Rekt thread

Rekt thread

Other urls found in this thread:

She got shopped like a BITCH doe

how does this happen? is there a way to correct this via surgery?

>rekt thread
>posts skin condition

her nipples are lit

Isn't that just like how your arms look when sleeping on it? Then it would clear up in a few hours.

This looks more like some breast suspension bondage happened.


what the fuck

never seen breast suspension? It looks like fun.

were those tits dipped in a deep fryer?


this is a random file because i have my rekt and reaction folders together and there all unnamed




This was my reaction exactly... Frame by Frame


seems fake

This reminded me to throw out the blueberries in the fridge... Thanks user!

it is

you're welcome

love them firmly bound


Justice i am the night


Is this a rekt or tit abuse thread?

This kills the boobs. y tho.jpg

Yes. Rekt tit abuse thread.

My personal favourite

>Socks and sandals
>Should have been shot

Do want! You can fap simply scratchin the slleve



Dude what the actual fuck how does that happen










When your dick gets cut off and there is no way to re-attach it again there is a process that uses tissue from other parts of your body to make a new penis


Just trying to help a newfag out


Penis got severed somehow, cannot be reattached immediately so it was grafted to the arm in order to ensure blood supply until the croth region has healed enough for reattachment.

Don't have any tit abuse gifs/webms so have the next best thing.




>oh a landmine, wonder what this would look like next to my shoes


Jesus. Why would you ever fuck about with anything you don't recognise if you lives in fuckmenistan?


kek saved. fucking idiot.

I have no fucking clue

Holy shit I think i want that to happen to me? Maybe not the spray shit, but I can't imagine how crazy pulling it all out would feel - especially if you were cumming during.


careful with those edges bro


Huh, that's the first time I got that particular reaction. Good for you user, have fun with your new fetish.

What is the name ot that dance ?

woah, that was cool
what the fuck was it?

Not even sure what this file is tbh

looks like he tried to tap the camera man in


watermelon salsa

oh yeah lol

Fucking internet man... I've discovered too many fetishes and kinks I'll never fulfil. Out parents never had this shit hey



>getting money from an ATM after dark in America

faggot was asking for it.

socks and sandals are the ultimate comfort


just imagine what we'll have in 20 years.

This looks unsafe.

Watch me swoonce right in

Fucking niggers.

So much more likely to resist arrest.

>living in america
faggot was asking for it


top fucking kek




polio no jutsu




massa was angry that day

Thankfully he had a helmt


Did he died

too soon omg user have some respect

Imagine what would have happened without the helmet though, cleanup would have taken forever.

Hurr durr too soon. There (you) go.

What was it?

Yeah, chief - that ain't America.


fat is kill
