Top 5 or 10 anime thread!

Top 5 or 10 anime thread!
2Hunter x Hunter (2011)
3.Elfen Lied
5.Parastye The maxim
7.Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood
9.Future Diary
>R8 me
And yes I'm the OP from the last one, I forgot some last thread and corrected it.
>Inb4 hurrdurr FLCL is trash
Since I never see it give me some valid criticism of it.

no cowboy bebop or samurai champloo? are you gay or something?


>future diary
>psycho pass

agree with rest

where is cowboy bebop?

Soul eater
Gurren Laggan
Black lagoon
My hero Academia

Haven't finished it completely yet. For now its at like 11. It will be higher once I finish it

I don't understand how you're number 1 can be so right but the rest be so wrong

bebop is more of a normie show, you don't see it mentioned on Sup Forums much.

>R8 me

Literally all entry level garbage babies first anime shit, just missing SAO and Attack on TItan to be a total cock gobler. KYS

I'm not good with lists. I'm assuming you meant the order because berserk and Jojo are god tier

watch baccano

Fma brotherhood also

>bebop is more of a normie show, you don't see it mentioned on Sup Forums much.
Nigga are you retarded. It's pretty much globally agreed upon on Sup Forums that champloo is top tier, probably don't see much talk about it because it's just known.

>Evangelion not mentioned yet

Fucking normies.

>entry level

Weeb faggot. You're being elitist a about cartoons

>No Steins' Gate
>No Monster

>lumping SAO with SnK just because theyre both popular

Flcl is epic
How about exel saga?

Sao is fucking autistic, the point of the show is completely thrown away once they showed that fuckin loli AI bitch can respawn. I can't stand it. AOT is honestly a well produced anime but I just can't get into the hype. So yeah.

No, they're both objectively shit. It has nothing to do with popularity.

jesus christ what is this trash


If you like the shows mentioned on Sup Forums much you are braindead retarded. They have Konosuba general threads in that cesspool.

>no steins gate
Its sitting right there at 6 buddy

I'll agree that Sup Forums is autistic as fuck, but konosuba is dope.

champloo is talked about more than bebop, and people still agree that bebop is great, they just don't talk about it because Sup Forums is full of special snowflakes who have erina nakiri level taste

something more on Sup Forums track would be mushishi LOTGH and aria

It's fun to watch, but you have to admit that from a cinematographic standpoint it's pretty worthless.

Congratulations to you too and being 12. Did baby's first anime collection just start this year?

Did OP seriously write (2011) for HunterxHunter? You should've wrote (1997) for Berserk just to clarify how fucking trash you are. Are you reading this off Kotaku recommendations?

lord of the rings

>implying your opinion is objective

nearly everyone who has seen over 100 titles agrees SAO is shit but theres people all over the place who like SnK.


I'm just glad naruto, one piece, or Sao aren't on there, solid list I guess

Star wars animated series!

I did, I liked it

one punch?

not true, it parodies the recent boom in "trapped in a game world" light novel adaptions excellently.
It's satire and if you don't watch it as such you'll be underwhelmed.

>not getting the joke
do i need to say congratulations like 20 times for 2 minuets for you to get it? He wrote 2011 because its just a generally accepted thing to do for HxH fans


>Future DIary
What a fag. literally there are dozens of series in the same genre that are objectively better than that.

>Elfen Lied
>Future Diary

everyone agrees that HxH2011 is the superior adaption
this postis extremely stupid and great bait if thats what your going for. NGE is one of the most normie anime there is. (though I personally liked it)

And your list?

2. Monster
3. Tatami Galaxy
4. Welcome to the NHK
5. Gits SAC
6. Macross
7. Neon Genesis Evangelion + End
8. Serial Experiments Lain
10. Kaiji

Posting while knowing I'll be shit on for my taste

1. DBZ
2. Akame ga Kill
3. Naruto
4. Cowboy Bebop
5. Claymore
6. Darker than Black
7. Sword Art Online
8. Seven Deadly Sins
9. Gurren Lagaan
10. Deadman Wonderland


>not liking elfen lied
i agree there are better, but hey someones gotta like it.

It's a rose colored glasses thing, shows like SAO and mirai nikki are the ones to pull people into anime because the description of them appeals to normies.

Hell yes.

not in any order but these I r8 8/10 or higher

Psycho pass
Prison school
Samurai champloo
One punch man
death note
Trinity blood
Eureka seven
Blood plus


So does anyone else secretly like Yugioh 5ds? its my guilty pleasure show, its a lot different than the other series and is honestly a lot more fucked up. within the first season a character is electrocuted to death and yusei shorukens a nigga.
>Not to mention that OP 2 Last Train is god tier

Does it have to be a series?




Not sure if bait. 2/10


Started out reading the manga first but that show is really nicely animated


Can you be stereotypical?

