Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.

Previous:>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No oversexualised content
>chain lurk pics
>No RP/ERP, go be a faggot elsewhere
>Naps good idea
>Being an Elitist in the /waifu/ Community is like winning a gold medal in the special Olympics. You're still retarded.
>Most importantly, rattle rattle!

Other urls found in this thread:


Best type moon claimed.

What a horrible night to have a curse.


It's real, I habeeb man.

Eurobeat's the genre.

Just break the locks.

>No whoring
What? Why?!
>Fat crepes

I did, also reinforced the base for the incoming horde.

Doll claimed good hunters.

Jesus man that must suck. You said you broke your glasses, how long until you get some new ones?

>OP cancer comps
The best and only comps. I don't know how I feel about the ARAM map overall, same as when dominion was around.
>Intimidating and confusing at first
How long have you had it?


A crepe?

Eurobeat. The best racing music in the world.

Always good stuff man, always.
>Love that picture.

Because you should have some respect for yourself!

Have another one I had saved.

What's good today, people?

I guess, I just know that if you eat a few of those you'll be in a food coma for the next few days.

Hello cutie

Sorry I couldn't respond last thread. I was busy with some stuff.

I'm not now though.

Thanks, I'll look it up

Yeah I could imagine it'd be pretty fuckin rad blasting that at 100+ mph

What day is it?
Stayed up till 5am and only now woke up. This game isn't good for my health.

I left on day 7 morning, doubt Iowa continues to play for it to be night now.

Fuck (You)


You don't remember me posting my cinnamon flavored, powdered singer pancakes? I asked if anyone was jealous and you said maybe.
Dmv is far as fuck and I'd need to take multiple buses to get to there. Actually funny story, one time my brother dropped me off there and then he left. My phone ended up dying while i was there and I didn't have money. I decided to take the walk home. 2 hours passed from walking and I wasn't even halfway there. Sun was setting and I was na ghetto place. About 10 minutes later of painful footsteps I found a plug on a brick wall and I was lucky to have my charger with me. Plugged in my charger and phone for about 5 minutes before some asshole tried to run me over with his van. I sed the 2% of battery to call my mom and l her my location. Battery dies right after I say the second street name.
Also, I need a car for the driving test.

Yeah I broke them (not really me who broke them but they are broken nonetheless). I get new ones whenever my mom thinks I deserve them or whenever I have money. Today I had sweep the floor. I had no idea if I as actually sweeping dust or not unless I stepped on it.

Ok guys it's 6am now. I have to sleep for sure now. The timer starts now. 7 days.

Aha, that's where I got you cutie!
>I don't respect myself!

Also clammed



That's me.

>Everyone elses face when I get my car

I should try this one day then.

Not cute!

I've got 237 albums of the stuff. Ask me or Maki when the cunt's around for some suggestions if you ever want any!
>Have some examples.

You look at those too, Anomaly.

I remember, but I was pretty much falling asleep when I said that. Yes, I was jealous. I'm STILL jealous. I love powdered sugar pancakes, although I've never had them with cimanim.
>2 hours and not halfway there
I can't even talk shit, our DMVs are the same way. In that case, once he's back in town, ride his ass about helping you get the license. Don't let up till you got it, not even for a second. Got it?

I respect you though, so no whoring!

I remember when tripfriends were around but then they went and created their own drama ridden chat.

That's a very broad term.

Alls good my end, yourself?

>That pic
Plz I haven't ate today
>Blind sweeping
Well atleast its over now. Sucks about the glasses anyhow.
Goodnight man, sleep well.

I'll be sure to do that then.
>Those fuckin webms
How can people have the balls to do that shit?

They did a lot of funposting.

>But mooooooooooom
You just want me all to yourself!
>Didnt I tell you I've tried to sell my body multiple times?

Oh yeah and no interference. I want this week to go as normally as possible.

Yeah I know but first we shall celebrate my b day

I'm out for sure now. No more dilly dallying

Which ones are you talking about?

The guys from /aneki/?

Because I kind of hate those.

