PC&L and that song is one of my favorites

Not exactly ruined but Internal Landscapes is pretty handily my least favorite on it.

Actually, I just realized that this can be applied to Anathema for a number of their albums - Serenades, A Fine Day To Exit, A Natural Disaster and We're Here Because We're Here all fall victim to this.

lmaoing @ur taste right now kiddo

>all these plebs posting Sung Tongs

Fireworks should have been the closer. If it had ended there it would have made a 10/10 EP.

I think Pinocchio Story is brilliant.

Yeah, the rant seemed unnecessary
