Alright Sup Forumsros I need some knowledge

Alright Sup Forumsros I need some knowledge
I just learned that chronos and Kronos are not the same person, and that chronos is time
Also chronos was the first thing to exist and he and his daughter created everything
So what the hell is Kronos the god of and why does every other source say Kronos is time and also why do they say chaos was the first thing to exist
Is there no good source on Greek mythologies?

I've been searching for hours please help
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Bump for interest

Maybe just nothing exists without time and time doesn't really exist it just measures

I thought Percy Jackson created all that greek bullshit


As i remember Kronos was one of the sons of zeus, that were eaten by zeus

Chronos is the god of time

Kronos is the lord of the Titans, the group of all-powerful beings that preceded the gods.

Greek mythology is weird man.

Other way around, Kronos was the father of Zeus, Zeus led the rebellion against him or whatever
Kronus is a Titan, a primordial, not a god.

Quads dont lie

Quad 2s are best quads.

Yup, I saved it.

Dude idk if rando is the right board, idk what tu habla. Try lit yeah?

Well more of what I mean is, what does he rule, everyone else seems to rule over something, but Kronos just rules.... Other Titans, seems pretty unimportant to me

Oh shit, wrong pic, nothing to see here people, move along.

He was kinda known for...harvesting. Like having a good crop year. His sickle.

Oh shit, I must look into this

Chronos and Kronos used not to be the same person. Chronos was a god only a part of greek people believed in, and Kronos is the father of zeus. Thy later got confused a lot and now people think they are the same, they actually arent

Play age of mythology op
That and much more explained

greekfag here... kronos was indeed a titan and the father of gods. an almightt one . one day he gave birth to the 12 gods of olympus and after years they revolved and locked kronos and the rest titans somewhere (cant recall now) we learn about it in the school when we are 10 so i cant remember much...

Greek mythology is fucking cool dude, why do you wanna know about it?


Theres different stories but the one most widely accepted is the one where he eats his first few children but not Zeus and zeus overthrows him and rescues the other gods out of his stomach or some shit

in greece there is only one but.what you just said is true

I saw somewhere that chronos and Kronos weren't the same person and I lost my shit, I've always loved Greek mythology so I've been on a binge (it's 6 am right now but chronos doesn't decide when I sleep)


zeus becomes powerful and bans the titans into tartaros, the hell below the normal hell. He then becomes the king of the gods, making his brothers poseidon king of the sea and his other brother to the king of hell

hahaha like Chiron and Charon. binge on no time for sleep

Zeus -> Sky, Thunder, King of the Gods
Poseidon -> Sea, Horses, Earthquakes/Storms
hades -> Underworld (not death though, theres a God of Death I forgot his name though)