Happy Akiko claimed


>Sounds like a legal form of extortion.
I don't know how it went exactly. I just know they bent him over and fucked him up

It's just bothersome because they don't really let you know your license is about to expire unless you explicitly visit the online website.
>having 23 programs is way overkill for me
I only use 7 of them myself anyway

>I don't know how I feel about the ARAM map overall
I think it's a fun map and a welcome change from summoner's. Dominion could've been really good but it was poorly executed
>How long have you had it?
For about a year now but I rarely touched it until recently when I couldn't use photoshop anymore

No, the people that people from /aneki/ have a hate circlejerk about.

>How can people have the balls to do that shit?
It's fun as fuck! Have you never went around a corner at high speeds and lost a bit of traction or heard the tires screech?

No butts either!
>Can't prove that.

I'll be sure to buy an extra bottle of mead for you, later Ika! I hope you manage to feel better and have a happy birthday!

Really? Most programs would let you know at least a month in advance. It's weird that it doesn't.

I'm good. Watching gate, s'aight.

>When the cunt's around
Been pulling off some sick drifts.


Get on the server, it's go time.

Anime isn't real kiddo

Speak of the Breeki, responds to the Cheeki.
You been out all night causing trouble for the establishment?

No idea then.

Probably for the better.

That's not a Nico with that Maki.

But butts are the best part!
>Well if you aren't being selfish I should just do it then~
It's true, almost took a plane ride to a stranger to spend a week with them for 2k. They backed out.

>F-Fine! See what I care!


>Welcome change
Yeah, you can say that again. As much as I like regular league it does get repetitive. Pisses me off when people take ARAM so seriously and rage.
Fair enough, just a thing to kill time till photoshop comes back. Do you do editing for a living?

No but I have once did a skid when I was on a bike when I was like 5, basically the same thing right?

Gate? Isn't that Rory's anime? Is it worth a watch?

That's some cool ass art

Do you know about the drones?

It's like telepathy.

If by that you mean lost track of time of playing vidya with friends then yes. The establishment is fucking pissed that we were Raising Hell.

Would of been nice but Rin fits the personality of a speedster.

Thanks m8. Haven't seen you before, claiming the doll from Bloodborne? If so, cool.

Best track is Pigeon Skulls.

The people demand butts.
>Oh, well if you don't care then I really should. All those strangers watching me do lewd things to my body~
Yeah, I didn't know what to charge so I just said 2k.


Yeah, it's got Rory in it I'd say it's interesting enough to try it. So far I've enjoyed it.

Not so much. A skid is locking u the tires causing them to drag. A drift is a slide that is controlled by the speed and power being sent to the back wheels.
>Getting technical up in here.

The Breeki responds to the call of the Cheeki, an vice versa.
>Sending this in for the text books.

Sounds like fun, I'd respond to that pun, but I'm about to get ready to leave for home. Don't have to deal with the scooter today!

>Not tsun!
>J-Just don't come crying to me when you regret it!
Not nearly enough mang.

Stella's mine

What's up everybody?

>Well, If you don't want me to, I guess I'll just have to be sad if it doesn't work out.
Oh really?? Want to buy my services?
>I'm cheap~


yes, but I've only listened to feelin kinda free and I've liked it, even if their cover looks like a bowl of soup.
the song you linked sounds like it has an older style than 2013.

>Now let's not get hasty there...
>Implying I have enough
Mizore stahp, no whoring yourself dammit!

>Packing up to go home now

The two feed off each other for banter.
>History in the making.

Probably best you don't, should be passing at any minute now anyways heh. Nice, borrowing someone else's?

No probz m9. Yeah just started claiming today, have lurked for a while though. Yep, claiming the cutest potential eldritch thing, Maki's a solid claim too tho

Will do at some point, I've got it on the list now.

I was being facetious, but that's some solid info, thanks. Didn't know there was an actual defined difference.

Not much, you?

Their cover has some neat history to it.

Something something Taman Shud case.

Feelin Kinda Free is probably my album of the year so far, but I don't listen to as much stuff as I used to.