Wtf is that called

yeah i get that a lot

I guess? I like what I like bro lol

Da best.


OP here, if movies count then obviously add Akira, its normie shit but its too good not to be a favorite

I'm a faggot, AMA

Death note?
Gunsmith cats?

Nothing yugioh can be good

Yeah I don't share any of those in my ten but there were at least 6 that I thought were good

I'm pretty sure this is from 'Paprika'

It's a dream sequence.

you missed 9
my man
1 good
2 Bad adaption
3 Filler ridden and general time burner
4 Cowboy Bebop
5 On PTW
6 Cool as fuck
7 overhyped tron
8 fun i guess
9 anime of the century 11/10
10 bad adaption

You can like whatever you want, taste is subjective, you'll enjoy other shows more if you realize that you're just looking at SAO and naruto with nostalgia (and thats OK)

10. Serial Experiments Lain
9. Claymore
8. Steins;Gate
7. Mawaru Penguindrum
6. Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
5. Shiki
4. Code Geass
3. Kara no Kyoukai
2. Shinsekai Yori
1. Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Samurai champlo

i respect this

Sailor moon

code geass / fma brotherhood / gurren lagan / psycho-pass / baccano / parasyte / planetes / hunter x hunter /cowboy bebop / trigun

Oh shit you know what I did end up watching that film, really weird with the whole dream world they go in. Not really a dream world but still. Need to re watch it when I'm not high

Meh, add some studio ghibli shit

>best episode of FLCL is 5
prove me wrong.
just to be clear all of the episodes are 10/10 but 5 is 10.1/10

Just the one movie, but definitely worth the watch.

Its a pretty good time the whole time.

1. Cory in the house: IMO a really good anime but really underrated and disliked for its unusual animation. Its a great slice of life dealing with puberty.

2. Toy story: a great horror anime, its 3d animation is quite interesting and it makes the monsters even more scarier.

3. Spongebob: im honestly not sure why no one has mentioned this anime, its probably one of the best comedies with great fluid fight scenes.

4. Steven universe: this show deals with equal rights and how to deal with women. Good anime overall.

5. Archer: great spy anime, lots of famous VAs and of course great animation. First couple seasons are great but near season 5 it slows down a bit but its still good.

Cant make a list because I like some anime the same but still can say with I think are the best

Re:Zero (not yet finished I think)
Mirai Nikki (damn dat ending got me)
Snk (because duh)
SAO the first 13 eps I think (sad that it became so autistic)
Ao no Exorcist (I know it's kinda Normie shit but I still fukn love it)
One punch man (just funny)

Again it has no order just the ones I generally like the most I think

U only get the jokes when ur a real otaku

My nigga

#9 would be Space Ship Yamato or Escaflowne

How's moms basement

all of berserk too

1.Looney Toon
3.Top Cat
4. JabberJaw
5. Scooby Doo

Eh I don't know, Naruto I can see it being from the nostalgia as to why I kept with it but SAO online I just found recently. I'm a sucker for crap teen romance I guess

I included deathnote in my list of anime's (not op) surprised it hasn't been mentioned more.

my boi sao has no tension since the AI bitch can respawn and tank shit. also incest is not okay

What is SOA?

because no one liked it after L died. It is a solid 7/10 tho

Yeah I watched it on hulu one time after getting dome smoke, and I ended up smoking so much that the entire movie was just a mind fuck, I'm going to re watch it probably today now that I remembered the name. Really appreciate it sober

1. Saber Marionette J
2. Ah! My Goddess: The Movie
3. One Piece
4. Neon Genesis Evangelion
5. Hunter X Hunter (both)
6. Mai Hime/Mai Otome
7. Hellsing Ultimate
8. The Irresponsible Captain Tylor
9. The Record of Lodoss War OAV
10. Video Girl Ai

Honorable mention goes out to Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland because nostalgia.


>I know it's kinda Normie shit but I still fukn love it)
Your whole list is a normie list kek.

Spirited away
Tatami Galaxy

8/10 list user

Anime is gay as hell.
Prove me wrong
Pro Tip: anime is gay as hell

>Re:Zero (not yet finished I think)
tryhard edgy
>Mirai Nikki (damn dat ending got me)
>Snk (because duh)
>SAO the first 13 eps I think (sad that it became so autistic)
how do you even keep up with the autism
>Ao no Exorcist (I know it's kinda Normie shit but I still fukn love it)
it's ok I guess
>One punch man (just funny)
could've been done better

I re watched naruto after 4 fucking times because I could never get past the first episode. Its honestly not that bad of an anime once you start to notice the character development and naruto stops acting so damn childish. I watched SOA up until he and home girl adopt that AI as their child? And she starts calling her ''mom''??? Yeah I was out, not for me
Shit if you're that far into the anime may as well finish it, I think there was only 4 episodes left after he died