How often do you think about suicide?

How often do you think about suicide?

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constantly, i was turned into an outsider and i have no idea why.


not much

Can you wake up?

Same situation here

Maybe 3 times a year. And you OP?

no i can't wake up, in all seriousness though, i really have been outcasted for no reason, bitterness is a terrible taste.

Wait.. you can't think of anything else?

ever figure out why out?
i still can't.

good question

every few weeks

I used to all the time. Then I got my shit together.

Not even once so far, even tho im a 26 yo kissless virgin who lives with hes parents and has no job and havent had a job in about 2 years.

Never, Harambe would like if we valued life more after his tragedy.

pretty rarely think of suicide but pretty regularly think about wanting to/deserving to die. Probably 2-3 times on a good day and then for an hour or more on a when I feel like I'm being a shittier person than normal


And don't give me some bs answer similar to "I just stopped giving a fuck" or "I manned up".

Once in a while, honestly...

Also, Minnie May is what brought me to this thread

Constantly, OP, why?

Alot still stuggling in my 40's ...

I want to live forever

Telomere regeneration when

You tell me, why do you think about suicide?

Numerous times a day.

I had thoughts of suicide pretty rarely. But i had a phase where I wouldn't stop thinking how my parents, family and friends would react to my death in a couple of scenarios.

Never have.

also my life in a nutshell.

every week

All the fucking time.
I also tried once, and fucked it up. Regretting the fact it didn't succeed ever since.
Only reason i'm not going for it again right now is that i need to take care of my cat, nobody will if i off myself.

From the age of 12 all I have ever wanted to do is die, I am pretty suicidal when it comes to what I do with my time, I believe it is a mixture of lack of confidence in myself and boredem, I see nothing when it comes to my future, I'm popular and have good friends, I am a good actor so when I am with them I seem like the happiest guy in the world. Ultimately I think I'm just bored and lazy.

Often but after i tried once i cannot commint one.

What did you try?
Also, just bring her to an animal shelter or give her away for free.

Half a year or more but I want to see what technology comes out and I realize I'll die soon enough anyways

When I was younger yes, but now not at all. I might consider self-sacrifice to save my friends from a suicide bomber or something like that, but otherwise nope. It would be too ironic for me to kill myself after being the optimistic one who checks on all the depressed fucks and stops them from becoming an hero. Also I'm pretty sure it would fuck everyone up considering I'm always retardedly happy to them. The retarded happiness is like a barrier against depression, and luckily my good friends share my retarded sense of humour, so they stay happy and undepressed too.

Pic related, MFW it's a pool party that I for once get invited to.

''I manned up'' is a fitting term tho. I forced myself not to think about it. It is hard to explain, but whenever such thoughts occured, I tried to shove them away and played some games, read a book...

Furthermore I started to work voluntarily in a daycare and later on in a retirement home. Made me really think about how precious life actually is and that ending it is not a solution. Even sick old people who were often in pain loved their lifes.
This social work helps greatly

Well I was in a dead end relationship for 3 years with a woman I hated. Drank all the time, hated my job and was super overweight. My friend let me move into one of his rental properties for basically the cost of insurance and taxes. I filed bankruptcy. Finally figured out what I want to do with my life. Ended my relationship and we stayed friends, but I'm 33 no kids, never been married and I don't think I want to do that shit. Just exploring your options and really getting to know yourself and pursuing what you want is very freeing. It takes action. I'm still fat as fuck, but I'm walking and eating better. Take it one day at a time. And the best thing I can recommend: writing in a journal. You may think you know what you want, but once you see it in writing and you unwind all of your recent events, you just feel like you have a better comprehension of your life and it just makes you feel better. I started mine two months ago when my grandpa died.

Something needs to have happened prior to you "manning up", it doesn't just happen on its own out of nowhere.
There needs to have been a catalyst.

>animal shelter
she will be "put to sleep" in less than 2 weeks.
>give her away
maybe at some point. The thing is i do love my cat.