I really liked the drum fills on almost all of their tracks.

and you're mine


>Nono, you don't want me, I'll just do it. Consequences be damn
>5 dollars to much?
B-But money, I've cam whored myself for pleasure.

Just woke up and it's almost 5pm.
So my day is kinda ruined

>falling asleep mid thread
>now awakened by incoherent toddler with conjunctivitis
Well. Hope I get back to sleep.

indeed, the album has everything on point.

>but I don't listen to as much stuff as I used to.

why's that? you can just search some albums you haven't listened to yet and knock yourself out, or just plan to have a free day only for music.

Well shit, I hate waking up real late, feels like it's pointless to start anything.

Screeching toddlers are the worst.

Psh, I woke up at 7pm yesterday!
>Still awake and about to go to work in 2hrs plz kill meh.

I feel real bad for saying that due to the fact its my niece, bit I need to wake back up in 6 hours. Got a long day ahead.

Eh, I'm kind of lazy most of the time. Not really one for free time as well. Once in awhile I get to listening some new stuff I'm interested in, but I let most of it pass by me.

How do you find time to listen to stuff?

I see. Well enjoy yourself man, hopefully it's a nice experience for you. Mighty fine claim too, making me want to go back and finish Bloodborne now. Out of all of the μ's members she captivated me the most, glad to see someone knows what's up.

i always listen to stuff when I'm not doing stuff. i just download it on my phone, go for a walk, or listen to it when I'm browsing the thread.
but, recently i've been to busy and i've found myself slacking off a lot.
anyway, i'm off now, going to play some VNs. see you later. maybe

I need to get to playing some VNs myself, like Muv Luv and maybe Fate.

Probably gonna have to re-read Katanagatari again.

See you later, anyways.

It probably does let you know but I have notifications disabled. Chances are if they sent me an E-mail it probably got filtered out

Also fun is when people complain about ARAM being unbalanced. Tell us something else unimportant we already know
>Do you do editing for a living?
No I'm a student. I'd starve to death if I did this for a living. My vids are pretty shoddy

Just because they're family doesn't mean they can't be annoying, especially if you've got stuff to do. Hope you get some good rest anyway.

I'm sure I will. Bloodborne's easily my favourite game from the soulsborne series, it suits me more than the dark souls style of combat. Have you got the DLC? Explains so much more about the lore, especially around the doll. Yeah Maki is probably my favourite out of the μ's, but I am a sucker for red hair, and you know I know whats up fam.

Yeah i feel the same way.

Hey, me too!
I went to sleep at 11am.

Good morning!

Going to see star treks!

>ARAM being unbalanced
People are so fucking stupid, like sure it is, but have some fun, no point whinging about it.
Ayy same here. I'm assuming you're an art student? Everyones shoddy when they start something anyway.

Thread is dying slowly.


Bloodborne was actually the first Soulsborne title I ever played. Past ones didn't seem bad but I never got around to getting them. From actual experience, how different is the combat? Nah, just the game itself, if I do go back and beat it then yeah that's something to do. Wouldn't mind learning more.

>I am a sucker for red hair
My man, no doubt about it now. You definitely know what's up.

Why was i kicked out -_-

Soon they'll grow to bantz a whole nation.

Yep. Cousins Virago. It's uncomfy as fuck, but it's only slightly slower than my bike, so I'm not gunna complain about it too much.

Very much a difference. Fun fact, what most people see on TV and in movies that they call "drifting" is actually a power slide, which is essentially a controlled skid.
Fun fact #2: A front wheel drive car is physically incapable of doing an actual drift, and can only do a power slide by locking up the back wheels, causing it to skid in what looks to be a drift to the casuals. It can not control the slide through the rear wheels, thus doing it has no benefits aside from looking cool.

>You will be in soooo much trouble!
>Too cheap!

RIP Akiko. Never saw it comin.

Hey Best idol! I just started playing bloodborne i keep throwing my controller tho. you like my poster

I let you back in. click the button.


Oh, but you won't care if im in trouble. Oh well....
>Well how about 100$?
Whaaaaat? Didn't I tell you that?

For God's sake, use commas.