Pics you shouldn't share but you are

pics you shouldn't share but you are

Background story: she's my collegue and she passed out on her own party. She was brought to bed by her friend but when we checked on her we found her like this. Best part is that her BF was already gone. She has no clue that we took the picture or that I have been exposing her on the internet for a week now.

Let me know what you think.

Want more?

Ass! Ass! Baddible ass

I can't believe they didn't have grape.

low lifes. I hope the guilt drives you to suicide

yes please

dared my best friend lol



So since people are giving a background story for there pics.
She is my roommate's gf, a horny little moaner. He never password protects his computer. So when he was out for class, it wasn't that hard to find her nudes...

>girl throws a party
>everyone gets drunk
>bf leaves

this is retarded, he deserved it

If anyone is interested in saving her. Her name is Carla.
Spread her too for all I are

Another mans wife. Fucked her way before they met. Did terrible things to her as a teen. Meet up again a few years after she married. Do worse things to her as an adult. Despite that I know she's an unfaithful whore I'd marry her if she weren't married. A woman who will debase herself for your pleasure but also genuinely enjoys the debasement is rare. It's water on her boorish husband. I still get to do what I want with her but only when time permits


She has an amazing ass. And by the pics she takes, I think she knows it haha


Questions/comments/etc more than welcome!







>Reply to Thread No.697304146



He even took screenshots on skype haha

waiting for requests








What does her name start with?



you know her?


anyone wants her contacts?


does anyone have the rest of her set?


No so repost them yet again so we do

i dont have her user. i didnt manage to
save them before thread 404'd



> I will obliterate the power of your sarcasm by answering you seriously

hairy ass, almost as hairy as mine

I know damn nice isnt it,saved!

Do you think we are retarded? she's your wife look at the fucking ring you dumbasses

Dude thats no wedding ring

You must be trippin cuz i would bet its just a pic he found on the webs then made up story for attention

Yes it is anus!

lol you are a fucking moron.

it's called a promise ring, idiot

Man you guys are some dumb niggers

fuck off. how is it not a promise ring?

Here's my fiancee

i just.....
i can't.
the fucking racism here.
you people are ill
literally shaking right now.....
wow.....just. just wow. literally unbelievable.
ill never understand
it feels like
after the past 2 weeks i have been here it just seems to get worst and worst.....
blatant racism
child porn spam
animal abuse
anti semitism
holocaust denial
woman hating
fat shaming
off topic adult cartoons
the list goes on and on.......
the n word literally hurled around like it was a casual insult......
are there even moderators to control this insane place??!!!
disgusting.....are you even "humans"? or just jaded pieces of SHIT??!!
i see why you people are callled the sewer of the internet...

Dead thread im outa here faggots


everything you listed right there is pure fiction. fuck off with your conspiracies



gf. got tons more if you like

Wew lad, anymoar?

yes please!


Gr8 b8 m8

what do you want?

full frontal




dont have bj sorry





moar ass and hairy pussy








Holy shit more. Looks like my classmate




any doggie?


Great ass



want nudes?