>What did you try?
sticking a kitchen knife in my chest.
It was later revealed to me that i was born with dextocardia, so my heart isn't exactly where i expected it to be. I fucking missed it, couldn't handle the pain well enough to go for a second strike, was found pretty fast and ended up living.

Grow the fuck up.

what i was rejected by society so now i'm saving up to go subsistence farm, fuck this narcissistic culture of greed and sexuality, i just want happiness.

literately everyday

>sticking a kitchen knife in my chest
Jesus, that's pretty ballsy.
Why would you choose such a gruesome, agonizing way to end it?

Started trying when I was 12 I think. Started to think about death more and realize death might be worse than life, so I just keep living.

I think about it for around 6-7 years now. I successfully ended my study and I'm now working at a good job in the IT. Still I don't see any progression in my suicide thoughts. I think because I don't believe in a god and I see live like something depressive and ugly. Still I can enjoy good music, weed, friends etc. I just hope I don't go to far in it one day.

pills fail 80% of the time
jumping from a high place gets attention, i don't have any abandoned bridges around, and roof access to high buildings isn't that easy. Plus that can always fail as well, and leave you horribly mutilated for the rest of your life.
I thought it was a 100% safe bet, so i steeled up to get ready for the pain.
Should have succeeded too if my heart was where it should be.

About every hour on the hour. I'd do it, but I'm worried I'd fuck it up and live. Oh well.

The things I wrote are somehow misleading. At least the order is.
As I began to work in the daycare and retirement home (lack of personal and boss to greedy to hire new ones, so my family asked if I could start to work) I had two views, the beginning of life in the daycare and the end of life and was projecting this onto my own one. I guess this was the trigger; I discovered the beauty of life. I wanted to die at an old age happily, like the people at the retirement home. I did not want to waste this chance to live, I wanted my own children, my own house, a fullfilled happy death. A life shaped after my own wishes, no matter the hardcomings
The suicidal thoughts have gotten less and less and I fought against them. It was especially hard at the end. But I beat it

I advise anyone who has thoughts like these to work socially. It might sound weird, especially on a website like reddit, but it definitely helps.

All the time. This world is only getting more insane as time goes on. Not to mention being born into a deteriorating society where vanity and materialism are seen as virtues. The growing decay of moral values and integrity. If current trends continue we'll see 12 billion people on this planet by the year 2050. I have no interest in investing in a future where there is none.

blame the boomers, they started the narcissist trend, NPD is now the most common mental disorder.

>especially on a website like reddit
you mispoke and revealed yourself traitor.

erryday, might just do it one day.

Didn't know if something like social work would be accepted on a website like this

Source of this pic?

Gunsmith Cats.

gun smith cats


I'm affraid the world is trying to convince me to think about it though.. like some kind of lesson.

I've had constant headaches for over a year now. First one from a pseudotumor cerebri, and the second one from Lyme disease. I've been hurting long enough now that I'm not sure if it's worth waiting to see if I can get better.

about one a week

every day
when I wake up I feel like changing my life
then I go to work / see my parents / look into the mirror and feel like I should just killing myself
then I take drugs, in my case food, and get fatter and fatter
and then I wake up and tell myself I will change everything
then I go to work /

I'm glad I'm not obese at least.
As long as I keep walking about seven miles a day when I'm employed part-time and biking fifteen miles to school and back daily when I'm trying to scrape by on a college degree.


>i have no idea why
bad luck

whenever i don't distract myself from it

Most people who post in these threads have no reason to kill themselves and just say it to be edgy

nice thing about it is that people don't need a logical reason. however they feel is the truth and for some that is enough to go through with it

Hopefully anyway. I truly believe that if suicidal people were allowed to kill themselves, perhaps even allowed assistance, the world would be a better place.

i figured out why for me. It's cos I never smile in public. No one makes me smile tho so why should I(?)


Planning to get some of those dank antidepressants and see if that helps me. I want to die, but I wish I didn't want that. You dig?

Every time I browse Sup Forums